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    Officials in a remote Russian city have drawn up a list of practical tips for locals on how to survive(逃生) encounters with bears, after growing numbers have wandered(漫步,徘徊) into the streets in search of food. The officials in the city...

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  • 2030年人类将需要两个地球

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  • 米歇尔人气飙升 支持率远超奥巴马

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  • 经济衰退让老板和员工走得更近

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  • 过了52岁?你的脾气可能变大

    Britons find being older than 52 is nothing to laugh about because that's the age when they start becoming grumpy(脾气坏的), according to a survey on Friday. The poll of 2,000 Britons found those over 50 laughed far less than their younger co...

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