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Russian warships move into the Black Sea for what Moscow calls naval drills

时间:2022-09-23 02:54来源:互联网 提供网友:nan   字体: [ ]

Russian warships1 move into the Black Sea for what Moscow calls naval2 drills


NPR's Rachel Martin talks to Adm. Mike Mullen, ex-chairman of the Joint4 Chiefs of Staff, about the ships which Russia insists are part of pre-planned naval exercises. Is there more to it than that?


What's it like to watch as Russian warships move into the Black Sea closer to striking distance of Ukraine?

Yoruk Isik is a marine5 consultant6 in Turkey who spends a lot of time watching one of the world's busiest waterways, the Bosporus strait.

YORUK ISIK: This is the only way to have access into the Black Sea. So Russia cares deeply because this is the only way in, and this is the only way out.

MARTIN: We reached him yesterday as the first Russian vessels7 moved through the strait along the Turkish coast into the Black Sea. And we asked him to describe what he was seeing

ISIK: Right now I'm in Istanbul. It's freezing. And it's like a beginning of a crime novel. It's, like, dark, and it's raining crazily. And three giant Russian landing ships pass back to back in the narrow straits of the Bosporus into the Black Sea under the cover of darkness. And these ships - every ship can carry maybe up to 20 tanks.

MARTIN: Now, Russia insists that these ships are part of a pre-planned naval exercise. But are the ship movements part of Putin's increasing threat on Ukraine, or is it a sign he is ready to follow through? We're joined now by former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, retired8 Admiral Mike Mullen. Admiral, thanks for being with us.

MIKE MULLEN: Thanks. Good to be with you, Rachel.

MARTIN: This type of ship is designed for beach landings. And they can carry some pretty heavy weaponry, as we heard there - battalions9 of troops as well. Does it make sense to you that this would all be harmless naval exercises right now?

MULLEN: No. It doesn't make any sense at all in that regard. It is a continuation, I think, of just the buildup that President Putin has generated over these many, many weeks. And as was stated, this is a vital waterway. There's only one way in, one way out. And for the Russians to have forces, you know, in the Black Sea, ready to go ashore10 in a place in a key port like Sevastopol makes a lot of sense if, in fact, he's going to pull the trigger.

MARTIN: Let's talk about that because you have a unique outlook. You have had to weigh different threats from Russia over the course of your career to try to get inside Vladimir Putin's head to some degree. Based on your experience and your current read on the situation, how likely do you think Russia is to try to take over Ukraine by force?

MULLEN: Well, I think like just about everybody else, it's very, very difficult to know exactly what he's going to do. He clearly is poised11. It's not dissimilar to what he did in 2008 before the invasion of Georgia exercise, and then turn that exercise into an invasion. He's clearly - he sent his generals there yesterday. They arrived in Belarus for this exercise. So it certainly gives every indication that the possibility is there. What I think is a little bit different than back then is that I think President Biden and NATO have responded very strongly. It's very clear there's going to be a significant downside for Putin if he does this. I think in a way it's almost backfired, that he's actually strengthened NATO, galvanized NATO. The leadership is together. And, in fact, it could work very much against everything that he wanted to achieve in terms of NATO's strength, with respect to how the future unfolds.

MARTIN: But let me ask you about that, because when I was reporting in Ukraine, I talked to a former member of the Ukrainian parliament who said, the fact that we're even in this position is because Putin never faces consequences. Did the U.S. and NATO make a mistake by not defending Ukraine more aggressively when Russia took its territory back in 2014?

MULLEN: Well, I think - I mean, we can look at it that way. I just - you know, in retrospect12, I don't think it was very likely that we were going to do anything. That said, it's very clear right now that President Biden and NATO are prepared to execute significant consequences. Of great significance will be the financial consequences that I think the leaders - NATO leaders have made very clear. I think yesterday's visit by the German chancellor13 indicates that the possibility that Nord Stream 2, the gas pipeline14, gets cut off is very, very hard. And I think it really isolates16 - it will isolate15 Putin if he decides to do this. And I think one of the things he's after, quite frankly17, similar to Georgia, is a regime change in Ukraine. And one of the big concerns, should he affect that, for me, is the reminder18 that we could have Russian troops back on the Polish border. So there's an awful lot at stake right now. And still, I don't think anybody really knows whether he's going to go in except Putin himself.

MARTIN: U.S. military officials keep talking about a multipronged attack. I mean, as we've mentioned, there are Russian troops in Belarus doing these exercises. Now these war vessels are in the Black Sea. Do you see it coming from the north, south and the east? What is like?

MULLEN: I think if he goes and certainly goes significantly, I do. You know, it's a stark19 reminder that where he is in Belarus right now is a mere20 two hours or so from the capital. And clearly what he could do in the south in the Black Sea we talked about earlier, and then coming in from the east. So basically Ukraine is surrounded. He also could do something of a smaller scale in the east, where he's focused on the Donbas area, and end up with a similar outcome that we had in Georgia, where Abkhazia and Ossetia end up essentially21 being, you know, Russian - almost Russian territories. But it looks like it's going to be a lot stronger than that if he decides to go.

MARTIN: Although Ukraine's military is different today, right? The Ukrainian government has funneled22 billions of dollars to build up their armed forces since 2014, when Russia took Crimea and those provinces. And they're determined23 to fight. So is Russia prepared to fight a well-armed insurgency24 for many years to come?

MULLEN: Well, it looks like - I'm not sure if he's prepared to fight an insurgency for years to come. He learned a pretty stark lesson in Afghanistan. But it's very clear the Ukrainians are prepared to fight, that they will push back strongly. And the estimates of what you see in terms of losses are fairly significant - upwards25 of 50,000 Ukrainians in a recent estimate. And there would be a lot of Russians who died as well. Obviously, he will take that into consideration in making this decision.

MARTIN: Former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mike Mullen - thank you so much.

MULLEN: Thanks, Rachel.


1 warships 9d82ffe40b694c1e8a0fdc6d39c11ad8     
军舰,战舰( warship的名词复数 ); 舰只
  • The enemy warships were disengaged from the battle after suffering heavy casualties. 在遭受惨重伤亡后,敌舰退出了海战。
  • The government fitted out warships and sailors for them. 政府给他们配备了战舰和水手。
2 naval h1lyU     
  • He took part in a great naval battle.他参加了一次大海战。
  • The harbour is an important naval base.该港是一个重要的海军基地。
3 transcript JgpzUp     
  • A transcript of the tapes was presented as evidence in court.一份录音带的文字本作为证据被呈交法庭。
  • They wouldn't let me have a transcript of the interview.他们拒绝给我一份采访的文字整理稿。
4 joint m3lx4     
  • I had a bad fall,which put my shoulder out of joint.我重重地摔了一跤,肩膀脫臼了。
  • We wrote a letter in joint names.我们联名写了封信。
5 marine 77Izo     
  • Marine creatures are those which live in the sea. 海洋生物是生存在海里的生物。
  • When the war broke out,he volunteered for the Marine Corps.战争爆发时,他自愿参加了海军陆战队。
6 consultant 2v0zp3     
  • He is a consultant on law affairs to the mayor.他是市长的一个法律顾问。
  • Originally,Gar had agreed to come up as a consultant.原来,加尔只答应来充当我们的顾问。
7 vessels fc9307c2593b522954eadb3ee6c57480     
n.血管( vessel的名词复数 );船;容器;(具有特殊品质或接受特殊品质的)人
  • The river is navigable by vessels of up to 90 tons. 90 吨以下的船只可以从这条河通过。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • All modern vessels of any size are fitted with radar installations. 所有现代化船只都有雷达装置。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
8 retired Njhzyv     
  • The old man retired to the country for rest.这位老人下乡休息去了。
  • Many retired people take up gardening as a hobby.许多退休的人都以从事园艺为嗜好。
9 battalions 35cfaa84044db717b460d0ff39a7c1bf     
n.(陆军的)一营(大约有一千兵士)( battalion的名词复数 );协同作战的部队;军队;(组织在一起工作的)队伍
  • God is always on the side of the strongest battalions. 上帝总是帮助强者。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
  • Two battalions were disposed for an attack on the air base. 配置两个营的兵力进攻空军基地。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
10 ashore tNQyT     
  • The children got ashore before the tide came in.涨潮前,孩子们就上岸了。
  • He laid hold of the rope and pulled the boat ashore.他抓住绳子拉船靠岸。
11 poised SlhzBU     
  • The hawk poised in mid-air ready to swoop. 老鹰在半空中盘旋,准备俯冲。
  • Tina was tense, her hand poised over the telephone. 蒂娜心情紧张,手悬在电话机上。
12 retrospect xDeys     
  • One's school life seems happier in retrospect than in reality.学校生活回忆起来显得比实际上要快乐。
  • In retrospect,it's easy to see why we were wrong.回顾过去就很容易明白我们的错处了。
13 chancellor aUAyA     
  • They submitted their reports to the Chancellor yesterday.他们昨天向财政大臣递交了报告。
  • He was regarded as the most successful Chancellor of modern times.他被认为是现代最成功的财政大臣。
14 pipeline aNUxN     
  • The pipeline supplies Jordan with 15 per cent of its crude oil.该管道供给约旦15%的原油。
  • A single pipeline serves all the houses with water.一条单管路给所有的房子供水。
15 isolate G3Exu     
  • Do not isolate yourself from others.不要把自己孤立起来。
  • We should never isolate ourselves from the masses.我们永远不能脱离群众。
16 isolates 338356f90b44ba66febab4a4c173b0f7     
v.使隔离( isolate的第三人称单数 );将…剔出(以便看清和单独处理);使(某物质、细胞等)分离;使离析
  • The transformer isolates the transistors with regard to d-c bias voltage. 变压器可在两个晶体管之间隔离直流偏压。 来自辞典例句
  • In regions with certain isolates of TRV, spraining is more prominent. 在具有TRV某些分离物的地区,坏死是比较显著的。 来自辞典例句
17 frankly fsXzcf     
  • To speak frankly, I don't like the idea at all.老实说,我一点也不赞成这个主意。
  • Frankly speaking, I'm not opposed to reform.坦率地说,我不反对改革。
18 reminder WkzzTb     
  • I have had another reminder from the library.我又收到图书馆的催还单。
  • It always took a final reminder to get her to pay her share of the rent.总是得发给她一份最后催缴通知,她才付应该交的房租。
19 stark lGszd     
  • The young man is faced with a stark choice.这位年轻人面临严峻的抉择。
  • He gave a stark denial to the rumor.他对谣言加以完全的否认。
20 mere rC1xE     
  • That is a mere repetition of what you said before.那不过是重复了你以前讲的话。
  • It's a mere waste of time waiting any longer.再等下去纯粹是浪费时间。
21 essentially nntxw     
  • Really great men are essentially modest.真正的伟人大都很谦虚。
  • She is an essentially selfish person.她本质上是个自私自利的人。
22 funneled 2110cc27d60e873203472314639a3c8a     
  • The crowd funneled through the hall. 群众从走廊中鱼贯而过。
  • The large crowd funneled out of the gates after the football match. 足球赛后大群人从各个门中涌出。
23 determined duszmP     
  • I have determined on going to Tibet after graduation.我已决定毕业后去西藏。
  • He determined to view the rooms behind the office.他决定查看一下办公室后面的房间。
24 insurgency dqdzEb     
  • And as in China, unrest and even insurgency are widespread. 而在中国,动乱甚至暴乱都普遍存在。 来自互联网
  • Dr Zyphur is part an insurgency against this idea. 塞弗博士是这一观点逆流的一部分。 来自互联网
25 upwards lj5wR     
  • The trend of prices is still upwards.物价的趋向是仍在上涨。
  • The smoke rose straight upwards.烟一直向上升。
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