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美国国家公共电台 NPR--These hurricane flood maps reveal the climate future for Miami, NYC and D.C.

时间:2023-08-03 06:57来源:互联网 提供网友:nan   字体: [ ]

These hurricane flood maps reveal the climate future for Miami, NYC and D.C.


As climate change warms the planet, drives up sea levels and energizes2 hurricanes, the arsenal3 of dangerous impacts delivered by the fierce storms is expected to get supercharged.

Among the most worrisome: powerful flooding from storm surge.

Rising seas and stronger winds mean the punishing waves pushed ashore4 by tropical storms and hurricanes will make their way farther and farther inland. That inland march would expose a larger swath of the U.S. coast to the kind of flooding unleashed5 during Hurricanes Katrina and Sandy, and put more people at risk of drowning, the leading cause of death in hurricanes.

An NPR analysis based on modeling from the National Hurricane Center for three critical regions — New York City, Washington, D.C., and Miami-Dade County — found future sea rise alone could expose about 720,000 more people to flooding in the decades to come.

The analysis used three landmark6 hurricanes — Sandy, Isabel, and Irma — as benchmarks to understand how the impacts of storm surge could grow.

In all three regions, flooding from storm surge that once lingered along the coast travels miles farther inland and grows deeper. By 2080, when sea rise could reach more than three feet, flooding would engulf7 even more critical infrastructure8, including hospitals and schools that often provide shelter.

"Every bit of sea level that we add to this just makes this kind of scenario9 worse," said Brian Haus, a hurricane researcher at the University of Miami's Rosenstiel School of Marine10 and Atmospheric11 Science, who studies the damaging power of storm surge.

Unlike flood waters from rainfall or overflowing12 canals or rivers, storm surge also carries the power of wind, he said. When a hurricane makes landfall, winds powerful enough to rip a roof off a house push a wall of water onto shore.

"Each time a wave hits, it's just a big spike," Haus said. "That kind of repetitive shock loading is the kind of thing that causes a lot of structural13 failure."

The National Hurricane Center began testing surge forecasts in 2014 and issued the first official forecasts in 2017, the year Hurricane Irma slammed Florida and triggered the largest evacuation in the state's history.

"Storm surge was killing14 people more than any other hazard. So they went on this campaign to figure out how can we do something in a way that people understand," said Cody Fritz, who leads the hurricane center's storm surge unit and conducted the modeling for NPR.

Over the years, the center improved its surge model, adding sophisticated layers that provide a more detailed15 projection16 of how that water travels over land.

"Realistically, you can zoom17 down to where the water might be," Fritz said. "We're not that good that we can [locate your] mailbox, but you have a pretty good idea of what risk you might have to deal with."

Five years ago, Hurricane Irma aimed its mighty18 force at Miami, putting the nation's seventh-most populated county in the crosshairs of one of the most powerful storms on record.

"It was clear that basically everything east of U.S.1 would be under nine feet of water, which includes my house," said Brian Haus, the University of Miami researcher who studies the damaging impacts from storm surge. "This would have been the complete worst-case scenario for everything in South Dade [County]."

Instead, the storm swerved19 left and crossed the Lower Keys, sparing the crowded coast from the worst of its flooding.

But what if Irma had stayed its course? As seas rise, storm surge projections20 modeled by the National Hurricane Center suggest the scenario Haus feared could become dramatically worse. It's a particularly urgent threat for the low-lying southern end of the county, where fast-growing suburbs are squeezed between two national parks and a shrinking farming community.

Using an array of data including wind speeds and other atmospheric conditions during Irma, as well as topography and other features onshore, the National Hurricane Center modeled the depth and extent of flooding Irma would have produced had the center of the storm made landfall in Miami-Dade County.

Fritz, the center's storm surge chief, then added the latest sea level rise projections for the coming years from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to depict21 worsening storm surge.

Flooding already at lethal22 levels under today's conditions would top nine feet farther and farther inland as waters rise. An NPR analysis using 2020 Census23 data found the number of people at risk could nearly double by 2080, based on NOAA's likely sea level rise projection of just over 2.5 feet.

After Hurricane Andrew swept through in 1992 and decimated the area, South Florida has continued to see repeated strikes or near-misses by tropical storms or hurricanes. Yet construction in the county has boomed almost non-stop.

Developments like Crystal Cay, Silver Palms and Pine Vista24 replaced tomato fields and marshes25. According to data from the University of Florida, 52 percent of developed lots in the area of southern Miami-Dade County pictured in the map below have been built since Andrew. That's more than 44,000 out of about 85,000 parcels with structures.

Of that post-Andrew construction, just over a third is already vulnerable to flooding from a storm like Irma. By 2080, nearly two-thirds (28,000) of those recently developed lots will be at risk.

When a powerful storm comes, "Nothing to do but sit there, and pray and wait."

A U.S. Air Force base and nuclear power plant would be among the critical facilities hit by the surge. The plant's reactors26 are elevated about 20 feet above sea level, but roads needed to carry diesel27 fuel and other supplies to a shuttered plant would be under more than nine feet of water.

Black residents in South Florida would be three times more likely to be flooded, a higher rate than the rest of the population, according to an analysis by Tampa Bay Times data editor Langston Taylor.

The tiny village of Cutler Bay would be one of the many places to bear the full brunt of the surge. Just this past June, flooding from what would become the first named storm of this year's hurricane season submerged parts of the town, including Craig Emmanuel's street.

"You went to sleep on dry land and you woke up and the streets were flooded," said Emmanuel, who nearly missed his son's fifth grade graduation. "I don't think anyone was prepared for it to be as high as it was."

In nearby Richmond Heights, where Emmanuel grew up and his parents rebuilt their house after Andrew, flooding could be between six feet and nine feet deep in just four decades. The historic black community, built after World War II for returning vets28, sits more than five miles from the coast.

And that kind of inland flooding can complicate29 evacuation plans. State emergency managers say it would take about a day to evacuate30 coastal31 neighborhoods. When flooding reaches inland communities, evacuation times more than triple.

Tim Meerbott, Cutler Bay's mayor and a lifelong resident, helped found the village in 2005 partly to help recover from Andrew, a storm he rode out hiding in his garage with his family.

"We didn't have near as many residents back then. We didn't have near as much concrete back then," he said. "Andrew had 165 mile an hour sustained winds and you're up to your shoulders in water. What do you do? Nothing to do but sit there, and pray and wait."

Superstorm Sandy was the deadliest storm of the 2012 hurricane season. Over 48 hours, it damaged or destroyed nearly 800 buildings across New York City, including 70,000 housing units and left about 2 million people without electricity. Forty-three people in the city died as a result and damage was estimated at $19 billion. The preparation and response was one of the largest mobilizations of public services in history, according to the city.

The consequences of a similar storm in the future could be even worse.

With rising sea levels, the National Hurricane Center's model predicts that the extent and depth of storm surge will grow dramatically across the five boroughs32. NPR's analysis found that the number of New Yorkers directly threatened by flooding could more than double from about 207,000 in 2020 to 468,000 in 2080.

Superstorm Sandy slammed 35 public housing developments managed by the New York City Housing Administration (NYCHA), leaving tens of thousands of low-income New Yorkers without power. Other types of affordable33 housing were hit hard, too: about 24,000 apartments were in the path of the storm surge, according to data from New York University's Furman Center.

Claudia Perez lives in the Washington Houses in East Harlem and is president of the residents' association. She recalled watching the floodwaters surge around the local hospital.

"Sandy was really scary," she said. "When you see a hospital going underwater, you're like, 'Oh my God, what's going on here?' "

Future storms, coupled with sea level rise from climate change, will flood even more low-income New Yorkers' apartments, exacerbating34 an ongoing35 affordable housing crisis. An NPR analysis of data from the National Hurricane Center (NHC) predicts that a Sandy-like storm could flood more than 50 NYCHA developments by 2080.

Nationally, one study projects three times as many low-income homes at risk of frequent flooding by 2050.

"People in affordable housing are more exposed to flooding, and they have the least resources to deal with it," said Bernice Rosenzweig, a professor of environmental studies at Sarah Lawrence College.

Disasters often leave a legacy36 that involves a struggle to adapt with the resources left behind. In East Harlem, for example, Sandy's floodwaters damaged parts of Metro37 North Plaza38 and the East River Houses, two NYCHA developments. Both received funding from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for repairs and upgrades, which are still in progress.

The nearby Washington Houses were outside Sandy's main inundation39 zone, so it wasn't eligible40 for the same FEMA-funded resiliency upgrades. But the NHC data predicts that, as early as 2050, a comparable storm could bring floodwaters to the development's door, putting residents and infrastructure at risk.

Million dollars homes built in storm surge zones

Across the East River in Brooklyn, upscale neighborhoods also are at risk. The blue door for the El Pinguino oyster41 bar sits on Greenpoint Avenue, a few steps from the luxury tower-studded skyline of the waterfront.

Owner Nicholas Padilla has come to dread42 the rain. At any given time in his dirt basement, Padilla can dig about six inches deep and hit water.

Padilla's first restaurant in the area, Alameda, was flooded with six feet of water and raw sewage by Sandy, costing him tens of thousands of dollars in damages, shortly after he had signed the lease. But he won't leave until the flood waters chase him permanently43 from his business and his home, located less than a block away. He doesn't know where else to live.

"It's New York City. It's so hard to find somewhere to go. It just feels like people will just live here until it's in the river," Padilla said.

Several parts of New York City's waterfront, including the neighborhoods of Greenpoint and Williamsburg in Brooklyn, are booming with development. The local community board estimates that 40,000 residents were added to both waterfront areas in the past decade — many in new high-rise towers right along the East River. Despite sea level rise, this property ranks among the most valuable in the city — with median sales around $1.2 million last year.

Over the next 30 years, tide and storm surges will bring damaging flooding here at a frequency that will be more than 10 times as often as it does today, according to other data from NOAA.

Advocates and environmental experts are urging the city, state and federal government to prepare its housing stock for coming storms. Some are calling for building upgrades, so New Yorkers aren't trapped in powerless, hazardous44 apartments and houses the next time the storms arrive. Others say the time to depart is now.

"We can't control the ocean, not even with sea walls," said Dr. Klaus Jacob, a geophysicist and climate expert at Columbia University's Climate School. "We need to start moving people to higher ground now, and using the coastal areas as a barrier."

With Hurricane Isabel still churning off the coast of North Carolina, on Sept. 18, 2003, Washington, D.C., and federal officials decided45 to shut down the nation's capital. Metro trains and buses stopped running more than 12 hours before the storm hit the city, and 350,000 federal workers were told to stay home.

The storm blew into the District in the middle of the night, with winds of up to 65 miles per hour, pushing a bulge46 of water up the Potomac and Anacostia Rivers from the Chesapeake Bay.

The Potomac crested47 at 11.3 ft. above normal – beating the previous storm surge record from 1933. Flooding and downed trees caused an estimated $125 million in damages in D.C., according to the National Weather Service, with millions more in the surrounding suburbs in Maryland and Virginia.

But unlike the other examples in this story, most of the flooding occurred on waterfront parks, including parts of the National Mall, the grassy48 expanse near the White House dotted with monuments.

In coming decades, as the Potomac and Anacostia rivers rise because of climate change, more areas will be inundated49 by storm surge flooding. But even in 2080, with sea level three feet higher or more, waterfront parks would absorb the brunt of flooding from storm surges, leaving most homes and businesses dry.

According to the National Hurricane Center's storm surge models and NPR's analysis of 2020 Census data, just 2,100 Washingtonians are likely to be threatened by an Isabel-like storm in 2080, up from 600 people in 2020, due to sea level rise. That's a relatively50 small number of people in a city of nearly 700,000.

A 150-year-old federal park building frenzy51

"D.C. got lucky," says David Ramos, who teaches graphic52 design at American University and has studied and mapped Washington's historic waterways.

Without intending to, early D.C. planners built in a degree of resilience to the waterfront. It started in the late 1870s, when the Army Corps53 of Engineers began dredging the silted-up Potomac, where Ramos says "a giant, smelly mudflat" had formed near the White House – a consequence of deforestation upstream and a lack of sanitation54 in the city.

The Army Corps built new land with the dredged up muck, creating miles of new shoreline. This reclaimed55 land is now the most at-risk for flooding in the city.

Ramos says the river dredging project happened to coincide with a federal park-building frenzy – the results of which can be seen in the expansive green spaces of today's National Mall.

"Most of the American cities that had big amounts of landfill decided to build housing or businesses on it," Ramos says. In D.C., the vast majority of new riverfront land became parks, nowadays managed by the National Park Service.

"There was no thought at the time about resiliency, withstanding flood damage and things of that sort," says historian John Wennersten, who has authored several books about D.C. waterways. "It was creating more land space for the development of what they called 'monumental Washington,' between 1890 and 1920. Inadvertently, it offered a modicum56 of protection against storms and tidal surges."

In addition to this "inadvertent" protection, the federal government also constructed a levee system to protect agency headquarters located in low-lying areas downtown.

D.C. also lucked out in terms of geography: the city is farther inland than many East Coast cities, and it is located on the fall line – the place where the coastal plain transitions to higher, hillier land. Much of the city is built on the uphill side of the fall line.

Increasing pressure to build in areas that will flood

In today's Washington, the few riverfront areas that aren't parks are among the fastest growing neighborhoods in the city, as developers turn old industrial areas into luxury apartments and condos.

"The city is not going to stop building," says Meredith Upchurch, with the D.C. Department of Energy and Environment. "We still need to be using a lot of those areas for residential57 housing, for commerce. People want to be near the river – it's a very desirable place."

The city is updating floodplain regulations to account for rising sea levels, which Upchurch says will more than double the number of buildings considered flood prone58 and subject to flood-proofing requirements.

And while D.C. "got lucky" in terms of storm surge flooding, compared to other East Coast cities, it's still at high risk from other types of flooding that are being made worse by climate change.

The worst floods in recent years, says Upchurch, have been caused by interior flooding, when a storm dumps more rain on the city than storm drains can handle. Unlike storm surges, there is little to no warning for these events, and flooding can happen miles from a river.

"The storms are just more frequent, more intense and more unpredictable," Upchurch says, noting severe interior flooding has occurred in D.C. in 2018, 2019 and 2020.

According to climate modeling conducted by the city, this type of flooding will only get worse. What is now considered a 100-year storm (with a 1-in-100 chance of occurring in any given year) is projected to be a 15-year storm by 2080 – more than six times as likely to occur.

In a worst-case scenario, interior flooding could coincide with a storm surge, and even with flood waters coming from upstream in the Potomac watershed59. In fact, that's what officials were preparing for in 2003 – why the entire city shut down ahead of the storm. Forecasters warned of up to 12 inches of rain; after Isabel passed through, less than an inch had fallen on the city.

"If it looks scary, it is"

Looking to the future, climate and hurricane experts say the nation needs to seriously rethink how it inhabits such vulnerable areas. Early planners unwittingly spared the nation's capital. But in bustling60 regions like New York and South Florida, catastrophic hurricanes have done little to slow growth in areas where risk becomes more dangerous and more costly61. In South Florida alone, future sea rise could nearly double the number of structures in the path of flooding.

"The hardest part with disaster planning is that it's just so difficult to imagine," said Katherine Hagemann, Miami-Dade County's adaptation manager. "I think a lot about this worst case scenario. But that's not the way that most people live."

And that's where the hurricane center thinks it can help. The agency ultimately hopes to replicate62 the modeling along the entire U.S. coast, said Cody Fritz, the hurricane center storm surge chief.

"When you raise the sea level, it will change the game in terms of the hazard of storm surge," Fritz said. "If it looks scary, it is."


The projections of storm surge used in this story were produced by the Storm Surge Unit at the National Hurricane Center. The researchers provided models of possible storm surge under three different sea level rise scenarios63 — Intermediate-Low, Intermediate, and Intermediate-High — which are possible depending on how climate change unfolds. For the analysis and maps in this story, NPR used the storm surge models based on the Intermediate sea level rise scenario. The storm surge models have intrinsic uncertainty64, and NPR excluded storm surge flooding of less than 1 foot from the maps and analysis because it falls within the likely margin65 of error. For more information on the sea level rise scenarios, see the National Ocean Service's 2022 Sea Level Rise Technical Report.

The hypothetical track for Irma is based on a forecasted track from the actual storm in 2019.

To project how many people could be directly threatened by storm surge, NPR used 2020 Census data to analyze66 how many people live within the projected inundation zone for each time step. The analysis only considered the potential impacts of the flooding within Miami-Dade County, New York City, and the District of Columbia, respectively, and the analysis does not take into account population growth, migration67, or mitigation efforts.

To determine the percentage of lots developed in southern Miami-Dade County since Hurricane Andrew, NPR used parcel data hosted by the Florida Geographic68 Data Library and created by the University of Florida GeoPlan Center. To visualize69 the rapid development, the parcel data was joined to building footprints data created by Microsoft.

The NYCHA developments data was downloaded from NYC Open Data.

The base maps for the other regions also include the building footprints data from Microsoft, as well as road and water data from OpenStreetMap.


1 transcript JgpzUp     
  • A transcript of the tapes was presented as evidence in court.一份录音带的文字本作为证据被呈交法庭。
  • They wouldn't let me have a transcript of the interview.他们拒绝给我一份采访的文字整理稿。
2 energizes 787792af160c07b0ff338767569e77bb     
v.给予…精力,能量( energize的第三人称单数 );使通电
  • However, heating energizes the vibrational, rotational, and electronic motions all at once. 但是,加热会一下子把振动、转动和电子运动统统加强。 来自英汉非文学 - 科技
  • Purpose always produces passion. Nothing energizes like a clear purpose. 目的往往会带来热忱,没有任何东西比清晰的目的更有动力。 来自互联网
3 arsenal qNPyF     
  • Even the workers at the arsenal have got a secret organization.兵工厂工人暗中也有组织。
  • We must be the great arsenal of democracy.我们必须成为民主的大军火库。
4 ashore tNQyT     
  • The children got ashore before the tide came in.涨潮前,孩子们就上岸了。
  • He laid hold of the rope and pulled the boat ashore.他抓住绳子拉船靠岸。
5 unleashed unleashed     
v.把(感情、力量等)释放出来,发泄( unleash的过去式和过去分词 )
  • The government's proposals unleashed a storm of protest in the press. 政府的提案引发了新闻界的抗议浪潮。
  • The full force of his rage was unleashed against me. 他把所有的怒气都发泄在我身上。 来自《简明英汉词典》
6 landmark j2DxG     
  • The Russian Revolution represents a landmark in world history.俄国革命是世界历史上的一个里程碑。
  • The tower was once a landmark for ships.这座塔曾是船只的陆标。
7 engulf GPgzD     
  • Floodwaters engulf a housing project in the Bajo Yuna community in central Dominican Republic.洪水吞没了多米尼加中部巴杰优那社区的一处在建的住房工程项目。
  • If we are not strong enough to cover all the minds up,then they will engulf us,and we are in danger.如果我们不够坚强来抵挡大众的意念,就会有被他们吞没的危险。
8 infrastructure UbBz5     
  • We should step up the development of infrastructure for research.加强科学基础设施建设。
  • We should strengthen cultural infrastructure and boost various types of popular culture.加强文化基础设施建设,发展各类群众文化。
9 scenario lZoxm     
  • But the birth scenario is not completely accurate.然而分娩脚本并非完全准确的。
  • This is a totally different scenario.这是完全不同的剧本。
10 marine 77Izo     
  • Marine creatures are those which live in the sea. 海洋生物是生存在海里的生物。
  • When the war broke out,he volunteered for the Marine Corps.战争爆发时,他自愿参加了海军陆战队。
11 atmospheric 6eayR     
  • Sea surface temperatures and atmospheric circulation are strongly coupled.海洋表面温度与大气环流是密切相关的。
  • Clouds return radiant energy to the surface primarily via the atmospheric window.云主要通过大气窗区向地表辐射能量。
12 overflowing df84dc195bce4a8f55eb873daf61b924     
n. 溢出物,溢流 adj. 充沛的,充满的 动词overflow的现在分词形式
  • The stands were overflowing with farm and sideline products. 集市上农副产品非常丰富。
  • The milk is overflowing. 牛奶溢出来了。
13 structural itXw5     
  • The storm caused no structural damage.风暴没有造成建筑结构方面的破坏。
  • The North American continent is made up of three great structural entities.北美大陆是由三个构造单元组成的。
14 killing kpBziQ     
  • Investors are set to make a killing from the sell-off.投资者准备清仓以便大赚一笔。
  • Last week my brother made a killing on Wall Street.上个周我兄弟在华尔街赚了一大笔。
15 detailed xuNzms     
  • He had made a detailed study of the terrain.他对地形作了缜密的研究。
  • A detailed list of our publications is available on request.我们的出版物有一份详细的目录备索。
16 projection 9Rzxu     
  • Projection takes place with a minimum of awareness or conscious control.投射在最少的知觉或意识控制下发生。
  • The projection of increases in number of house-holds is correct.对户数增加的推算是正确的。
17 zoom VenzWT     
  • The airplane's zoom carried it above the clouds.飞机的陡直上升使它飞到云层之上。
  • I live near an airport and the zoom of passing planes can be heard night and day.我住在一个飞机场附近,昼夜都能听到飞机飞过的嗡嗡声。
18 mighty YDWxl     
  • A mighty force was about to break loose.一股巨大的力量即将迸发而出。
  • The mighty iceberg came into view.巨大的冰山出现在眼前。
19 swerved 9abd504bfde466e8c735698b5b8e73b4     
v.(使)改变方向,改变目的( swerve的过去式和过去分词 )
  • She swerved sharply to avoid a cyclist. 她猛地急转弯,以躲开一个骑自行车的人。
  • The driver has swerved on a sudden to avoid a file of geese. 为了躲避一队鹅,司机突然来个急转弯。 来自《简明英汉词典》
20 projections 7275a1e8ba6325ecfc03ebb61a4b9192     
预测( projection的名词复数 ); 投影; 投掷; 突起物
  • Their sales projections are a total thumbsuck. 他们的销售量预测纯属估计。
  • The council has revised its projections of funding requirements upwards. 地方议会调高了对资金需求的预测。
21 depict Wmdz5     
  • I don't care to see plays or films that depict murders or violence.我不喜欢看描写谋杀或暴力的戏剧或电影。
  • Children's books often depict farmyard animals as gentle,lovable creatures.儿童图书常常把农场的动物描写得温和而可爱。
22 lethal D3LyB     
  • A hammer can be a lethal weapon.铁锤可以是致命的武器。
  • She took a lethal amount of poison and died.她服了致命剂量的毒药死了。
23 census arnz5     
  • A census of population is taken every ten years.人口普查每10年进行一次。
  • The census is taken one time every four years in our country.我国每四年一次人口普查。
24 vista jLVzN     
  • From my bedroom window I looked out on a crowded vista of hills and rooftops.我从卧室窗口望去,远处尽是连绵的山峦和屋顶。
  • These uprisings come from desperation and a vista of a future without hope.发生这些暴动是因为人们被逼上了绝路,未来看不到一点儿希望。
25 marshes 9fb6b97bc2685c7033fce33dc84acded     
n.沼泽,湿地( marsh的名词复数 )
  • Cows were grazing on the marshes. 牛群在湿地上吃草。
  • We had to cross the marshes. 我们不得不穿过那片沼泽地。 来自《简明英汉词典》
26 reactors 774794d45796c1ac60b7fda5e55a878b     
起反应的人( reactor的名词复数 ); 反应装置; 原子炉; 核反应堆
  • The TMI nuclear facility has two reactors. 三哩岛核设施有两个反应堆。 来自英汉非文学 - 环境法 - 环境法
  • The earliest production reactors necessarily used normal uranium as fuel. 最早为生产用的反应堆,必须使用普通铀作为燃料。
27 diesel ql6zo     
  • We experimented with diesel engines to drive the pumps.我们试着用柴油机来带动水泵。
  • My tractor operates on diesel oil.我的那台拖拉机用柴油开动。
28 vets 3e28450179d627638b3132ebb3ba0906     
abbr.veterans (复数)老手,退伍军人;veterinaries (复数)兽医n.兽医( vet的名词复数 );老兵;退伍军人;兽医诊所v.审查(某人过去的记录、资格等)( vet的第三人称单数 );调查;检查;诊疗
  • I helped train many young vets and veterinary nurses too. 我还帮助培训了许多年青的兽医和护士。 来自互联网
  • In fact, we've expanded mental health counseling and services for our vets. 实际上,我们已经扩大了退伍军人的心理健康咨询和服务。 来自互联网
29 complicate zX1yA     
  • There is no need to complicate matters.没有必要使问题复杂化。
  • These events will greatly complicate the situation.这些事件将使局势变得极其复杂。
30 evacuate ai1zL     
  • We must evacuate those soldiers at once!我们必须立即撤出这些士兵!
  • They were planning to evacuate the seventy American officials still in the country.他们正计划转移仍滞留在该国的70名美国官员。
31 coastal WWiyh     
  • The ocean waves are slowly eating away the coastal rocks.大海的波浪慢慢地侵蚀着岸边的岩石。
  • This country will fortify the coastal areas.该国将加强沿海地区的防御。
32 boroughs 26e1dcec7122379b4ccbdae7d6030dba     
(尤指大伦敦的)行政区( borough的名词复数 ); 议会中有代表的市镇
  • London is made up of 32 boroughs. 伦敦由三十二个行政区组成。
  • Brooklyn is one of the five boroughs of New York City. 布鲁克林区是纽约市的五个行政区之一。
33 affordable kz6zfq     
  • The rent for the four-roomed house is affordable.四居室房屋的房租付得起。
  • There are few affordable apartments in big cities.在大城市中没有几所公寓是便宜的。
34 exacerbating ff803ca871efdf0c67b248b5a1095f6e     
v.使恶化,使加重( exacerbate的现在分词 )
  • This pedagogical understretch is exacerbating social inequalities. 这种教学张力不足加重了社会不平等。 来自互联网
  • High fertilizer prices are exacerbating the problem. 高涨的肥料价格更加加剧了问题的恶化。 来自互联网
35 ongoing 6RvzT     
  • The problem is ongoing.这个问题尚未解决。
  • The issues raised in the report relate directly to Age Concern's ongoing work in this area.报告中提出的问题与“关心老人”组织在这方面正在做的工作有直接的关系。
36 legacy 59YzD     
  • They are the most precious cultural legacy our forefathers left.它们是我们祖先留下来的最宝贵的文化遗产。
  • He thinks the legacy is a gift from the Gods.他认为这笔遗产是天赐之物。
37 metro XogzNA     
  • Can you reach the park by metro?你可以乘地铁到达那个公园吗?
  • The metro flood gate system is a disaster prevention equipment.地铁防淹门系统是一种防灾设备。
38 plaza v2yzD     
  • They designated the new shopping centre York Plaza.他们给这个新购物中心定名为约克购物中心。
  • The plaza is teeming with undercover policemen.这个广场上布满了便衣警察。
39 inundation y4fxi     
n.the act or fact of overflowing
  • Otherwise, inundation would ensue to our dismay. 若不疏导,只能眼巴巴看着它泛滥。
  • Therefore this psychology preceded the inundation of Caudillo politics after independence. 在独立后,这一心态助长了考迪罗主义的泛滥。
40 eligible Cq6xL     
  • He is an eligible young man.他是一个合格的年轻人。
  • Helen married an eligible bachelor.海伦嫁给了一个中意的单身汉。
41 oyster w44z6     
  • I enjoy eating oyster; it's really delicious.我喜欢吃牡蛎,它味道真美。
  • I find I fairly like eating when he finally persuades me to taste the oyster.当他最后说服我尝尝牡蛎时,我发现我相当喜欢吃。
42 dread Ekpz8     
  • We all dread to think what will happen if the company closes.我们都不敢去想一旦公司关门我们该怎么办。
  • Her heart was relieved of its blankest dread.她极度恐惧的心理消除了。
43 permanently KluzuU     
  • The accident left him permanently scarred.那次事故给他留下了永久的伤疤。
  • The ship is now permanently moored on the Thames in London.该船现在永久地停泊在伦敦泰晤士河边。
44 hazardous Iddxz     
  • These conditions are very hazardous for shipping.这些情况对航海非常不利。
  • Everybody said that it was a hazardous investment.大家都说那是一次危险的投资。
45 decided lvqzZd     
  • This gave them a decided advantage over their opponents.这使他们比对手具有明显的优势。
  • There is a decided difference between British and Chinese way of greeting.英国人和中国人打招呼的方式有很明显的区别。
46 bulge Ns3ze     
  • The apple made a bulge in his pocket.苹果把他口袋塞得鼓了起来。
  • What's that awkward bulge in your pocket?你口袋里那块鼓鼓囊囊的东西是什么?
47 crested aca774eb5cc925a956aec268641b354f     
adj.有顶饰的,有纹章的,有冠毛的v.到达山顶(或浪峰)( crest的过去式和过去分词 );到达洪峰,达到顶点
  • a great crested grebe 凤头䴙䴘
  • The stately mansion crested the hill. 庄严的大厦位于山顶。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
48 grassy DfBxH     
  • They sat and had their lunch on a grassy hillside.他们坐在长满草的山坡上吃午饭。
  • Cattle move freely across the grassy plain.牛群自由自在地走过草原。
49 inundated b757ab1facad862c244d283c6bf1f666     
v.淹没( inundate的过去式和过去分词 );(洪水般地)涌来;充满;给予或交予(太多事物)使难以应付
  • We have been inundated with offers of help. 主动援助多得使我们应接不暇。
  • We have been inundated with every bit of information imaginable. 凡是想得到的各种各样的信息潮水般地向我们涌来。 来自《简明英汉词典》
50 relatively bkqzS3     
  • The rabbit is a relatively recent introduction in Australia.兔子是相对较新引入澳大利亚的物种。
  • The operation was relatively painless.手术相对来说不痛。
51 frenzy jQbzs     
  • He was able to work the young students up into a frenzy.他能激起青年学生的狂热。
  • They were singing in a frenzy of joy.他们欣喜若狂地高声歌唱。
52 graphic Aedz7     
  • The book gave a graphic description of the war.这本书生动地描述了战争的情况。
  • Distinguish important text items in lists with graphic icons.用图标来区分重要的文本项。
53 corps pzzxv     
  • The medical corps were cited for bravery in combat.医疗队由于在战场上的英勇表现而受嘉奖。
  • When the war broke out,he volunteered for the Marine Corps.战争爆发时,他自愿参加了海军陆战队。
54 sanitation GYgxE     
  • The location is exceptionally poor,viewed from the sanitation point.从卫生角度来看,这个地段非常糟糕。
  • Many illnesses are the result,f inadequate sanitation.许多疾病都来源于不健全的卫生设施。
55 reclaimed d131e8b354aef51857c9c380c825a4c9     
adj.再生的;翻造的;收复的;回收的v.开拓( reclaim的过去式和过去分词 );要求收回;从废料中回收(有用的材料);挽救
  • Many sufferers have been reclaimed from a dependence on alcohol. 许多嗜酒成癖的受害者已经被挽救过来。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • They reclaimed him from his evil ways. 他们把他从邪恶中挽救出来。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
56 modicum Oj3yd     
  • If he had a modicum of sense,he wouldn't do such a foolish thing.要是他稍有一点理智,他决不会做出如此愚蠢的事来。
  • There's not even a modicum of truth in her statement.她说的话没有一点是真的。
57 residential kkrzY3     
  • The mayor inspected the residential section of the city.市长视察了该市的住宅区。
  • The residential blocks were integrated with the rest of the college.住宿区与学院其他部分结合在了一起。
58 prone 50bzu     
  • Some people are prone to jump to hasty conclusions.有些人往往作出轻率的结论。
  • He is prone to lose his temper when people disagree with him.人家一不同意他的意见,他就发脾气。
59 watershed jgQwo     
  • Our marriage was at a watershed.我们的婚姻到了一个转折关头。
  • It forms the watershed between the two rivers.它成了两条河流的分水岭。
60 bustling LxgzEl     
  • The market was bustling with life. 市场上生机勃勃。
  • This district is getting more and more prosperous and bustling. 这一带越来越繁华了。
61 costly 7zXxh     
  • It must be very costly to keep up a house like this.维修这么一幢房子一定很昂贵。
  • This dictionary is very useful,only it is a bit costly.这本词典很有用,左不过贵了些。
62 replicate PVAxN     
  • The DNA of chromatin must replicate before cell division.染色质DNA在细胞分裂之前必须复制。
  • It is also easy to replicate,as the next subsection explains.就像下一个小节详细说明的那样,它还可以被轻易的复制。
63 scenarios f7c7eeee199dc0ef47fe322cc223be88     
  • Further, graphite cores may be safer than non-graphite cores under some accident scenarios. 再者,根据一些事故解说,石墨堆芯可比非石墨堆芯更安全一些。 来自英汉非文学 - 环境法 - 环境法
  • Again, scenarios should make it clear which modes are acceptable to users in various contexts. 同样,我们可以运用场景剧本来搞清楚在不同情境下哪些模式可被用户接受。 来自About Face 3交互设计精髓
64 uncertainty NlFwK     
  • Her comments will add to the uncertainty of the situation.她的批评将会使局势更加不稳定。
  • After six weeks of uncertainty,the strain was beginning to take its toll.6个星期的忐忑不安后,压力开始产生影响了。
65 margin 67Mzp     
  • We allowed a margin of 20 minutes in catching the train.我们有20分钟的余地赶火车。
  • The village is situated at the margin of a forest.村子位于森林的边缘。
66 analyze RwUzm     
vt.分析,解析 (=analyse)
  • We should analyze the cause and effect of this event.我们应该分析这场事变的因果。
  • The teacher tried to analyze the cause of our failure.老师设法分析我们失败的原因。
67 migration mDpxj     
  • Swallows begin their migration south in autumn.燕子在秋季开始向南方迁移。
  • He described the vernal migration of birds in detail.他详细地描述了鸟的春季移居。
68 geographic tgsxb     
  • The city's success owes much to its geographic position. 这座城市的成功很大程度上归功于它的地理位置。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Environmental problems pay no heed to these geographic lines. 环境问题并不理会这些地理界限。 来自英汉非文学 - 环境法 - 环境法
69 visualize yeJzsZ     
  • I remember meeting the man before but I can't visualize him.我记得以前见过那个人,但他的样子我想不起来了。
  • She couldn't visualize flying through space.她无法想像在太空中飞行的景象。
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