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澳洲旅游英语lesson 21and 22

时间:2010-02-20 02:41来源:互联网 提供网友:fly_wing0927   字体: [ ]

第二十一课: 如何处理突发状况Lesson 21: Dealing with a situation在这一课中,我们要学习如何应对突发的意外状况和情绪不安的客人。您将可以学习到在澄清事实及安慰客人时的一些英语表示方法。
Leo: Excuse me, Justine? Ms White, from Room 311, would liketo speak to you.
Justine: Certainly. How can I help you, Ms White?
Mona: My father is missing. Your receptionist lost him. We were at thefestival and I’m sure he’s dead!
Justine: I can see this is very serious. May I suggest you come to myoffice?
Mona: I don’t want to go anywhere. I want to find my father. He’s beenmissing for hours!
Justine: It must be very upsetting for you, Ms White.
利奥: 对不起,打扰你了,杰斯丁。驻在三一一房间的怀特女士要和你讲话。
Leo: Excuse me, Justine? Ms White, from Room 311, would liketo speak to you.
杰斯丁: 没有问题。我能帮助您做些什么吗,怀特女士?
Justine: Certainly. How can I help you, Ms White?
蒙纳: 我父亲失踪了!你们的接待人员把他丢了!当时我们正在元宵节灯会上,我敢肯定我的父亲已经死了。
Mona : My father is missing. Your receptionist lost him. We were at thefestival and I’m sure he’s dead!
杰斯丁: 我明白了,这是一件很严重的事情,我可以请您到我的办公室去吗?
Justine: I can see this is very serious. May I suggest you come to myoffice?
蒙纳: 我哪里也不去,我要找我的父亲。他失踪已经有好几个小时了。
Mona: I don’t want to go anywhere. I want to find my father. He’s beenmissing for hours!
杰斯丁: 这一定让您非常着急,是吧,怀特女士?
Justine: It must be very upsetting for you, Ms White.
Justine: May I suggest you come to myoffice?
May I suggest you come to my office?
May I suggest you come to my office?
May I suggest we sit down?
May I suggest we sit down?
杰斯丁: 我明白了,这是一件很严重的事情。
Justine: I can see this is very serious.
杰斯丁: 这一定让您非常着急,是吧, 怀特女士。
Justine: It must be very upsetting for you, Ms White.
This is very serious.
This is very serious. I can see this is very serious.
I can see this is very serious.
It must be very upsetting for you.
It must be very upsetting for you.
Leo: Excuse me, Justine? Ms White, from Room 311, would liketo speak to you.
Justine: Certainly. How can I help you, Ms White?
Mona : My father is missing. Your receptionist lost him. We were at thefestival and I’m sure he’s dead!
Justine: I can see this is very serious. May I suggest you come to myoffice?
Mona: I don’t want to go anywhere. I want to find my father. He’s beenmissing for hours!
Justine: It must be very upsetting for you, Ms White.
各位听众朋友, 您现在收听的是澳洲广播电台为你制作的《旅游业英语》节目。
第二十一课: 如何处理突发状况Lesson 21: Dealing with a situation现在让我们继续学习新的对话内容。
Justine: Let me see if I understand you clearly. You were at the festivalwith your father?
Mona: Yes, and Leo.
Justine: Leo?
Leo: I was their tour guide.
Justine: I see. So what you are saying is that you were separated fromyour father.
Mona: Yes.
Justine: Had you arranged a meeting place, Leo?
Leo: Yes I had. But that’s where we were standing when we lost him.
Justine: Is your father elderly, Ms White?
Leo: Not at all.
Justine: Is he frail?
Mona: Well, he is over fifty.
Justine: And how long has he been missing?
Mona: Nearly an hour!
Justine: I see.
杰斯丁: 我先说一遍,看看我是否准确地理解了您的意思。您当时和您的父亲是在元宵节灯会上?
Justine: Let me see if I understand you clearly. You were at the festivalwith your father?
蒙纳: 是的,我们和利奥在一起。
Mona: Yes, and Leo.
杰斯丁: 怎么会和利奥在一起呢?
Justine: Leo?
利奥: 我是他们的导游。
Leo: I was their tour guide.
杰斯丁: 噢,我明白了。您是说你们两个人和您的父亲走散了。
Justine: I see. So what you are saying is that you were separated fromyour father.
蒙纳: 是这样。
Mona: Yes.
杰斯丁: 利奥,你们有没有约定走散后重聚的地点?
Justine: Had you arranged a meeting place, Leo?
利奥: 有啊,可我们恰恰就是在这个地点走散的。
Leo: Yes I had. But that’s where we were standing when we lost him.
杰斯丁: 怀特女士,您的父亲年龄很大吗?他身体弱吗?
Justine: Is your father elderly, Ms White? Is he frail?
利奥: 他的健康状况完全没有问题。
Leo: Not at all.
蒙纳: 但是他已经五十多岁了。
Mona: Well, he is over fifty.
杰斯丁: 他失踪有多少时间了?
Justine: And how long has he been missing?
蒙纳: 快一个小时了。
Mona: Nearly an hour!
杰斯丁: 我明白了。
Justine: I see.
杰斯丁: 我先说一遍,看看我是否准确地理解了您的意思。
Justine: Let me see if I understand you clearly.
杰斯丁: 您的意思是说您与您的父亲走散了?
Justine: So what you are saying is that you were separated fromyour father毫无疑问,在没有弄清楚事实之前我们是不能妄下结论的。而英语中“So what you’re saying is ……”和 “Let me see if Iunderstand you clearly” 这两个句式向对方明确表示你对他所讲的话非常有兴趣,并且在全神贯注地倾听。澄清事实的做法不但有助于听话者了解真相,而且有助于讲话的人冷静下来。现在就让我们跟着老师一起来练习一下这两个句式。
Let me see if I understand you.
Let me see if I understand you clearly.
So what you’re saying is…So what you’re saying is that your father is missing.
在接下来的对话中,杰斯丁继续提出一系列问题以了解整个事件的严重程度。在与蒙纳的对话过程中,她不断地使用了一个英语中非常有用的短语 “I see”, 意思是:我明白了。请注意,在对话过程中类似 “I see,” “uh huh”, 或者不断地点头示意,这些都可以向对方表示你在注意倾听他的讲话。另外,在对话过程中看着对方眼睛也可以显示出你非常重视他所讲的话。现在请您跟着老师一起练习 “I see”我明白了 这个短语。
I see.
I see现在让我们一起来听一遍这段对话第二部分的录音,请在杰斯丁和利奥的句子之后重复它们的话。
Justine: Let me see if I understand you clearly. You were at the festivalwith your father?
Mona: Yes, and Leo.
Justine: Leo?
Leo: I was their tour guide.
Justine: I see. So what you are saying is that you were separated fromyour father.
Mona: Yes.
Justine: Had you arranged a meeting place, Leo?
Leo: Yes I had. But that’s where we were standing when we lost him.
Justine: Is your father elderly, Ms White?
Leo: Not at all.
Justine: Is he frail?
Mona: Well, he is over fifty.
Justine: And how long has he been missing?
Mona: Nearly an hour!
Justine: I see.
Let me seeLet me seeIf I understand you clearlyIs your father,Is your father,Is your father elderly?
Let me seeLet me seeIf I understand you clearlyIs your father,Is your father,Is your father elderly?
第二十二讲: 如何处理突发状况Lesson 22: Dealing with a situation各位听众朋友好,欢迎您收听“旅游业英语”教学课程的第二十二讲。我是澳大利亚澳洲广播电台中文部的节目主持人马健媛。
我们在第二十一课中学习了如何应对客人提出了投诉、如何用英语介绍文化景点,以及如何在一些情况下使用Excuse me 这个英语中非常有用的短语。
Leo: Excuse me, Justine? Ms White, from Room 311, would liketo speak to you.
Justine: Certainly. How can I help you, Ms White?
Mona : My father is missing. Your receptionist lost him. We were at thefestival and I’m sure he’s dead!
Justine: I can see this is very serious. May I suggest you come to myoffice?
Mona: I don’t want to go anywhere. I want to find my father. He’s beenmissing for hours!
Justine: It must be very upsetting for you, Ms White. Let me see if Iunderstand you clearly. You were at the festival with yourfather?
Mona: Yes, and Leo.
Justine: Leo?
Leo: I was their tour guide.
Justine: I see. So what you are saying is that you were separated fromyour father?
Mona: Yes.
Justine: Had you arranged a meeting place, Leo?
Leo: Yes I had. But that’s where we were standing when we lost him.
Justine: Is your father elderly, Ms White?
Leo: Not at all.
Justine: Is he frail?
Mona: Well, he is over fifty.
Justine: And how long has he been missing?
Mona: Nearly an hour!
Justine: I see.
Justine: And you’ve checked your father’s room?
Mona: Yes. There’s no answer.
Justine: Ms White, is it possible that your father is making hisown way back?
Mona: I don’t know. I would like you to call the police.
Jack: That won’t be necessary.
Mona: Dad, where have you been?
Jack: I went down to the beach. I said goodbye, but you were too busytalking to Leo.
Justine: And you are Ms White’s father?
Leo: Yes. Jack Webber, this is Justine, the manager.
杰斯丁: 您已经给您父亲的房间打过电话了吗?
Justine: And you’ve checked your father’s room?
蒙纳: 打了,但是没有人接电话。
Mona: Yes. There’s no answer.
杰斯丁: 怀特女士,您父亲会不会自己找路回酒店呢?
Justine: Ms White, is it possible that your father is making hisown way back?
蒙纳: 我不知道,我想你应该报警。
Mona: I don’t know. I would like you to call the police.
杰克: 没有必要这样做。
Jack: That won’t be necessary.
蒙纳: 爸爸,你去哪里了?
Mona: Dad, where have you been?
杰克: 我到海滩去了。我当时和你道再见,可是你正忙着和利奥讲话呢。
Jack: I went down to the beach. I said goodbye, but you were too busytalking to Leo.
杰斯丁: 您就是怀特女士的父亲吧?
Justine: And you are Ms White’s father?
利奥: 是呀。他的名字叫杰克 伟博,这位是杰斯丁,酒店的经理。
Leo: Yes. Jack Webber, this is Justine, the manager.
杰斯丁: 怀特女士,您父亲会不会自己找路回酒店呢?
Justine: Ms White, is it possible that your father is making hisown way back?
对话进行到这里,杰斯丁已经意识到事情并不象蒙纳所描述的那么糟糕。她认为杰克很有可能根本就平安无事。所以杰斯丁就非常委婉地提出了事情的另外一种可能性。您注意到了吗?杰斯丁在这种情况下使用的一个句型是:“ Is it possible…..?” 现在就让我们跟着老师一起来练习这个句型,请注意听并跟着重复。
Is it possible?
Is it possible?
Is it possible you left your bag in your room?
Is it possible you left your watch in the lounge?
利奥: 他的名字叫杰克 伟博,这位是杰斯丁,酒店的经理。
Leo: Jack Webber, this is Justine, the manager.
Leo: Excuse me, Justine? Ms White, from Room 311, would liketo speak to you.
Jack Webber, this is Justine, the manager.
Ms White, from Room 311, would like to speak to you.
Justine: And you’ve checked your father’s room?
Mona: Yes. There’s no answer.
Justine: Ms White, is it possible that your father is making hisown way back?
Mona: I don’t know. I would like you to call the police.
Jack: That won’t be necessary.
Mona: Dad, where have you been?
Jack: I went down to the beach. I said goodbye, but you were too busytalking to Leo.
Justine: And you are Ms White’s father?
Leo: Yes. Jack Webber, this is Justine, the manager.
Lesson 22: Dealing with a situation请注意听下面这段对话的内容,并请您特别注意这部份对话中出现的新词汇和短语。
Jack: Justine, I’m sorry if I caused any trouble. Can I just say that youhave a very good worker in Leo. He’s been more than helpful.
Hasn’t he, Mona?
Mona: Oh, I’m sorry I blamed you, Leo, but I was very upset. Maybewe should all go to the lounge and calm down.
Leo: Thank you for your kind invitation, Ms White… but I must gohome now.
Jack: And I must go to the Pearl Garden Cabaret. I’ll see you in themorning, Mona!
Mona: Oh!
Justine: Good night, Ms White!
杰克: 杰斯丁,如果我给您造成了任何麻烦的话,我很抱歉。
Jack: Justine, I’m sorry if I caused any trouble. Can I just say that youhave a very good worker in Leo. He’s been more than helpful.
Hasn’t he, Mona?
蒙纳: 噢,利奥,我错怪你了,真是对不起。可是你知道我刚才真的是非常着急。要么我们现在一起到客厅去坐一坐,平静一下好吗?
Mona: Oh, I’m sorry I blamed you, Leo, but I was very upset. Maybe,we should all go to the lounge and calm down.
利奥: 非常感谢您的盛情邀请,怀特女士。不过我现在必须要回家了。
Leo: Thank you for your kind invitation, Ms White. …but I must gohome now.
杰克: 我现在也要去珍珠园夜总会了。明天早上见,蒙纳。
Jack: And I must go to the Pearl Garden Cabaret. I’ll see you in themorning, Mona!
蒙纳: 哦,天哪!
Mona: Oh!
杰斯丁: 晚安,怀特女士。
Justine: Good night, Ms White!
蒙纳: 要么我们现在一起到客厅去坐一坐,平静一下好吗?
Mona: Maybe, we should all go to the lounge and calm down.
利奥: 非常感谢您的盛情邀请,怀特女士。不过我现在必须要回家了。
Leo: Thank you for your kind invitation, Ms White… but I must gohome now.
Thank you for your kind invitation.
Thank you for your kind invitation.
Thank you for your kind offer.
Thank you for your kind offer.
Jack: Justine, I’m sorry if I caused any trouble. Can I just say that youhave a very good worker in Leo. He’s been more than helpful.
Hasn’t he, Mona?
Mona: Oh, I’m sorry I blamed you, Leo, but I was very upset. Maybe,we should all go to the lounge and calm down.
Leo: Thank you for your kind invitation, Ms White… but I must gohome now.
Jack: And I must go to the Pearl Garden Cabaret. I’ll see you in themorning, Mona!
Mona: Oh!
Justine: Good night, Ms White!
Leo: Excuse me, Justine? Ms White, from Room 311, would like tospeak to you.
Justine: Certainly. How can I help you, Ms White?
Mona: My father is missing. Your receptionist lost him. We were at thefestival and I’m sure he’s dead!
Justine: I can see this is very serious. May I suggest you come to myoffice?
Mona: I don’t want to go anywhere. I want to find my father. He’s beenmissing for hours!
Justine: It must be very upsetting for you, Ms White. Let me see if Iunderstand you clearly. You were at the festival with yourfather?
Mona: Yes, and Leo.
Justine: Leo?
Leo: I was their tour guide.
Justine: I see. So what you are saying is that you were separated fromyour father?
Mona: Yes.
Justine: Had you arranged a meeting place, Leo?
Leo: Yes I had. But that’s where we were standing when we lost him.
Justine: Is your father elderly, Ms White? Is he frail?
Leo: Not at all!
Mona: Well, he is over fifty.
Justine: And how long has he been missing?
Mona: Nearly an hour!
Justine: I see. And you’ve checked your father’s room?
Mona: Yes.
Justine: Ms White, is it possible that your father is making hisown way back?
Mona: I don’t know. I would like you to call the police.
Jack: That won’t be necessary.
Mona: Dad, where have you been?
Jack: I went down to the beach. I said goodbye, but you were toobusy talking to Leo.
Justine: Ms White, this is your father?
Leo: Yes. Jack Webber, this is Justine, the manager.
Jack: Justine, I’m sorry if I caused any trouble. Can I just say that youhave a very good worker in Leo. He’s been more than helpful.
Hasn’t he, Mona?
Mona: I’m sorry I blamed you, Leo, but I was very upset. Maybe, weshould all go to the lounge and calm down.
Leo: Thank you for your kind invitation, Ms White, but I must go homenow.
Jack: And I must go to the Pearl Garden Cabaret. I’ll see you in themorning, Mona!
Mona: Oh!
Justine: Good night, Ms White!
结束第二十二课之前,请您跟着英语老师一起练习下列短句The guestThe guestFrom Room 22Would likeWould likeWould like to speak with youThe guestThe guestFrom Room 22Would likeWould likeWould like to speak with you

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