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  • 讨厌的科技产品使用习惯-信息分成很多条发送(3)

    讨厌的科技产品使用习惯 Sending multiple messages when one will do the trick 信息分成很多条发送 While were on the topic of email faux pas, you should also refrain from being the person who sends 15 different emails when you can con...

  • 讨厌的科技产品使用习惯-发邮件时滥用“回复全部”功能(2)

    讨厌的科技产品使用习惯 Abusing reply all in emails 发邮件时滥用回复全部功能 We all have that one person in our offices who unnecessarily clicks Reply all in response to mass emails. 办公室里总有这样的人,回复群发邮...

  • 讨厌的科技产品使用习惯-走在街上眼睛却盯着手机(1)

    讨厌的科技产品使用习惯 Walking down the street while staring down at your phone 走在街上眼睛却盯着手机 If you live in a densely populated city like New York, you know how hard it can be to simply walk to the corner store without...

  • 攻克迷茫-关注你所了解的(2)

    Ways to overcome your confusion and find the joy: 攻克迷茫、找到快乐 Focus on what you know. 关注你所了解的 When you are confused it can be easy to get stuck in a web of consistent, repetitive thoughts that appear to have no end and n...

  • 攻克迷茫-接受自己(1)

    Ways to overcome your confusion and find the joy 攻克迷茫、找到快乐 Accept where you are. 接受自己 Accept the fog, accept the confusion and accept the feelings of stuckness. This is usually a sign that more information needs to be delive...

  • 丰富生活-学门新语言(7)

    丰富生活 Travel 旅行 Most of you want to travel the world, see new things, and meet new people. 大多数人渴望周游世界,接触新事物,结交新朋友。 But statistics show that the average mother in the U.S. will start a family at...

  • 丰富生活-以史为鉴,但不要纠结于过去友(6)

    Worry less 少担心 Worrying about that big test is normal, as is worrying about that possible job promotion, but when you begin to worry excessively, it can become a real problem. 担心重要的考试很正常,担心可能的工作升迁也是一样...

  • 丰富生活-积极向上(4)

    丰富生活 Remember that people are good at heart 记住人性本善 Being a lifelong cynic can and will make your life an uphill climb. 与愤世疾俗为伍,只会使生活艰难。 Recognize that people are inherently good and you will embrace...

  • 丰富生活-别在意别人对你的看法(3)

    丰富生活 Focus on the present 关注当下 Worrying to a certain degree about your future isnormal, but don't overlook the power of being in the present moment. You can't change the past, but you can control what you do right now. 对未来有些担...

  • 丰富生活-留恋户外(2)

    丰富生活 Get outside 留恋户外 Being outdoors is good for you. Soak in the sunlight, get those endorphins kicking, and enjoy the beauty that nature offers. 户外活动有益身心。沐浴阳光下,激活内啡肽,享受自然的美。 Be...

  • 丰富生活-享受生活中的那些小事(1)

    丰富生活 Make yourself a priority 优先考虑自己 If you don't take care of yourself, nobody else will.You have to be number one. All things in your life stem from your happiness. Be someone who makes you happy! 如果自己不照顾好自己,...

  • Say No-终于可以做你真正想做的事(4)

    Say No 说不的好处 You're less angry. 你会少些愤怒。 When you don't have set boundaries, it means thatgives other people the power over your own life and that can lead to anger. 你不为自己设限,也就给了别人支配你生活的权...

  • Say No-能更好地与人沟通(3)

    Say No 说不的好处 You're a better communicator. 你能更好地与人沟通。 In order to really establish limits, you have to state what you can or cannot tolerate, Buck said. That means being clear and concise. Expressing your own needs will...

  • Say No-会少些压力(2)

    Say No 说不的好处 You take better care of yourself. 你能更好地照顾自己。 Boundaries help you prioritize your own well-being plain and simple. 理所当然地,设限能帮你重视自己的需要。 You're less stressed. 你会少些压...

  • Say No-会更有自知之明(1)

    Say No 说不的好处 You're more self-aware. 你会更有自知之明。 Self awareness is the art of recognizing your needs and feelings as your own, and not tied to any person or your environment.Creating your own limitations is an inherently sel...
