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时间:2016-08-18 08:52来源:互联网 提供网友:mapleleaf   字体: [ ]

   Particularly to the landmarks here the Duke Gardens, I often went there to study and when I was stressed out for those finals特别是这里的地标杜克公园 我读书时经常到那里学习也经常到那里缓解期末考试的压力Yesterday, I went there in the afternoon after the rain to get centered before this speech but besides the landmarks昨天下午的雨后 我又去了那里为这次演讲做准备不过除了地标之外For me there's a deep feeling of connection to the people here to the people and friends that i've made over those 4 years on this campus And I doubt there is one word我记忆最深刻的 还是和这里的人之间的联系和我共度四年校园生活的伙伴们的联系如果要说有一个词That really pulls together that shared combination of all the things that all of us label, under that term "Duke" but the best word that I can think of可以将杜克大学所有人及所有事所共有的特质概括起那么我认为这个词便是Is "connected" Connected that's a word I'd like to discuss with you today on your Graduation Day联系联系就是今天在毕业日 我要跟你们讨论的主题I left home in August, 1982 From Dallas, Texas, I travel to Durham and my parents marked that rite of passage with a terrific present:

  1982年8月我离开老家从德州达拉斯来到达勒姆父母为我这次人生重要之旅送上了特别的礼物It was a typewriter, a B12 Olympus portable typewriter The best thing about it was it weighed only 12 pounds, carrying in case and all It was during my time at Duke一台打字机 奥林巴斯B12便携打字机它的最大优点在于只有12磅重 可以放到箱子里正是在杜克读大学的那段时间That really computers took over and replaced the typewriter as being the thing of choice to write your papers And we computer science department students计算机真正取代了打字机的地位成为写论文的首选工具当时我们这些计算机科学系的学生We resented you humanities majors because you were hogging our machines to write your papers and what that meant was that最讨厌你们这些文科生了因为你们老是霸占我们的机器来写论文这害得我们I spent a lot of hours in basement of some very creepy building on this campus particularly the biological sciences building We would be in the basement of that building不得不长时间待在某些阴森建筑的地下室里特别是生物科学楼我们会在这栋楼的地下室里
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