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经济学人415:智能手机应用软件 反社会网络

时间:2014-11-07 06:00来源:互联网 提供网友:mapleleaf   字体: [ ]

   Smartphone apps

  The antisocial networks
  A bunch of new apps test the limits of the sharing economy
  Hurry up and vacate that parking spot!
  PARKING can stir intense passions, especially inSan Francisco, where demand for public spaces often exceeds supply. Hence the outcry over apps that let occupants of slots on streets make money by alerting other drivers that they are about to drive away. As we went to press, one of the apps, MonkeyParking, was seeking an understanding withSan Francisco's city attorney, Dennis Herrera, who had given it until July 11th to cease operating on the city's streets or face a lawsuit1. Another app, ParkModo, which also attracted Mr Herrera's attention, is not currently operating inSan Francisco, though it says it intends to roll out nationwide in future.
  停车可以激发强烈的热情,特别是在公共空间供不应求的旧金山。因此强烈抗议的应用软件使得街道上停车位的占用者通过向其他司机发出他们正要离开的提醒信息而赚钱。在本文发表时,其中一个应用软件,MonkeyParking,正寻求旧金山市府的律师Dennis Herrera的理解,他已经责令其6月11日前停止操控城市街道否则将面临起诉。另一个应用软件,ParkModo,也引起了Herrera的注意,这一软件目前还不能在旧金山应用,虽然它声称它打算在将来席卷全国。
  At the heart of the dispute over these services is whether apps should be able to use a public asset to make a profit. Users of MonkeyParking's service bid between 5 and 20 for spaces about to be liberated2 by other users. The firm has also launched the app inRome, another city where parking is scarce.San Francisco's authorities point to a local law banning efforts to sell or rent public parking spaces. The app firms say it is not spaces that are being sold, just information about their availability, which thus reduces the number of cars circling the streets searching for them.
  MonkeyParking wants its app to be seen as part of the “sharing economy”, like those of Airbnb, which lets people rent rooms or houses to others, and Lyft, a ride-sharing service. These also help maximise the use of existing assets. The difference, however, is that the homes and cars are privately3 owned. Jeremiah Owyang of Crowd Companies, which advises firms on the sharing economy, thinks apps that monetise public assets are “not in the spirit” of the sharing movement.
  MonkeyParking希望其应用软件被视为“分享式经济”的一部分,像空中食宿Airbnb和Lyft一样,Airbnb可以让人们出租房间或房屋给他人,而Lyft提供驾乘分享服务。这些服务也有利于最大限度的利用现有资产。然而不同的是,那些房屋和车辆是私有的。Crowd Companies的Jeremiah Owyang对公司就分享式经济提出过建议,他认为使公共资产货币化的应用软件与分享运动的精神存在出入。
  Even trying to monetise private assets is proving controversial in some cases. Another outfit4 in San Francisco, ReservationHop, has come under fire for making fake bookings at hard-to-get-into restaurants and then selling them via an app. Buyers are given the false names to use when they turn up to dine. The worry here is that restaurants could lose out if no one buys the fake reservations. Ticket Scalpr is an app incarnation of the age-old business of reselling tickets for popular events, though it says its aim is to cut out conventional touts5 and let fans swap6 surplus tickets directly.
  甚至在某些情况下,使私有资产货币化的尝试也已发了争议。旧金山的另一家机构ReservationHop,因假装预订那些很难订到位子的餐厅并通过一个应用软件出售这些预定机会,而遭受谴责。在就餐时,买家使用其提供的虚假姓名。这里令人担心的是如果没人购买这些假预订,餐厅将蒙受损失。Ticket Scalpr是一个用于转卖流行赛事门票—这一古老业务的应用程序版本,尽管其声称其目的是为了减少传统的票贩子而让粉丝直接交换剩余门票。
  There has been a heated debate on Twitter about such arguably antisocial networks, using a new hashtag, JerkTech. What the apps seen so far have in common is that their creators have identified things that are regularly being priced below their market-clearing level, ie, that at which demand equals supply. And, inSilicon Valley's spirit of “move fast and break things”, they are conducting a rapid test of the public's, and regulators', appetite for shifting the boundaries of what is acceptable business practice. Uber, a taxi-hailing app which has no doubt been called a jerk and worse over the “surge pricing” it imposes at times of high demand, agreed this week withNew York's attorney-general that it would curb7 its peak rates.


1 lawsuit A14xy     
  • They threatened him with a lawsuit.他们以诉讼威逼他。
  • He was perpetually involving himself in this long lawsuit.他使自己无休止地卷入这场长时间的诉讼。
2 liberated YpRzMi     
  • The city was liberated by the advancing army. 军队向前挺进,解放了那座城市。
  • The heat brings about a chemical reaction, and oxygen is liberated. 热量引起化学反应,释放出氧气。
3 privately IkpzwT     
  • Some ministers admit privately that unemployment could continue to rise.一些部长私下承认失业率可能继续升高。
  • The man privately admits that his motive is profits.那人私下承认他的动机是为了牟利。
4 outfit YJTxC     
  • Jenney bought a new outfit for her daughter's wedding.珍妮为参加女儿的婚礼买了一套新装。
  • His father bought a ski outfit for him on his birthday.他父亲在他生日那天给他买了一套滑雪用具。
5 touts e7b84e5a035797f4e743a3bcd192b380     
n.招徕( tout的名词复数 );(音乐会、体育比赛等的)卖高价票的人;侦查者;探听赛马的情报v.兜售( tout的第三人称单数 );招揽;侦查;探听赛马情报
  • Many vouchers are returned for cash, allowing touts and middle men to make a healthy margin. 许多月饼券都被兑换成现金,这让券贩子和中间商赚取了不蜚的利润。 来自互联网
  • Spotting prey, the customary crowd of hustlers and touts swarmed around, jostling for my business. 照例有大群的拉客黄牛在寻觅猎物,他们争相过来抢我的生意。 来自互联网
6 swap crnwE     
  • I will swap you my bicycle for your radio.我想拿我的自行车换你的收音机。
  • This comic was a swap that I got from Nick.这本漫画书是我从尼克那里换来的。
7 curb LmRyy     
  • I could not curb my anger.我按捺不住我的愤怒。
  • You must curb your daughter when you are in church.你在教堂时必须管住你的女儿。
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