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相关教程: 金银岛 有声读物


  • 《金银岛》第十三章 敌人的俘虏(3)

    They're going to kill you,Jim,said Silver when the two of us were alone,and they're going to stop me being their captain. 他们要杀掉你,吉姆,屋里就剩我们两个人时西尔弗说。他们不想让我当船长了。 When I look...

  • 《金银岛》第十三章 敌人的俘虏(2)

    One man swore and jumped forward with his knife. 一个人骂着拔出刀站起来。 Get back there!cried Silver. 住手!西尔弗喊道。 Did you think you were capn here,Tom Morgan? 你以为在这儿你是船长吗,汤姆摩根?...

  • 《金银岛》第十三章 敌人的俘虏(1)

    Chapter 13 A prisoner of the enemy 第13章 敌人的俘虏 Somebody brought a light and I saw the inside of the house. 有人拿来了火;我看清了房子里的情形。 Five pirates were on their feet,and another man was lying down with a h...

  • 《金银岛》第十二章 伊斯莱尔·汉兹(7)

    I felt sick and frightened.The blood from my wound ran over my back and chest,and the knife seemed to burn like hot iron. 我感到一阵恐惧和恶心。血从我的伤口流到背上和胸上,那把长刀像火红的烙铁在我的肩膀上。...

  • 《金银岛》第十二章 伊斯莱尔·汉兹(6)

    Hands was pulling himself up among the sails now,the knife between his teeth. 汉兹嘴里衔着刀,也慢慢地爬向桅杆。 One more step,I said,and I'll kill you! 你要再上来一步,我说,我就杀了你。 Jim,he said.He...

  • 《金银岛》第十二章 伊斯莱尔·汉兹(5)

    He took a long drink from the bottle of wine,saying,Here's luck! 他拿起酒瓶喝了个痛快,嘴里喊着:百事如意! Afterwards,we sailed into North Inlet and I forgot to watch Hands carefully. 然后,我们把船驶往北部水...

  • 《金银岛》第十二章 伊斯莱尔·汉兹(4)

    I listened to his words but didn't believe them. 我听明白他的话,但一点都不信他。 He wanted me to leave the deck,that was clear,but why? 显然,他要我离开甲板,但为什么呢? Wine?I said.Will you have white or...

  • 《金银岛》第十二章 伊斯莱尔·汉兹(3)

    We sailed ahead of the wind,the island moving past quickly. 我们乘风航行,岛上的景物迅速向后退去。 After my success,I was less sorry about deserting the stockade. 我终于成功了,因而对不辞而别的内疚也减少了...

  • 《金银岛》第十二章 伊斯莱尔·汉兹(2)

    I've come to take control of this ship,Mr Hands,I said,so please remember I'm your captain. 我是来接管这条船的,汉兹先生,我说。记住,现在我是你的船长。 He watched me pull down the Jolly Roger and throw it overbo...

  • 《金银岛》第十二章 伊斯莱尔·汉兹(1)

    Chapter 12 Israel Hands 第12章 伊斯莱尔汉兹 I lost no time and climbed up the rope on to the deck of the ship. 我不失时机地抓住缆绳,爬上大船的甲板。 The two men were there,red-cap on his back,Israel Hands against the...

  • 《金银岛》第十一章 海上历险(5)

    There were sudden shouts and the sound of hurrying feet as the two men ran on deck. 忽然传来喊叫声和两个人在甲板上急匆匆跑过的脚步声。 I lay down in my boat,sure that when we reached the rough,open water,that would be...

  • 《金银岛》第十一章 海上历险(4)

    At last the wind turned the ship towards me and now I cut all the way through the rope. 终于又来了一阵风,大船向我靠近了一些,于是我割断了最后几股绳索。 As fast as I could,I pushed my little boat along the side of...

  • 《金银岛》第十一章 海上历险(3)

    Ben Gunn had told me his boat was hidden near the white rock,and I found that rock farther along the beach. 本葛恩告诉过我他的小船藏在白岩石附近,我在远处的海边找到了那岩石。 The little boat was hidden in the gras...

  • 《金银岛》第十一章 海上历险(2)

    I guessed he was going to see Ben Gunn, 我猜测他是去和本葛恩碰头的。 and thought the doctor was lucky to be walking in the cool shadows of the wood.The house was hot and smelt of blood,and there were dead bodies lying all around....

  • 《金银岛》第十一章 海上历险(1)

    Chapter 11 Sea adventure 第11章 海上历险 The doctor,Gray and I ran back into the house. 我和李甫西大夫,还有葛雷跑回小木屋里。 We saw Hunter lying still,after a knock on the head. 我们看见亨特躺着一动不动,...
