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相关教程: 科技动态


  • 科技动态:脸书利用人工智能对抗恐怖主义

    Facebook is fighting terrorism with artificial intelligence. 脸书利用人工智能来对抗恐怖主义。 Tech companies often face criticism for not doing enough to stop extremist content from being shared online. 科技公司经常遭到批判,...

  • 科技动态:乌克兰新出黄金眼勒索病毒肆意猖獗

    Believe it or not, it only took one victim in Ukraine to infect computers around the world with the Goldeneye ransomware virus. 无论你是否相信,只需乌克兰的一名受害者就能用黄金眼(Goldeneye)勒索病毒影响全世界的电脑...

  • 科技动态:谷歌浏览器新增广告拦截功能 安卓之父推出新手机

    Google announced that built-in ad blocking is coming to its web browser Google Chrome in early 2018. 谷歌宣布其嵌入的广告拦截功能将在2018年年初加入网页浏览器Google Chrome。 The feature will block ads that do not comply with...

  • 科技动态:Skype推出新功能 鼓励用户视频聊天

    Even Skype is taking a page out of snapchats playbook as most apps have done recently and adding a feature called highlights that aims to encourage users of the video calling service to be more social. 和许多应用一样,Skype也从snapchats上拿...

  • 科技动态:苹果发布智能音箱 三星Galaxy S8未能如约上市

    It appears Apple is entering the home assistant device market--the new speaker that will feature support from Siri. 苹果公司似乎也加入了家庭助理设备的市场一款支持Siri功能的新型音箱。 According to Bloomberg, the company...

  • 科技动态:微软推出Xbox Game Pass游戏服务和全新的平板电脑

    T-mobile will officially roll out a new feature that syncs calls and texts across different devices on May 31st. 5月31日,德国电信公司将正式推出一项新功能,可以同步不同设备上的通话和信息记录。 It's called Digits...

  • 科技动态:苹果全球开发者大会即将开幕

    WWDC kicks off next week. 苹果全球开发者大会(WWDC)下周开始。 We're looking forward to Apple's hardware and software announcements. 我们都期待着苹果硬件和软件的最新发布消息。 Predictions are widespread but it see...

  • 科技动态:优步无人驾驶车进展不顺 比特币价值飙升

    It appears that Uber's driverless car residency in Pittsburgh isn't going so well. 优步在匹兹堡推出无人驾驶汽车的计划似乎进展不太顺利。 According to a New York Times report, the company has not made good on a number of promi...

  • 科技动态:推特很抱歉帮特朗普做了宣传 乐视CEO辞职

    Twitter co-founder Evan Williams says he's sorry if the social networking site helped elect Donald Trump. 推特共同创办人埃文威廉姆斯说如果这个社交网站对唐纳德特朗普当选有帮助,那么他很抱歉。 The president sta...

  • 科技动态:谷歌持续推出新产品 想哭病毒横行肆虐

    At Google's developer conference, the company showed off improvements to Assistant and Google Photos that would take advantage of a new technology called Google Lens. 在谷歌开发者大会上,谷歌展示了Google Assistant和Google Photos依靠一...

  • 科技动态:微软公司抨击政府机构掩盖软件缺陷的行为

    Microsoft is slamming government agencies reportedly hoarding software flaws, attempting to keep them secret. 微软公司抨击了政府机构试图掩盖软件缺陷的行为。 The company's chief counsel Brad Smith went on to say that such vulner...

  • 科技动态:脸谱网推出视频聊天服务

    It's Thursday,July 7th 2011,I'm Wilson Tang on Cnet.com and it's time to get loaded. 今天是2011年6月30日,周四。我是Cnet.com的Wilson Tang。是时间接收本周的最新资讯了。 Yesterday Facebook's CEO Mark Zuckerberg made a number...

  • 科技动态:Skype推出安卓2.0板本

    It's Thursday, June 30th, 2011. I'm Wilson Tang on Cnet.com and it's time to get loaded. 今天是2011年6月30日,周四。我是Cnet.com的Wilson Tang。是时间接收本周的最新资讯了。 As we reported yesterday, MySpace is up for sale a...

  • 科技动态:微软提前展示可触控版Windows8系统

    It's Thursday, June 2nd, I'm Wilson Tang on cnet.com and it's time to get loaded. 今天是2011年6月2日,周四。我是Cnet.com的Wilson Tang。是时间接收本周的最新资讯了。 At the D9 conference, Microsoft gave an early demo of the...

  • 科技动态:执法机关需依法申请获得GPS定位数据

    It's Thursday, June 16th,2011. I'm Wilson Tang on Cnet.com. And it's time to get loaded. 今天是2011年6月16日,周四。我是Cnet.com的Wilson Tang。是时间接收本周的最新资讯了。 The Boy Genius report has an exclusive first look...
