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NPR美国国家公共电台 NPR 2013-08-16

时间:2013-09-26 06:32来源:互联网 提供网友:gmeng   字体: [ ]

 Under a nighttime curfew ,the city of Cairo ,another city cross Egypt are reportedly to be relatively quite this hour .Security forces are trying to restore order following last 40 hour street battles that resulted in death of more than 600 people according to Egypt health ministry thousands also have been wounded since the military crackdown activists who want to post president Mahn back  in power NPR was outside Eman eastern Cairo where he described great sineer early today .A lot of families came here to claim dead today. A lot weeping ,man and man descomback posten after coffin .A lot of bodies ithasen there to keep them commode screen air presiner outside .There are waste of name of the dead with where they are from .NPR Lado Fordow .

The US security council will soon hold closed door meeting on political crisis. The US is urging all Americans in Egypt to leave .Earlier, president Obama scrape next month US-Egypt military exercise .Although NPR Michelle Clement explains white house is still stopping short of calling Mors removal a military coup .President Obama says America cannot determine the future for Egypt but he is looking for restoring courage the military backed government to put Egypt back on the path of Democracy. For now ,he says he would keep US aid following.
But we wanna sustain our relationship with Egypt .Our traditional cooperation cannot continue as usual when civilians have been killed in street. And rights have been low back. He says the administration has notified the Egypt government that would cancel joint training exercise that will plan next month. Those bride start exercise usually take place every other year date back to 1970 peace treaty between Egypt and Israel. Michelle Clement NPR news, Washington.
US stocks down sharply after labor department announced number fire unemployment application fell to lowest level before the recession.NPR says the yep number fuel the investor's concern federal reserve may be ready to start scaling back program of bolstering economy .Fed chief Chairman Ben Black had said the center bank will began wading down the 85 billion dollar in monthly bond purchases .Once there is substantial improvement in the employment market .Peter Jam was Opera convestment in Chicago says worry about tapering afed support though will not last .One people start looking and seeking longer term but realize that it's good sign that said tapering able to pull back .It signs the economy is healthy and will go from here without bad add support .The decline and bone price has pushed the interest rate on the tenure treasury up to highest point in two years which could for shadow higher borrowing incost for some consumers and business .Craig Windon NPR news Washington.
Dow is off 226 this is NPR. 
Florida A&M university has announced it's marching band will return this year .NPR reports band has not performed since drum major Robert Champion died in hazing richard. Nearly two year ago. Band director says the famous Marching 100 will perform at the first game of season in September .Member started practicing few days ago. This year band will be much smaller with around 125 students said several hundred who marched in the formal united .There are new rules stred anti-hazing policy .And great requirement for students to remain in the band .The marching 100 was suspended in November 2011 after drum major Robert Champion died as the result of hazing incident. he was beat long ball bus after football game .Young call this year,a new beginning for the band .Catholo NPR news.
A second hostage shot in stand of Louisiana bank has died .Authorities passed away this morning for injuring .She sustained yesterday when gunman shot her at another hostage .Police trying to rescue them in ten state bank in Josh. Officer killed the shooter .
Officials say breathing for another possible flare being lightning spared wild fire has destroyed 14 homes near A Utah mountain result town .Hundreds of firefighters are setting back fire in bolder in lines contained the 2000 acre blaze .Mortgage rates are holding steady for second straight week .average of 4.4% on thirty year long. And 3.4% on the fifteen year long .Before the close ,Dow was off more than 200 at 15112.this is NPR
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