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篮球英文堂 第179期:库里 挑战一切可能性 我无所不能

时间:2018-08-17 03:20来源:互联网 提供网友:mapleleaf   字体: [ ]

 I always physically1 the smallest you know, kid on my team growing up 在成长的过程中,一直以来我都是队里最瘦小的

And that's kind of make me mentally strong, you doubt when see people doubt you, hear people say, you know 这让我的内心强大,当你看到别人对你的质疑,听到别人说你一无是处
You don't have what it takes to do this or that 说你没有具备达到目标的能力
Even at this point, I have been able to play well, but 甚至在当下(指自己已经打进NBA),我已经打得不错了
those people still think I might not be MVP category, not something I wanna, you know try to accomplished2. So  人们说MVP不应该是我这样的球员该设定的目标
there's always something you know, next I wanna go after and that's what I wanna obviously to win the championship, so whatever it takes to get there 总有目标要去不断超越下一个目标就是想要去获得总冠军,我将全力以赴去实现这个目标
"I can do all things" means so much to me, it gives me confidence, the power  "没什么做不到的"这句话对我而言意义重大,这句话给予我信心
to take on any... any task I have in front of me, I have been writting that on my shoes since the day on my freshman year at Davidson 帮我度过难关,从在戴维森学院大一开始我就将这句话写在了我鞋上
Something give me little some confidence, you know, every night look down on my shoes, lights them up that 这句话一直给予我信心,每晚训练结束后躺在甲骨文球场,这句话让我热血沸腾
I am ready for, you know, for that night, I am ready to take on whatever it is and it just encourage me to keep pushing 我每一个晚上都做好准备,做好准备面临任何挑战,这句话激励我不断奋斗
and just, you know, find that inner strength that I have and rely on it to get me through 或者,找到内在的力量,让它帮我度过难关
Urr, kid that fell in love the game very early 从小我就非常喜欢打球
You know, I want to play high level vision of the basketball, I was told I couldn't play 我想要进入球技顶尖水平的队伍之中,想象走上职业篮球之路,但有人告诉我,我不行
and took every opportunities I had in front of me, try to make the most of it 我拼命抓住一切机会,紧紧抓住每一个机会
and you know, I put everything I have into the game, I played every night, every practice like that's my last 我为球赛付出一切,我将每一晚,每一次训练都当作是最后一次
And I really cherish everything that basketball brings and I think for me you know, it's been a great ride and I am not done yet 同时我也珍惜着篮球给我带来的一切,于我而言,邂逅篮球是一段美妙之旅,未来还将更加精彩


1 physically iNix5     
  • He was out of sorts physically,as well as disordered mentally.他浑身不舒服,心绪也很乱。
  • Every time I think about it I feel physically sick.一想起那件事我就感到极恶心。
2 accomplished UzwztZ     
  • Thanks to your help,we accomplished the task ahead of schedule.亏得你们帮忙,我们才提前完成了任务。
  • Removal of excess heat is accomplished by means of a radiator.通过散热器完成多余热量的排出。
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