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  • 赖世雄进阶英语词汇3500 Unit106 lean vi.斜靠 a.瘦的 The young man was leaning against the wall, looking into the sky. 这年轻人斜靠着墙,仰望着天空。 Matthew's brother is tall and lean. 马修的弟弟又高又瘦。 You should eat more vegetables and lean meat if
  • 赖世雄进阶英语词汇3500 Unit107 cooperative a.合作的 Though she didn't like the activity, she did her best to be cooperative. 虽然她不喜欢这项活动,但她还是尽力去作配合。 overcome vt.克服 I could not overcome the difficulty of learning French, so I change
  • 赖世雄进阶英语词汇3500 Unit108 precisely adv.精确地 The plane will take off at 10 o'clock precisely. =The plane will take off at 10 o'clock exactly.=The plane will take off at 10 o'clock sharp.=The plane will take off at 10 o'clock on the dot. 飞机将在十点整起飞。 agr
  • 赖世雄进阶英语词汇3500 Unit109 chamber n.房间;会议厅 The princess retired to her chamber after the ball. 舞会完毕后,公主回到她的房间。 Mr. Evans left the council chamber shortly after the meeting started. 伊凡斯先生在大会开始后没多久就离开会议
  • 赖世雄进阶英语词汇3500 Unit110 resistance n.抗拒;抵抗力 The policy suffered strong resistance from the working class. 该政策遭受劳动阶级强力反弹。 Your body's resistance becomes low if you stay up late frequently. 如果你经常熬夜,身体的抵抗力就会
  • 赖世雄进阶英语词汇3500 Unit111 continuous a.连续的(一直不中断的) We've had continuous rain here for nearly a week. 我们这儿已连续下了将近一个礼拜的雨。 continuously adv.持续不断地 Jack drove continuously for 4 hours without a break. =Jack drove
  • 赖世雄进阶英语词汇3500 Unit112 investment n.投资 Peter lost a lot of money by making a poor investment in that lousy company. 彼得对那家烂公司投资不利,损失了不少钱。 My father is going to buy some gold as an investment. 我爸爸准备购买一些黄金作为投
  • 赖世雄进阶英语词汇3500 Unit113 machinery n.机器(集合名词,不可数) They purchased new machinery for the factory. 他们为这工厂添购新的机器。 The general manager believes that more machinery/ machines should be bought to increase productivity. 总经理认为
  • 赖世雄进阶英语词汇3500 Unit114 virtue n.美德;优点,长处 A man of virtue is a man of principle. He will never do anything against his conscience. 有美德的人即是有原则的人。他绝不会做任何违背良心的事。 This plan has the virtue of being easy to car
  • 赖世雄进阶英语词汇3500 Unit115 dignity n.威严 With dignity and pride, our principal reached the end of his life. 我们校长带着庄严与骄傲与世长辞了。 dignify vt.使有威严 We were dignified that the president joined us for dinner. 董事长和我们共进晚餐,
  • 赖世雄进阶英语词汇3500 Unit116 blanket n.毯子 vt.覆盖 The mother wrapped the baby in a blanket. 这位母亲把婴儿裹在毯子里。 In winter, our roof is blanketed in snow.=In winter, our roof is covered in snow. 在冬天的时候,我们的屋顶都会被霄覆盖。 q
  • 赖世雄进阶英语词汇3500 Unit117 ballet n.芭蕾舞 Erica's dream is to go to Russia and study ballet. 艾瑞卡的梦想是到俄罗斯学芭蕾。 gallery n.画廊 An impressionist painting exhibition is being held at the Paris Gallery. 巴黎画廊正展出印象派画作展。 r
  • 赖世雄进阶英语词汇3500 Unit118 favorable a.有利的 Do not take any action until the situation is favorable to us.=Do not take any action until the situation is in our favor. 直到情况对我们有利之后再采取任何行动。 favorably adv.有利地 Teddy reviewed the musi
  • 赖世雄进阶英语词汇3500 Unit119 enthusiasm n.热爱,热衷 John showed little enthusiasm for jazz. 约翰对爵士乐没有什么热忱。 Stephen King greeted his readers with great enthusiasm. 史帝芬金热情地和他的读者打招呼。 launch vt.发动(活动);发射(
  • 赖世雄进阶英语词汇3500 Unit120 unfortunately adv.不幸地 Unfortunately, Jane won't be able to go to movies with us tonight. 很不幸地,阿珍今晚无法和我们去看电影。 misfortune n.不幸,灾祸 I feel sorry for the misfortunes of those poor kids in Africa. 我对那