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词汇量测试当前位置: 首页>听力教程>临时需要的一句话>


  • 临时需要的一句话 16 说明症状 1.Are you feeling OK? 2.What`s wrong? 3.You look pale. 脸色不好 4.I don`t feel well. 5.You don`t look well. 6.She passed out. 7.I feel sick. 8.I have a stomachache. 肚疼 9.I have a dull pain. 麻痛 10.I have a sharp pain. 刺痛 11.I have a th
  • 临时需要的一句话 17 送礼 1.This is for you. 2.This is your share. 这是你的份 3.What do you want for your birthday? 4.Ta-da 给你
  • 临时需要的一句话 18 听音乐会 1.I`d like two A-seat tickets for October third,please. 2.Sorry,we`ve sold out. 我们来晚了 3.When do you have tickets? 4.What time does it start? 5.Can I make a reservation? 订位 6.Where can I buy a ticket? 7.Is this seat taken? 有人坐吗?
  • 临时需要的一句话 19 喜欢,爱上某人 1.Tom is a lady-killer. 色狼 2.Tom really turns me on. 让我着迷 3.Chris is really a heart breaker. 着迷的帅哥 4.Jane is a nock-out. 有吸引力 5.I think she has a crash on you. 对你有意思 6.Jane seems to like me. 7.Dianna`s been com
  • 临时需要的一句话 20 邀请好友 1.Are you free this weekend? 2.Could I see you again? 3.Could you give me your phone number? 4.Where shall we meet? 5.Shall I come to pick you up? 接你 6.Are you doing anything this afternoon? 7.How about having dinner with me? 8.Why don't we go to
  • 临时需要的一句话 21 约会 1.are you free tonight. 2.do you want to go out with me tonight. 3.would you like to go to the movies with me? 4.let's have tea or something. 5.please keep me company for a while. 6.i'd like to invite you to a show. 邀你看表演 7.May i ask you ou
  • 临时需要的一句话 22 拜访朋友 1.有人在家吗?Hello.anyone home 2.请进,欢迎。Please come in. 3.谢谢你能来。How nice of you to come? 4.你要做什么。What do you want? 5.请不必拘束,当作在家一样。Please feel free to make yourself at home 6.请坐。H
  • 临时需要的一句话 23 保留回答 1.让我考虑一下,let me future about it。 2.我需要时间考虑,i like some time to say and over。 3.我会考虑看看。i am consider it. 4.我会考虑看看。i have a bad it. 5.我会仔细考虑看看。i like it over。 6.请让我考
  • 临时需要的一句话 24 驳斥 1.闭嘴,shadow up。 2.不要太多嘴,double beautiful。 3.不要大声叫,stop shoting, 4.不要再抱怨了,stop computing。 5.可不可以稍微静下来?come down,will you。 6.不要再唠叨了,stop leging, 7.不要再啰嗦
  • 临时需要的一句话 25 不满与抱怨 1.唉 Oh, heck. ([口][hell的委婉语]见鬼) 2. 完蛋了 Shucks. 3. 可恶 ?? 4. 混蛋 Shit! 5. 哦,天阿/哦,糟了 um...oh! 6. 不是每件事都是按章理的 Not everything is logical. 7. 耗尽了(指金钱而言),破
  • 临时需要的一句话 26 不知道 1.我不明白i don't want to stand 2.我不太明白i don't real me and the stand。 3.还不清楚明确that's not clear。 4.我不懂你的意思。想法,i can see you point。 5.我不懂你的意思,i can and stand what you mean? 6.我不确
  • 临时需要的一句话 27 词穷 1.不知如何表达。 2.我看看,let me see。 3.我的意思是说i mean 4.话到喉咙了又缩回去,is on the tap of my time。 5.我该怎么说呢?what should i say? 6.我不知道应该怎么说才好,i do not quiet how to put thi
  • 临时需要的一句话 28 催促对方说话 1.说说你的想法嘛,say something。 2.我想最多知道一点,tell me more a boy it。 3.旅行玩的怎么样,how are you are trap。 4.我很注意在听啊,i'm over eyes, 5.会议进行得怎么样?how with the meeting? 6.我正在
  • 临时需要的一句话 29 搭腔 1.原来这样,i see。 2.是啊哈。哦是这样啊,you have。 3.是吗这样对吗?is that read。 4.就是这样,that's right。 5.正是如此and security。 6.哦是吗 7.是吗?is that so。 8.然后呢and 9.我也是me to, 10.我也
  • 临时需要的一句话 30 答应,允诺 1.我保证我答应。i promise, 2.我不能保证i can't promise。 3.我一定会的,will do, 4.我敢肯定,我可以发誓。i swear, 5.相信我,quest me。 6.答应就要做到呃promise is promise。