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  • 迷你对话学地道口语第137期:强人所难 逼人就范 迷你对话: A:Its really terrible! B:What are you talking about? A:Dont you see many parents areforcing there childrens handsto learn something they think important to their children. But the children are not interested in it at all. B:You said i
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第138期:心思心绪 迷你对话: A:What a washing machine! Its getting worse today. Look! Now it doesnt work at all. I think I need a new one. 这台倒霉的洗衣机!今天更坏得不行了!你看,现在根本就不转了。我想该买台新的了。 B:Here
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第139期:指责 迷你对话: A:Dont be worried. Please sit down and take it easy. 不用担心,先请坐下来消消气。 B:How could I feel easy? Im really pissed. 我怎么能轻松得了?我真是气死了。 A:But you should avoidfinger-pointingwhen you
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第140期:受到严重挫折或责备 迷你对话: A: Mary seems depressed. Whats the matter? Mary看起来很不开心,她怎么啦? B: She didnt expect to get a kick in the teeth after a days hard work. 她没有想到自己辛辛苦苦干了一天的活却受到责备。 A: Poo
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第141期:年纪老起来了 迷你对话: A:What is the matter with your mother? 你的母亲怎么啦? B:She isget along inyearsand often has a headache. 她年纪太大了,经常头疼。 A:Please tell her I hope that she will soon feel better. 请转告她,我我希望
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第142期:被逮捕 被抓住 迷你对话: A:Jack, lets go! 杰克,咱们走。 B:Oh, youer out of breath! What happened? 哦,看你,上气不接下气!出设么事情呢? A:Some people are wildly shooting on the next street. We must leave here as soon as possible! 隔
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第143期:使生气发怒 迷你对话: A:Why did you get your back up, dad? 爸爸,你为什么生气。 B:What a mess in your room! 瞧瞧你的房间多乱。 A:I'm playing with my toys. I will tidy up the room after a while. 我正在玩玩具,过会儿我会把房间
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第144期:惹某人恼怒生气 迷你对话: A: Henry, dont get out of doing housework. A: Henry,别尽想着逃避责任。 B: Its none of my business. B: 那不关我的事。 A: You mean that is my business. A: 那你的意思就是说是我的事情喽! B: I dont say tha
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第145期:被抛弃 【迷你对话】 A:I cannot ignore her suggestion. In fact I always value her suggestion. A:我没法对她的建议置之不理,实际上我总是很重视她的意见的。 B:I know. Maybe you willget the airif you go against her. B:我知道你要
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第146期:有所作为 迷你对话: A: I am very proud of John. A: 我真的为约翰感到骄傲。 B: Me too. No one has expected he can really get somewhere with his business. B: 我也是,没有一个人相信他的商业能成功。 A: But he has suffered a lot.
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第147期:弄明白 迷你对话: A:I heard you are busy with your new house now? 听说最近你在忙房子的事情? B:Yeah, I want my own house very much, so I decide to buy one. 对,我很想拥有自己的房子,所以想买一所。 A:Let meget this right
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第148期:激怒而烦躁不安 迷你对话: A:Mary has reallygotten under my skin. Mary 真让我心烦。 B:I know what love it. When I was young, I felt the same way. 我知道爱情是什么,我年轻时,也有这种感觉。 A:I think Im crazy about her. 我感觉我要为
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第149期:给予帮助 迷你对话: A:What are you doing? 你在干什么? B:Im trying to put the vase on the shelf. 我想把这个花瓶放在架子上。 A:Let megive you a hand. 我来帮你一把。 B:No, thank you. I can manage it, I think. 不用了,谢谢。我
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第150期:顶嘴回嘴 迷你对话: A: But you should be considerate to the kids, its their nature to play. 但是你该体贴孩子们,爱玩是他们的天性。 B: What I cannot put up with is that they may even give me a back talk. 我受不了的是他们居然和我
  • 迷你对话学地道口语第151期:抓住把柄 迷你对话: A: Im sure you never dare to go against your wife. 我敢肯定你从来不敢不听老婆的。 B: Why should I go against her? She always seems to have better ideas. 我为何要不听她的。好像一直都是她的主意好些。