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词汇量测试当前位置: 首页>听力教程>每日一句口语>


  • 每日一句口语 526 今天的每日一句是 All the children have flown the nest so Mum now has a lot of spare time. 所有孩子都独自生活了,所以现在妈妈有了很多空闲时间。 讲解: 短语 fly the nest 的意思是一个人离开父母开始自己
  • 每日一句口语 527 今天的每日一句是 We went rock climbing at the weekend. I loved it, but my friend refused to try it. Hes got a real yellow streak. 我们周末去攀岩了。我爱攀岩,但我的朋友拒绝尝试。他真是胆小如鼠。 讲解: 如果说
  • 每日一句口语 528 今天的每日一句是 I just couldn't understand why they quarrelled so much over the colour of a picture frame - it's not a big deal! 我只是不明白为什么他们会因为一个相框的颜色吵得这么厉害,又不是什么大事! 讲解
  • 每日一句口语 529 今天的每日一句是 That actor made terrible movies for ten years. But he came back from the dead when he acted in a sensitive romantic drama last year. 那个演员拍了十年的烂电影。但去年他终于因为参演了一部伤感浪漫的戏
  • 每日一句口语 530 今天的每日一句是 Elvis Presley was a great performer; he had the audience in the palm of his hand. 猫王是的杰出的歌手,他可以完全调动观众的情绪。 讲解: 如果某人 in the palm of your hand, 那你就完全的管控了
  • 每日一句口语 531 今天的每日一句是 I was dreaming of a safari holiday in Tanzania to see the elephants, the cheetahs, the hippos then I looked at my bank balance and it brought me back down to earth pretty quickly! 我幻想着去坦桑尼亚观兽旅行可以看
  • 每日一句口语 532 今天的每日一句是 I don't like Jane's new husband. He seems kind and gentle but I think there's more to him than meets the eye. 我不喜欢Jane现在的老公,他看起来友善、绅士,但是我总觉得他另有文章。 讲解: 如果
  • 每日一句口语 533 今天的每日一句是 I can't carry that bag all the way home - it's like a ton of bricks! 我不能把那个袋子一路扛回家太重了! 讲解: 短语 like a ton of bricks 可以用来形容某物很重,也可以形容某人受惊吓,使
  • 每日一句口语 534 今天的每日一句是 Bear with me. I'm on the phone right now and I will be with you shortly. 等我一下,我正在接电话,马上就来! 讲解: 如果你想让某人耐心的等你做一件事情,你可以说 bear with me.
  • 每日一句口语 535 今天的每日一句是 This salad was a bit boring so I spiced it up with some chilli sauce. 这沙拉之前味道有点淡,所以我加了点辣椒酱。 讲解: spice something up 的意思就是放更多香料在食物或饮料里使其更有滋
  • 每日一句口语 536 今天的每日一句是 Now that I have enough experience, I've decided to go it alone and start my own business. 既然我已经有足够的经验,我决定一个人开创自己的事业。 讲解: go it alone 用来形容某人做某事是自己
  • 每日一句口语 537 今天的每日一句是 John's new travel book was a huge success after the flash of inspiration he got while sitting on the bus. 在公交车上的灵机一动为他新出的旅行书带来了巨大的成功。 讲解: 所谓突然一阵灵感 a
  • 每日一句口语 538 今天的每日一句是 Jane was keen to be part of the in-crowed so she bought the latest designer clothes. Jane急切地想成为时尚人士,所以她会买下最新的名牌服饰。 讲解: 如果某人是 the in-crowed 圈内人,那此人就
  • 每日一句口语 539 今天的每日一句是 Cycling around here is easy, the countryside is as flat as a pancake. 郊外地势平坦,在这里骑自行车很轻松。 讲解: 我们用 as flat as a pancake 这个短语来形容某物特别平坦。
  • 每日一句口语 540 今天的每日一句是 The chancellor's budget speech is on TV later. It'll be like watching paint dry! 财政大臣一会儿会在电视上进行预算演说,会很无聊的! 讲解: 英语中的 like watching paint dry 这个短语字面意思