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密歇根新闻广播(News for Michigan)

  • 密歇根新闻广播 是flesh out还是flush out It's happened to the best of us. There's a saying that you've been using for as long as you can remember. Then one day, someone informs you, hopefully kindly, that you've actually been saying it wrong this whole time. Former users of take it for gran
  • 密歇根新闻广播 神奇的雪季 The snowflakes fell one by one at first, but then their numbers increased, two by two, 10 by 10, then more than I could possibly count. If I let go of the focus in my eyes the falling show would look a driving torrent of snowflakes, but when I zeroed
  • 密歇根新闻广播 "grand night" 如何做 Combining the best of an after dinner coffee and an after dinner amaro, Tammy Coxen of Tammy's Tastings came up with the perfect night cap thanks to a collaboration between a Grand Rapids distiller and a Grand Rapids coffee roaster. Tammy has been pl
  • 密歇根新闻广播 我们眼中的独行侠 He was a respectable man. He never brandished a gun with the intention to kill, never spoke profane language, and never used incorrect grammar or slang. He was always mysteriously masked and made a vow to fight injustice. He is famously known as The
  • 密歇根新闻广播 亨利·福特的反犹太言论引争议 He's known for ushering in the five-dollar workday, the auto assembly line, and the Model T. 100 years ago this month, Henry Ford also bought his hometown newspaper, The Dearborn Independent, and used it as a platform to promote his anti-Semitic view
  • 密歇根新闻广播 艺术中的巨兽思想 Artists create for all sorts of reasons: to express emotion, convey an idea, or raise a political ruckus. For people who struggle with anxiety and depression, art can also be a kind of therapy. Creating Connection Michigan is a series of intimate, fi
  • 密歇根新闻广播 教你如何做Bees and Blossoms Bees and Blossoms sounds like it might be a drink for spring, but Tammy Coxen with Tammy's Tastings says you can only get one of the ingredients during the winter. One of the few things that I appreciate about winter is that we get this great influx
  • 密歇根新闻广播 狂风暴雨席卷密歇根 Consumers Energy says it expects to have power returned to all customers by midday Monday. The utility company says it's already restored power to more than 200,000 customers since last week's ice storms. But the recovery isn't over in the hardest hi
  • 密歇根新闻广播 流行的中世纪现代风格装饰风格 From furniture show rooms to television shows like Mad Men, mid-century modern style has seen a renaissance in recent years. But for the people living in the city of Midland, those clean, sleek lines are a part of everyday life. The city has an unusu
  • 密歇根新闻广播 如何在图书馆找到想看的书 What do you do when you're looking for a certain type of book in the library and you come up empty-handed? Sisters Zena and Mena Nasiri first experienced that dilemma in fourth grade. A research project required them to read about someone they looked
  • 密歇根新闻广播 解读on behalf of On behalf of a listener, this week we're raising the question of whether we can speak on behalf of ourselves. Often at weddings, funerals and other gatherings, there's a moment when someone stands up and says something like, On behalf of my family an
  • 密歇根新闻广播 含辛茹苦的妈妈 Parents of children with severe autism in Michigan have limited options when it comes to finding long-term care for their kids. Securing reliable in-home care is often a challenge, and the state's residential mental health care facilities often lack
  • 密歇根新闻广播 儿童心理健康没有得到重视 Where do you go, to whom do you turn if your child needs mental health care? Child psychiatrists and parents agree: the options in Michigan are too few and far between. This issue has led to a class action lawsuit against the state's Department of He
  • 密歇根新闻广播 gift咋变成了动词 A few weeks ago on Reddit, someone posted a clip from the Ellen Degeneres Show. The guest was Candice Payne, the Chicago woman who rented hotel rooms for homeless people during last month's polar vortex. The post's headline was, Ellen gifts $50k to C
  • 密歇根新闻广播 因为公路而造成的代价 During the 1950s and 1960s, the federal government funded the construction of highways in cities across the country. To build the new infrastructure, many cities seized land from existing neighborhoods in a process that came to be known as urban rene