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《NBC晚间新闻》(英语:NBC Nightly News)是美国全国广播公司(NBC)的旗舰全国新闻联播节目,每晚从位于纽约洛克菲勒中心的通用电气公司大厦播出。节目从1970年8月3日起改为现称。现在非周末时段的主播为布莱恩·威廉斯(Brian Williams),周末时段的主播为莱斯特·赫特(Lester Holt)。节目从洛克菲勒中心的3B演播室播出。节目现在使用的主题音乐是由著名作曲家约翰·威廉斯(John Williams)创作。截至2011年,该节目作为全美国收视率最高的新闻节目已经超过十年。

  • NBC晚间新闻 数百人庆贺男孩被收养 Eight-year-old Nike could fill an album with family photos but these special moments of holidays and vacations are with a foster family. We got him when he was four. He showed up at our doorstep at midnight and we we've had him ever since. I thought
  • NBC晚间新闻 美国一喷气式飞机异常着陆 At Daytona Beach International a fiery landing as a small jet slides across the airfield shooting out flames and smoke. It's kind of Surreal to see the airplane skid over the runway without landing here. Authorities say when the the twin engine in pr
  • NBC晚间新闻 一个9岁男孩的遗愿清单 Walking the beat honorary officer Carter Escobar of the Fort Worth Police. A giddy cop dedicated to fighting crime and his own rare cancer. I, officer Carter Escobar... I, officer Carter Escobar... With all his friends watching today's swearing in ch
  • NBC晚间新闻 美宾州汽车撞进托儿所 At a pennsylvania daycare center tonight, the picture of danger. I heard that a car had hit the building so we had to come get our child. A BMW barreling into a classroom with 17 children inside this afternoon. I was definitely freaked out. Authoriti
  • NBC晚间新闻 首只试管授精猎豹出生 Tonight at the Columbus zoo a scientific marvel with spots. Actually more like two little marvels to be exact. The world's first in vitro cheetah cub and then moments later the second, a twin. It's huge for cheetahs. Probably one of the biggest break
  • NBC晚间新闻 拜登和桑德斯争夺选票 Tonight the battle for the democratic nomination is cutting a path through the midwest. I don't think they're looking for a revolution. I think they're looking for results. Joe Biden is riding a wave of momentum and intensifying his attacks on presid
  • NBC晚间新闻 冰球场上的浪漫爱情 First shot for the Black Hawks. The action on the ice was between Chicago and St. Louis. A face familiar. But it was the kiss cam that brought the crowd to its feet. 92 year old Roselee Deutsch in her usual perch above the ice. Missing on this specia
  • NBC晚间新闻 NBC建议人们隔离在家 For us, for we Americans it is counter-intuitive. In order to come together to fight against a spreading virus, We are being asked and encouraged to do the opposite, to pull apart for a while. Those big playoff games, long-scheduled family gatherings
  • NBC晚间新闻 多地教堂因疫情暂时关闭 Tonight as millions of Americans search for comfort places of worship are taking unprecedented steps. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is suspending all public gatherings worldwide. From Chicago to Detroit mosques are canceling Friday
  • NBC晚间新闻 疫情时期的善良 One nation hunkered down, but not without friends among strangers. We have a package for you. Chicago's volunteer My block My Hood My city has already delivered more than 170 donated senior care packages, more on the way. Coronavirus doesn't care wha
  • NBC晚间新闻 新冠时期的诈骗招数 Want to know where the coronavirus hotspots are? This app for Android phones claims to provide real-time information. But internet researchers say when downloaded it locks your phone and asks for a ransom in bitcoins to unlock it. The FDA and Federal
  • NBC晚间新闻 数千美国人被困他乡 Countries closing their borders. Travelers, including thousands of Americans, are stranded, struggling to find a way back to the US. The State Department tonight raising its global travel advisory to its highest level, telling Americans who live in t
  • NBC晚间新闻 小兄妹用音乐陪伴邻居老人 I'm ready to hear music. In uncertain times, music to our ears. A front porch symphony in Clintonville, Ohio. Taran Tien, 9, and his sister, Calliope, 6, now home from school. They have to practice the cello anyway. So mom Rebecca wielded her conduct
  • NBC晚间新闻 意大利医生给美国的建议 It seems the whole world is afraid of getting sick and for many in Italy it's more than just fear. Nearly 700 more deaths today, the total number of infected is about as high as China reported at its peak. I spoke to the head of an ICU who says with
  • NBC晚间新闻 15岁女孩结束化疗 In these gloomy days some sunshine, a victory parade of sorts. As families gather at a safe distance from neighbors to cheer on their friend 15 year old Koko Johnson returning home from her final round of chemotherapy. I was really overwhelming. I wa