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听电影学英语-战争之王 15

时间:2011-03-14 02:53来源:互联网 提供网友:bk880677   字体: [ ]

  [00:01.41]抱歉打你这个号码 I Sorry to call you on this number.
[00:02.58]国际警察缠上我了 But I’ve got Interpol’s all over my ass1.
[00:04.44]我现在不能讲话... I can’t know you right now.
[00:06.05]时机不对 It’s uh, not a good time.
[00:10.11]时机不对!? Not a good time?
[00:15.11]操! Motherfucker!
[00:20.61]C-E-I,立刻遵照指示行动 Charlie, Echo, India, comply immediately.
[00:23.48]这是最后的警告 This is your last warning.
[00:25.11]妈的,何时第一次警告? Where was the first fucking warning?
[00:26.38]如果愿意遵守就摇动机翼 Rock your wings if you intend to comply
[00:28.38]我要下降 I’m putting us down.
[00:34.95]降落我一定会被抓 If you land, we’re going away.
[00:36.38]我没证件 I don’t have paperwork.
[00:37.41]我们就快要爆炸了! We’re in a flying fucking bomb!
[00:38.68]他们向我们开火了 They’re firing bullets at our bullets.
[00:40.48]我要下降 I’m putting us down.
[00:42.08]好啦...好啦...操! Okay, okay. Fuck!
[00:45.05]这是C-E-I This is Charlie, Echo, India.
[00:46.51]请求转降卡巴拉机场 Request re-route to Kabala airport,
[00:48.68]方向029 bearing zero-two-nine.
[00:50.61]不...不要降落机场 No, not the airport. There the highway.
[00:53.44]降在高速路上是唯一的希望 It’s our only hope.

[00:54.68]你妈的疯啦 Are you fucking mad?
[00:56.24]路上有个坑就完了 A pothole2 will set us off.
[00:58.24]你也太低估自己了,艾利西 You underestimate yourself, Alexei.
[01:00.15]你是最棒的 You’re the best.
[01:01.15]艾利西,妈的,你最棒 You’re the shit, Alexei, you’re the shit!
[01:02.74]你行的,你行的 You’re the shit! You’re the shit!
[01:05.88]艾利西当然不是最好的飞行员 Of course Alexei wasn’t the best.
[01:07.81]他是莫斯科航校 He’d come forty-second out of forty three
[01:09.58]倒数第二名毕业 at the Moscow Flight School.
[01:19.31]天啊,他在干嘛? Oh, God, what’s he doing?
[01:21.91]他疯了吗? Is this guy nuts?
[01:25.34]我不能降落 I can’t land there, sir.
[01:26.81]卡巴拉离这儿15分钟 Kabala’s fifteen minutes away.
[01:28.48]他跑不远的 He can’t get far.
[01:29.78]叫辆卡车在停机坪待命 I want a truck on the tarmac.
[02:48.41]我们会没事的 We gonna be okay.
[02:52.08]你们去哪儿? Where are you going?
[02:53.34]离证据愈远愈好 As far from the evidence as we can get.
[02:55.31]等等...证据马上就没了! Wait, there’s not going to be any evidence!
[03:13.28]来...大家来 Come here. Come here.
[03:17.81]喂...别害羞...来...瞧瞧 Hey, don’t be shy. Here, look.
[03:20.14]免费的样品 Free sample
[03:21.04]来拿吧,免费的样品 help yourself, okay? Free sample.
[03:22.74]告诉你朋友们 Tell yourt friend.
[03:26.78]枪吗? Gun for you.
[03:28.18]过瘾吧! Happy times. Come on.
[03:29.41]全部送...免费 Help yourselves. No charge.
[03:30.98]快来呀 Everything goes.
[03:32.28]枪阿!枪阿!枪阿! Guns, guns, guns, yes, come on up!

  [03:35.41]来!高兴吧? Here! You’re having fun now, huh?
[03:39.24]快来!枪阿!枪阿!枪阿! Come on! Guns, guns, guns! Yes!
[03:43.01]子弹...枪...手榴弹...耶! Bullets, guns, grenades!
[03:46.81]统统拿走 Take ’em all.
[03:47.95]整箱拿...快! Take the whole crate3. Go ahead.
[03:53.51]手榴弹...耶! Gun, grenades, hooray!
[03:56.14]子弹...枪...手榴弹... Bullets! Guns! Grenades!
[04:00.11]好 Yeah.
[04:01.44]枪上还刻着你的名字呢 That one’s got your name on it.
[04:02.71]你也要吗?快来 You want one, too? Come on.
[04:04.41]别忘了子弹哦! Don’t forget the bullets.
[04:06.01]别忘了子弹哦! Don’t forget the bullets.
[04:07.38]没子弹的话,枪也没用 How can you shoot a gun if you don’t have bullets?
[04:09.88]所有的,通通免费 Everything goes for free!
[04:12.34]枪,手榴弹!一切你看得见的,子弹 Guns, grenades! All you see. Bullets,
[04:15.98]枪,手榴弹! guns, grenades.
[04:17.95]耶!耶! Hooray, hooray!
[04:21.24]快拿子弹 Have the bullets.
[04:22.91]机组人员花一整天搬运的货物 What a cargo4 crew at Heathrow Airport
[04:24.91]塞拉利昂的饥民 does in a day took a bunch of
[04:27.04]在十分钟之内就搬光了 malnourished Sierra Leonean locals ten minutes.
[04:31.48]当瓦伦丁特工到达时 By the time Agent Valentine got there,
[04:33.61]草原上遍地是枪,人人手舞足蹈 you could find more guns on a plane full of Quakers.
[04:43.91]我是尤里·奥洛夫 Yuri Orlov.
[04:45.84]噢,操! Ow! Fuck!
[04:47.61]还想逃? You run from us?
[04:49.14]不,恩比西,不要 No, Mbizi. No!
[04:50.84]废了你的双腿看你怎么逃? Can you run with no legs?
[04:53.34]我可以让他消失 Let me make him disappear, Mr Valentine
[04:55.04]这里天天有人失踪 Around here, people disappear all the time.
[04:56.98]我不能那样做 I can’t do that.
[04:58.18]荒郊野外...谁会知道? Look where we are. Who will know?


1 ass qvyzK     
  • He is not an ass as they make him.他不象大家猜想的那样笨。
  • An ass endures his burden but not more than his burden.驴能负重但不能超过它能力所负担的。
2 pothole hiay1     
  • As the car sped over a pothole she lurched forward.车子飞驶过一个坑洼时,她身子猛地向前一倾。
  • The young teacher knows every pothole in the 10-minute ride to school.这位年轻的老师熟悉这条往学校的10分钟路上的每一个坑洞。
3 crate 6o1zH     
  • We broke open the crate with a blow from the chopper.我们用斧头一敲就打开了板条箱。
  • The workers tightly packed the goods in the crate.工人们把货物严紧地包装在箱子里。
4 cargo 6TcyG     
  • The ship has a cargo of about 200 ton.这条船大约有200吨的货物。
  • A lot of people discharged the cargo from a ship.许多人从船上卸下货物。
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