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新闻纵贯线 The Beijing Hour updated 20:00 2014/07/25

时间:2014-07-30 07:32来源:互联网 提供网友:yan   字体: [ ]

The Beijing Hour
Evening Edition
Shane Bigham with you this Friday, July 25th, 2014.
Welcome to the Beijing Hour, coming to you live from the Chinese capital.
Coming up on the programme this evening...
Israeli security forces are bracing for possible mass protests following the final Ramadan prayers on Friday...
A Chinese student assaulted in Los Angeles has been found dead in his apartment...
Data from the black boxes of that TransAsia flight that crashed in Taiwan is to be made public next week...
In business, Chinese regulators approve three private banks...
In sports, Jeremy Lin makes his first public appearance as an LA Laker...
In entertainment, Tyrant grabs millions of viewers on Tencent video...
Beijing will be clear tonight with a low of 22 degrees Celsius. It will be sunny tomorrow with a high of 34 degrees. 
Meanwhile Shanghai will be cloudy tonight, with a low of 27, tomorrow thundershowers, with a high of 34.
Chongqing will be clear tonight, 26 degrees the low, tomorrow cloudy with a high of 36.
Elsewhere in the world, staying in Asia
Islamabad, slight rain with a high of 33.
Kabul, cloudy, 33.
Over in Australia
Sydney, cloudy, high of 18.
Canberra, cloudy,12.
Brisbane, overcast, 22.
And finally, Perth will see slight rain with a high of 16.
Top News
Security Tight ahead of Friday Prayers in Jerusalem
Israeli security forces have been deployed for possible protests, ahead of the final Friday prayers of Ramadan in Jerusalem.
This comes after a mass demonstration against the Israeli campaign in the Gaza strip which has now resulted in more than 800 deaths on the Palestinian side, and with 35 Israeli deaths as well.
With more on this situation, I'm joined in the studio is CRI's Cao Yuwei.
Thanks Shane.
Thursday's demonstration saw some 10 thousand protestors marching from Ramallah towards East Jerusalem. They were met by security forces.
At least two Palestinian protestors were killed.
Micky Rosenfeld is an Israeli police spokesperson.
"Israeli police and its different units responded to disturbances and riots in different neighborhoods in East Jerusalem. Stones and petrol bombs were thrown at our offices that were located in different sites. As a result, Israeli police arrested 40 suspects and 29 officers were injured lightly and received medical treatment."
Rosenfeld adds that police are ready to "respond and prevent any further incidents taking place."
What do we know about the situation in the Gaza Strip?
As you earlier mentioned, the death toll from the Palestinian side has reached 800, while the Israeli side has recorded 35 being killed.
Last night a UN-run school in northern Gaza came under Israeli attack.
Palestinian authorities say Israeli forces have shelled a shelter at the school, killing at least 15 people, with over 200 others injured.
In Cairo, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon says he's appalled by the attack.
"I stress again to all sides that they must abide by their obligations under international humanitarian law to protect, to respect the sanctity of civilian life, the inviolability of UN premises and to honor their obligations to humanitarian workers."
The school is affiliated to the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian refugees in Beit Hanoun.
A staffer from the UN agency told me that they have carried out an investigation, and they have condemned any attack on UN facilities which, according to his words, is "against the International Humanitarian Law."
It has been reported that more than 118 thousand people are now sheltering in UN schools and people are running out of food.
But the Israeli side has said that they do not admit responsibility for the attack.
Peter Lerner, a spokesman for the Israel Defense Forces, is quoted by BBC as saying that the school was not a target.
Amid the ongoing conflict in the Gaza Strip, we have also seen another development in Israel. A new Israeli president has sworn in.
What can you tell us about that?
Yes, Israeli lawmaker Reuven Rivlin has become the tenth president of Israel.
Rivlin takes over for Shimon Peres, who is retiring from politics after spending 7-years as Israel's head of state.
At the swearing ceremony on Wednesday, Peres has this to say.
"I did not imagine that it would happen again, after we were hit with rockets which were intended to harm innocent civilians. And after we uncovered tunnels meant to kill, intended to penetrate into the heart of civilian communities and fire at mothers and children. We must alert the world to the madness of the terrorist threat.
The role of president in Israel is largely a ceremonial position, and lasts for a single term of seven years.
However as a Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Shimon Peres apparently has more international influence in promoting peace and stability in the Middle East region.
Earlier, I spoke with Yin Gang with the Institute of West Asia and Africa Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Science.
He recognizes the efforts Peres has made during his term as president.
"Peres is quite special in Israel's history. With his great contribution to the country, he is widely respected by his people. He has also served his country for a long time."
He notes that Israel will enter a new era as Peres steps down.
"Now Israel has become a very strong and advanced country. But it still hasn't solved its problem with Palestine. Peace has not been achieved in the whole Arab world, even including frontline nations like Lebanon and Syria. But this is the beginning of a new era. Israel's position in the world and its ability to mediate with its neighbor countries is now different from the past."
What do we know about the new President?
Well, on that issue, first we can listen to what he said at his swearing-in ceremony.
"The day will come when terror will be eradicated from Israel. One day. And we will sit here, also in quiet and in peace, one with the other. The day will come and peace will prevail between Israel and all it's neighbours"
Reuven Rivlin is from the Likud party, and a veteran politician.
And on the current situation in Gaza Strip, Rivlin is insisting that Israel must remain a strong democracy.
Li Shaoxian noted that the remark shows there will be no dramatic change of attitude toward Hamas from the Israeli side.
"In Israel's political vocabulary, terrorism is equal to Hamas and resisting forces in Palestinian. So I think his stance is quite obvious."
Thank you Cao Yuwei
China's envoy urges Israel-Palestine ceasefire
China's special envoy on Middle East Affairs is calling for a ceasefire between Israel and Palestine when meeting with Hamas chief Khaled Meshaal.
Wu Sike said China has been deeply concerned and saddened over the Palestine-Israel conflict which has caused a large number of casualties and heavy property losses, as well as the worsening humanitarian situation there.
The Chinese envoy called on all parties concerned to actively respond to the ceasefire proposal and mediation efforts of the international community, saying the most pressing task now is to enact a cease fire and stop the violence.
Wu stressed that China is committed to safeguarding peace and stability in the Middle East, as well as actively promoting peace talks.
Boosting cooperation with Latin America key direction for China: Chinese FM
The Chinese Foreign Minister says boosting cooperation with BRICS and Latin American nations is a major part of China's diplomacy.
Wang Yi made the comment after President Xi Jinping returned to Beijing from his Latin America visit.
The Foreign Minister says during the visit, over 150 deals worth some 70 billion US dollars were signed with Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela and Cuba.
China, Brazil and Peru will also start talks on the construction of transcontinental railway projects.
China plans to increase its trade with Latin American nations to 500 billion U.S dollars within ten years.
The eight-day trip is Xi Jinping's second visit to the region after taking office in 2013.
Chinese student found dead in Los Angeles
A Chinese student has been found dead in a student apartment after being assaulted in Los Angeles.
Local police say the student from the University of Southern California was attacked by at least three individuals near the campus.
The attack occured as the student was on his way back to the apartment.
The student was found dead on Thursday morning by a roommate.
Andy Neiman is the spokesman for the Los Angeles police Department.
"What we've learned thus far is that the victim was apparently walking home early this morning, about 12:45. Somewhere in the vicinity of 29th Street and Orchard Avenue, the victim was confronted and assaulted by at least three individuals. We don't have descriptions on those individuals."
Police say the victim had head injuries and the cause of death will be determined after an autopsy.
The University confirms the victim was Ji Xinran, a 24-year-old graduate student from the School of Engineering.
The Chinese Consulate General in Los Angeles says they will now assist the victim's family in dealing with the aftermath of this tragedy.
Two Chinese students were shot to death near the USC campus in 2012.
Dual typhoons kill 64 in China
The body count from super typhoon Rammasun in China has reached 62 with another 21 people still missing, while typhoon Matmo has claimed two lives.
The strongest typhoon hitting south China in four decades, Rammasun affected over 11 million people in the provinces of Guangdong, Hainan, and Yunnan as well as Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.
Meanwhile, two people were killed and another two are missing as the impact of typhoon Matmo extends to the provinces of Zhejiang, Anhui, Fujian, Jiangxi, Shandong and Guangdong.
Guangdong and Jiangxi have each reported one death.
TransAsia black boxes data to be out next week
Taiwan's aviation safety council is to release information from the black boxes of TransAsia Airways Flight GE 222 next week.
The data, including flight path information and recordings from the cockpit, are expected to shed light on the reasons for the plane's deadly crash on Wednesday.
The wreckage of the plane will now be transferred to a local air force base for examination.
The clean up continues on the island of Penghu, west of Taipei.
Chang Te-hao is the Director of the South Coast Guard Bureau.
"So far we have found all the victims' bodies and all the passengers' belongings have been collected. Now we are doing one last sweep of the wreckage to make sure we didn't miss anything."
Of the 48 people killed, 33 bodies have been identified, including those of two French nationals.
The flight was carrying 54 passengers and four crew members, when it crashed into residential buildings after a failed emergency landing.
The flight departed despite heavy weather, following the passing of a typhoon that had forced the cancellation of about 200 flights earlier on the day.
But aviation authorities say conditions were safe for flying and two other planes had landed at Penghu prior to the crash.
Wreckage of Air Algerie jetliner found
The wreckage of a missing Air Algerie jetliner has been found in Mali, near the border of Burkina Faso.
The plane was carrying 116 people when it disappeared from radar less than an hour, after it took off from Burkina Faso's capital Ouagadougou (wah-gah-doo-goo) bound for Algiers on Thursday.
Earlier today, the wreckage was found about 50 kilometers from the border with Burkina Faso.
General Gilbert Diendere is the Head of Burkina Faso Crisis Unit.
"At this location the rescue mission found debris from the plane that unfortunately included the remains of human bodies. We have not been able to evaluate properly because night began to fall and rescuers confirmed to us that they have seen the totally burnt and scattered wreckage of the plane."
Mali's government will now set up a lead investigation team to look into the cause of the crash.
51 passengers boarded the aircraft were French citizens.
Earlier, France dispatched two fighter jets to scour for the wreckage.
The country has troops stationed in Mali after defeating an al-Qaida-linked rebellion last year.
The plane was owned by Spanish company Swiftair.
Holland sends military police to find victims of MH17
The Netherlands is sending 40 unarmed military police to eastern Ukraine to find the last victims of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17.
The country is also sending forensic investigators to the crash site.
The moves come after the Netherlands and Ukraine signed a cooperation deal over the investigation into the downing of flight MH17.
Under the agreement, Ukraine will delegate the leading role in the investigation to the Dutch.
Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte:
"First of all, we will put up the pressure, we will have more people actually working on the crash site to find the remaining remains of the victims of this air crash. And at the same time we are looking into ways which will help to make the crash site safer as a place to do this work."
All 298 people aboard the plane, most of them Dutch citizens were killed when the plane was downed on Thursday last week.
On the ground in eastern Ukraine, human remains continue to be found in the area controlled by Ukrainian rebels.
The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe says the team has found what appears to be machine gun type punctures on the plane's fuselage.
Experts have warned it could be months before all victims are identified.
Meanwhile, British aviation investigators have managed to extract data from the plane's two black boxes.
The investigators are looking for voice recordings of the last moments of the plane's flight.
Norway says received imminent terror threat
Norway's intelligence service says its received information about an imminent "concrete threat" against Norwegian targets from fighters connected to the conflict in Syria.
Benedicte Bjoernland is the head of Norwegian security service PST.
"The PST receives this kind of information from time to time from our partners, but turns out not be true, after we investigate to confirm or dismiss the information. In our initial investigations in this particular case, the credibility was strengthened."
Bjoernland says they don't have any specifics about what may be targeted.
"We also have information that indicates a terror act will be conducted in Norway soon, probably within the next few days. We have no information on who, how, or what target and in which way a possible attack could be carried out"
A PST's assessment last month has suggested around 50 people have traveled to Syria from Norway as foreign fighters, half of whom have now returned to Norway.
European Court rules Poland violated human rights in CIA case
Europe's top human rights court has ruled Poland violated the rights of two terror suspects by allowing the CIA to secretly imprison them on Polish soil from 2002 to 2003.
The Polish government is also being accused of facilitating the conditions leading to their alleged torture.
Leszek Miller, Poland's former prime minister, is slamming the court's decision.
"The judgment of the Strasbourg Court is unfair and immoral. Unfair because it is based on rumour, speculation and slander. Material from Polish authorities was rejected and unchecked by the Court. Immoral, as the Court put the rights of murderers and terrorists over the rights of their victims. Quite bizarrely it is expecting that Poland will pay the murderers millions of zlotys."
The court has also determined Poland violated the European Convention on Human Rights by failing to stop the "torture and inhuman or degrading treatment" of two suspects imprisoned at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba.
The Polish government has yet to decide whether to appeal the ruling.
The lawyers for both terror suspects are hailing the decision.
Biz Reports
First off, a quick look at the business numbers across Asia.
Joining me on the desk, CRI's Ding Lulu.
Asian markets mostly rose Friday following another record close on Wall Street.
Chinese shares closed higher on Friday, with the benchmark Shanghai Composite Index up one percent.
The Shenzhen Component Index also moved up 1 percent.
Hong Kong's Hang Seng added 0.3 percent.
Japan's Nikkei gained 1.1 percent.
South Korea's KOSPI climbed 0.4 percent.
Singapore's Straits Times Index trimmed 0.1 percent.
Australia's ASX ended flat.
China approves three private banks
China's banking regulator has approved the establishment of three private banks, including Webank by Internet giant Tencent.
Shang Fulin, chairman of the China Banking Regulatory Commission, announced the news today at a meeting.
Webank, located in the southern city of Shenzhen, will have two other main co-founders, Shenzhen Baiyeyuan Investment and Shenzhen Liye Group.
Shang says the bank will mainly serve individual customers and small and micro-businesses.
The other two banks are located in the eastern city of Wenzhou and the northern municipality of Tianjin, respectively.
Chint Group and Huafon Group are co-founders of the bank in Wenzhou, which targets local small and micro companies, individual businesses and residents, as well as clients in rural areas.
The bank in Tianjin, with Huabei Group and Maigou Group as co-founders, will mainly engage in corporate banking services.
Bank regulator pledges better loan conditions to small, micro firms
China's banking regulator has pledged to help small and micro-sized businesses gain easier access to capital by encouraging banks to offer more loans to such companies.
The China Banking Regulatory Commission says that it aims to lower financing costs for small businesses, facilitate the companies' healthy development, and improve banks' lending services to such firms.
The commission asked lenders to diversify loan products to better meet financing needs of companies and reduce their repayment burdens.
Dong Yan is a manager from Beijing Rural Commercial Bank. He describes one of the difficulties SMEs face when it comes to funding.
"Big enterprises have more financing channels and better fund management capabilities. Small enterprise normally get loans from one bank and that'll be all its funding. According to current rules of the banks, an enterprise needs to pay off its loans first before it can borrow more. If more money is needed, the small enterprise must get its funding elsewhere to avoid a mismatch between loan term and operating cycle."
For that particular issue, the new policy stipulates that competent small and micro enterprises are no longer required to pay off its loans before borrowing more.
The Commission's statement came after Chinese Premier Li Keqiang vowed to restrain banks from charging unreasonably high interest rates and fees to small and micro-sized businesses.
China has been trying to enhance financial support to small companies by relaxing rules on selected loans, as the country's slowing economy improves thanks to a raft of targeted stimulus measures.
IMF cuts global growth forecast for 2014
The International Monetary Fund has cut its forecast for global economic growth this year, from 3.7 percent down to 3.4 percent.
CRI's Su Yi has more.
IMF chief economist Olivier Blanchard says global growth is likely to be weaker than first anticipated a few months ago.
"The recovery continues but it remains a weak recovery. Indeed a bit weaker than we had forecast in April."
Blanchard is attributing the downgrade to a weak first quarter, particularly in the United States, and a less optimistic outlook for several emerging markets.
"What I want to insist on is that this downward revision makes things look worse than they really are. To a large extent, it reflects something that has already happened, which is the negative growth rate in the first quarter in the US. But that's the past, to a large extent, looking forward from here, things look better."
The IMF has cut its US growth forecast for this year to 1.7 percent, down from its previous prediction of 2 percent.
The US economy contracted nearly 3-percent in the first quarter, dragged down by a weak housing market, a slower pace of restocking by businesses and lower exports, on top of unseasonable weather.
The IMF also estimates emerging markets will grow by 4.6 percent this year, which is 0.2 percent lower than its previous estimate.
The IMF is now predicting China's economy is expected to slow to 7.4 percent through this year.
But the fund still expects the growth of the world's economy to accelerate a bit to 4 percent in 2015.
The IMF suggests that governments push ahead with economic reforms to increase their growth potential.
For CRI, I'm Su Yi.
Agricultural Bank of China to Tweak Mortgage Policy
Agricultural Bank of China plans to adjust its mortgage policies for first-time home buyers in Shanghai amid the current housing market downturn here in China.
The bank says it will adjust the mortgage policy for first time-homebuyers, and the exact details of the policy adjustments and timing are likely to be made at bank branches in Shanghai.
Market observers notes that the country's third largest lender by assets could offer a 5% discount on benchmark rates for first time home buyers applying for a mortgage as early as August.
Currently, most banks are offering such mortgage loans at benchmark rates or higher.
The remaining three lenders of the Big-Four banks, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Bank of China and China Construction Bank, say they aren't making any changes to their existing mortgage policies.
Meanwhile, local governments in 30 cities, including Tianjin, Jinan, Hohhot and Suzhou, have also fine-tuned or revoked home purchase restrictions since May.
McDonald's halts nuggets sales in Hong Kong
Fast food chain McDonald's has suspended sales of its chicken nuggets and some other products in Hong Kong.
It says it had been importing chicken and pork from Shanghai Husi Food, the Chinese firm that allegedly supplied out of date meat to several fast food firms.
China has suspended operations of Shanghai Husi following local media reports on the expired-meat claims.
Shanghai Husi is a meat supplier owned by privately-held US-based OSI Group.
McDonald's halted sales of all products in Japan that use chicken meat that originates in China, switching its sourcing completely to Thailand.
While in China, it has also changed its raw poultry products supplier from Shanghai Husi to Henan Husi, a new processing plant that is also wholly owned by OSI Group.
McDonald's choice of a company so closely related to the Shanghai plant has sparked outrage among the public.
Shanghai Husi may have its license revoked or face heavy fines because of the food scandal.
Headline News
China's envoy urges Israel-Palestine ceasefire
China's special envoy on Middle East Affairs is calling for a ceasefire between Israel and Palestine when meeting with Hamas chief Khaled Meshaal.
Wu Sike said China has been deeply concerned and saddened over the Palestine-Israel conflict which has caused a large number of casualties and heavy property losses, as well as the worsening humanitarian situation there.
Israeli campaign in the Gaza strip has now resulted in more than 800 deaths on the Palestinian side, and with 35 Israeli deaths as well.
A mass demonstration in the West Bank on Thursday against the Israeli offensive in Gaza has left at least two Palestinians dead.
Israeli security forces have been deployed for possible protests, ahead of the final Friday prayers of Ramadan in Jerusalem.
Boosting cooperation with Latin America key direction for China: Chinese FM
The Chinese Foreign Minister says boosting cooperation with BRICS and Latin American nations is a major part of China's diplomacy.
Wang Yi made the comment after President Xi Jinping returned to Beijing from his Latin America visit.
The Foreign Minister says during the visit, over 150 deals worth some 70 billion US dollars were signed with Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela and Cuba.
China, Brazil and Peru will also start talks on the construction of transcontinental railway projects.
China plans to increase its trade with Latin American nations to 500 billion U.S dollars within ten years.
The eight-day trip is Xi Jinping's second visit to the region after taking office in 2013.
Dual typhoons kill 64 in China
The body count from super typhoon Rammasun in China has reached 62 with another 21 people still missing, while typhoon Matmo has claimed two lives.
The strongest typhoon hitting south China in four decades, Rammasun affected over 11 million people in the provinces of Guangdong, Hainan, and Yunnan as well as Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.
Meanwhile, two people were killed and another two are missing as the impact of typhoon Matmo extends to the provinces of Zhejiang, Anhui, Fujian, Jiangxi, Shandong and Guangdong.
Guangdong and Jiangxi have each reported one death.
TransAsia black boxes data to be out next week
Taiwan's aviation safety council is to release information from the black boxes of TransAsia Airways Flight GE 222 next week.
The data, including flight path information and recordings from the cockpit, are expected to shed light on the reasons for the plane's deadly crash on Wednesday.
The cleanup continues on the island of Penghu, west of Taipei.
Of the 48 people killed, 33 bodies have been identified, including those of two French nationals.
Wreckage of Air Algerie jetliner found
The wreckage of a missing Air Algerie jetliner has been found in Mali, near the border of Burkina Faso.
The plane was carrying 116 people when it disappeared from radar less than an hour, after it took off from Burkina Faso's capital Ouagadougou bound for Algiers on Thursday.
Mali's government will now set up a lead investigation team to look into the cause of the crash.
51 passengers boarded the aircraft were French citizens.
Earlier, France dispatched two fighter jets to scour for the wreckage.
Newspaper Picks
Beijing smoking ban review broadcast live
Beijingers were able to watch live online footage of the city's lawmakers jousting over a draft law on smoking control on Friday morning.
It is the first time that citizens have been given a glimpse into its work through a live webcast.
Experts say the move manifests transparency in legislation and will help promote the regulation.
It bans smoking in all indoor public places, workplaces and public transport vehicles. It also bars smokers from open-air areas of kindergartens, schools, children's centers and historical sites.
The draft proposes designating smoking areas in outdoor places of universities, stadiums, fitness centers, medical institutions, tourism sites and parks.
Health authorities at county, district and city levels are appointed by the draft to enforce the ban.
Beijing Morningpost
Bikini Carwash
Morning post reported a unique carwash service is now promoted by an automotive maintenance center in Chaoyang District, Beijing.
The carwash features women clad in only bikini swimsuits to wash cars.
The service is charged for a whopping 880 yuan ($142) per car and does not include car waxing and maintenance. It is much higher than a regular carwash which goes for roughly 30 yuan,
The promotional service has been greeted with huge criticism and was described as "vulgar".
But the car wash’s manager claimed that they are just trying to be creative in order to survive fierce competition within their industry.
They are planning to continue the service after their employees receive further professional training.
Sky News Australia
Survey says social media users 'feel jealous'
A British survey shows that nearly two thirds of social media users are left feeling inadequate about their own lives and achievements by sites like Facebook and Twitter.
62 percent of Facebook and Twitter users interviewed felt their own achievements were inadequate when compared to the posts of others.
Sixty percent said the sites made them jealous of other users.
The research found that almost half of 18-34 year olds said their various social media feeds made them feel ugly or unattractive, while 30 percent said it also made them feel lonely.
Half of those surveyed between 18 and 34-year olds said they had considered quitting social media completely, but admitted that it would be too hard to stay in touch with friends if they did.
Special Reports
American students got free trips to China
For many Americans, traveling abroad regularly has become their lifestyle. But for those students from impoverished families, traveling abroad is still out of reach.
But this summer 10 lucky top students from Oakland, California got a chance to travel to China for free. They were also granted a chance to look into the lives of their Chinese peers and get a taste of traditional Chinese lifestyle.
Xiong Siqi has more.
The performer of Erhu, a traditional Chinese musical instrument, is an 11-year-old Chinese boy.
He has studied Erhu for five years, but it's his first time performing for foreigners. This time his audiences are 10 American students and a dozen Chinese students, who gathered to share their traditional culture and customs.
The 10 students are from Coliseum College Prep Academy in Oakland, California. They are all top students from underprivileged families. Thanks to the Learning AFAR program of AFAR Media, they are offered a free trip to China, which is sponsored by Chinatour.com in partnership with Global Explorers. Casey Kohn, expedition leader of Global Explorers, said this program aims to help the underprivileged students to explore the world.
"I think this provides an opportunity for amazing experiential learning. Students can't learn about other countries in the world but until they're immersed into the culture and seeing different environments."
The 10 students are sponsored to visit five iconic cities in China – Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing, Suzhou, Hangzhou and experience first-hand Chinese culture and history. Bryan Wencez is an 11th-grader, who's never been to China.
"It is my first time in China. I've been to the Forbidden City, Tian'anmen Square and then we went to the Great Wall. They are really nice. I expect to experience more food and more people talking about China and their daily life and lifestyle. I want to find out the differences between Chinese life and American life because I really like looking at the differences and similarities from my friends from the other side of the world."
As Bryan expected, the organizer arranged many activities for American students to interact with their Chinese counterparts. For example, students from the two countries share the stories of their national festivals and Chinese students teach their American peers Chinese calligraphy, how to make dumplings and moon cakes.
In this way, not only do the American students get to experience Chinese culture, the participating Chinese students also get a chance to know their American counterparts better. This is also a very rare opportunity for the Chinese teenagers. Zhu Longfei is at his junior year of high school. He and Bryan dress alike with cool hats and hip-hop style clothes. So they got along very well when they met each other. Zhu Longfei says,
"Such an opportunity to communicate with American students is very helpful. It helps improve our communication skills and spoken English. I think it's more useful than the rigid study of grammar in school. It's a good way for us to know more about our American peers."
Travel is always a good way of education but it's also a luxurious lifestyle, which is not affordable for underprivileged youngsters. However, with such projects, more students from impoverished families are also able to explore the world.
Back Anchor: That is Xiong Siqi reporting.
The LA Lakers unveil Jeremy Lin after his move from the Houston Rockets
Jeremy Lin has been trotted out publicly by his new team, unveiling his new Los Angeles Lakers no. 17, the uniform number he wore during the time known as Linsanity.
The 25-year-old point guard is looking forward to making "a fresh start", as he tries to help restore the flagging fortunes of one of the NBA's leading franchises.
"I've had the opportunity to play with a few really good players with Carmelo (Anthony), James, James Harden and now Kobe (Bryant). And I think I'll be able to learn a lot from him and he's been there and he's done it and he's won at the highest level and I'm just excited to be able to learn from him, to be honest and see how he approaches everything. Because I've developed like my own, you know made my own structure, my own rhythm of how I approach the season and what my workouts look like but I would love to see how his look like as well." "
Lin was acquired by the Lakers earlier this month along with a future first-round pick and a 2015 second-round pick in a trade with the Houston Rockets for the rights to Sergei Lishchuk.
An undrafted and overlooked Ivy League player, he burst onto the scene in his second NBA season with a 25-point, seven-assist performance off the bench against the Nets on Feb. 4, 2012, and went on to total 136 points in his next five starts.
The Taiwan-born American has averaged 11.9 points and 4.8 assists per game over his four seasons in the league.
Lin could well take over as the starting point guard for the Lakers, with veteran Steve Nash having appeared in only 15 games last season due to nerve damage in his back.
Jorge Luis Pinto Quits as coach of Costa Rica
Jorge Luis Pinto has decided to quit as coach of World Cup quarter-finalists Costa Rica, because of differences with the soccer federation. 
Costa Rica enjoyed its most-ever successful World Cup in Brazil, reaching the last eight for the first time and going out on penalties to the Netherlands.
In other action,
Brazil's 2002 World Cup-winning captain Cafu has offered to fill a coaching role under new Selecao boss Dunga.
Cafu was an outspoken critic of the team during the World Cup.
He was been barred from entering the dressing room after the hosts' 7-1 semifinal defeat to Germany.
Cafu says he holds no grudge against Brazil's football confederation president Jose Maria Marin, who reportedly ordered Cafu's dressing-room snub.
Dunga, who has been appointed Brazil's manager for a second time, has named Andrey Lopes as his assistant and 1994 World Cup-winning teammate Taffarel as goalkeeping coach.
A second assistant role, to be initially filled by former Brazil midfielder Mauro Silva, will be rotated among former Selecao players.
Croatian striker Mario Mandzukic moves to Atletico Madrid
Croatian striker Mario Mandzukic has been unveiled as Atletico Madrid's newest player.
Mandzukic has signed a four-year deal with the La Liga club after joining from Bayern Munich.
The Spanish champions have acted quickly to bring the 28-year-old target man on board, after Spanish forward Diego Costa sealed a move to English Premier League club Chelsea.
Mandzukic had become surplus at Bayern following the arrival of forward Robert Lewandowski from Bundesliga rivals Borussia Dortmund.
The Croatian has spent two years with the German champions, scoring 33 goals in 54 Bundesliga appearances.
In other action,
Former Chelsea midfielder Frank Lampard has signed a 2-year deal with New York City in North America's Major League Soccer.
The 36-year-old, who is Chelsea's all-time leading scorer with 211 goals in 649 appearances, has ended a 13-year stay at Stamford Bridge, but will prolong his career in the United States.
But the ex-Chelsea midfielder will not be joining the newly rebranded A-League side Melbourne City.
Ahead of the 2015 MLS season, he will instead opt to train in England in an effort to maintain his fitness levels.
Guangzhou EverGrande ousted at the 2014 Chinese FA Cup
Guangzhou EverGrande has been dispatched by Henan Jianye 2-1 at the 2014 Chinese FA Cup.
In the last eight,
Qingdao Hainiu will play Henan Jianye.
Beijing Guo'an will face Jiangsu Sainty.
Qingdao Zhongneng will take on Jiangsu Sainty.
Shanghai Shenhua takes on Shanghai Shenxin.
Aussie women set swim world record
Australian swimmers have smashed the world record on their way to gold in the women's 4x100-metres relay at the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow.
The quartet of Bronte Campbell, Cate Campbell, Emma McKeon and Melanie Schlanger have touched in a time of three minutes 30.98 seconds to comfortably beat the old record.
England and Canada took second and third, respectively.
In other action,
Hannah Miley and Ross Murdoch have bolstered host Scotland's gold medal tally.
Miley clinched the title in the 400-metres individual medley, while Murdoch has beat compatriot and Glasgow hero Michael Jamieson to the punch in the men's 200-metre breaststroke.
Roundup of the first round of the RBC Canadian Open
Americans Michael Putnam and Tim Petrovic have shot matching 64s to grab a one shot lead at the RBC Canadian Open.
23-year-old Canadian amateur Taylor Pendrith has mixed seven birdies with two bogeys to card a 65 in his first PGA Tour start.
Pendrith won the 2013 Porter Cup and tied for fifth in the 2012 Canadian men's amateur championship.
A Canadian has not won the tournament, since Pat Fletcher at Vancouver's Point Grey Golf and Country Club in 1954.
Meanwhile, American Brandt Snedeker has launched his title defense with a 69, the same score posted by his compatriot Matt Kuchar, the world number seven and the highest-ranked player in the field.
Tyrant Grabs Millions of Viewers on Tencent's Website
TV series "Tyrant" has grabbed millions of viewers on Tencent's streaming website.
With the fifth episode online now, "Tyrant" has successfully kept the attention of Chinese audience.
Since the season premiere on June 24th, the Middle Eastern soap opera produced by American FX has had tens of millions viewers on Tencent's video page.
The streaming broke seven records in the category of American TV aired in China.
This nevertheless was contributed by an exclusive deal that FX only granted Tencent to stream the soap online in China.
The soap is widely regarded as the Godfather of the Middle East.
Five episodes are available online now, and new episodes are available on Tencent every Wednesday, shortly after being aired in America.
Yang Lan Denies Opening Private Club
China's famous TV hostess Yang Lan has denied that she opened a high-end club named "JUNDING HUAYUE CLUB" .
Yang, also the chairman of Sun Media Group, made the statement through the official micro blog of Sun Media Group.
Yang says that she and her media group have no relationship with JUNDING HUAYUE CLUB, including no holding of the club's shares or no involvement of its operation management.
Yang Lan is said to have set up JUNDING HUAYUE CLUB with China Oil & Foodstuffs Corporation.
The club's admission fee is up to 500,000 yuan, that's around 85,000 US dollars.
A related company of Sun Media Group had launched "JunDing Leadership Meeting" in 2009 with COFCO, which was aimed at summoning the sense of social responsibility of China's Entrepreneurs.
Star Wars Actor Mark Hamill Says Returning was a Gift
Original Star Wars actor Mark Hamill called his return to the movie after more than 30 years an "unexpected gift."
Speaking at the UK premiere for Guardians of the Galaxy, he said shooting for the franchise had him reminiscing about filming on set the first time round.
"It's certainly unexpected, we had a beginning middle and end, I never thought we'd come back. I still can't believe it's happening and to go onto those sets that evoke so many memories is just astonishing, I have real ties to this country, my son was born when we were making Empire Strikes Back. It just seems like an unexpected gift."
The 62-year-old starred in the three original Star Wars films, the first of which was filmed in 1977.
The new film, which only has the working title Episode VII so far, is due to be released in 2015.
Jon Bon Jovi Honored Marie Anderson Award
American rock star Jon Bon Jovi has been honored for his humanitarian work.
(my life)
The lead singer and guitarist was awarded the prestigious Marie Anderson Award, named after the acclaimed opera singer, who became the first black soloist at the metropolitan opera in New York.
At the ceremony, Bon Jovi was grateful for his award.
"Project HOME's team has outdone themselves and for that, from the bottom of my heart I say thank you and wow!"
Organizers said Bon Jovi has used his musical success to support groups working to end homelessness and hunger.
The award is given in Philadelphia to "critically acclaimed artists who have impacted society in a positive way."
Previous winners include actor James Earl Jones and Elizabeth Taylor.
Shia LeBeouf Case Adjourned
A disorderly conduct and harassment case against American actor Shia LaBeouf has been adjourned.
Dressed in a dark suit and tie the bearded actor was silent during a brief hearing in Manhattan Criminal Court
That's it for this edition of the Beijing Hour - a quick recap of headlines before we go:
Israeli security forces are bracing for possible mass protests following the final Ramadan prayers on Friday...
A Chinese student assaulted in Los Angeles has been found dead in his apartment...
Data from the black boxes of that TransAsia flight that crashed in Taiwan is to be made public next week...
In business, Chinese regulators approve three private banks...
On behalf of the Beijing Hour staffers, this is Shane Bigham in Beijing hoping you'll join us for our next edition of the Beijing Hour to open a window to the world together.

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