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Ezekiel 以西结书29

时间:2008-07-03 03:17来源:互联网 提供网友:Sallygirl   字体: [ ]
29In the tenth year, in the tenth month on the twelfth day, the word of the LORD came to me:
2"Son of man, set your face against Pharaoh king of Egypt and prophesy1 against him and against all Egypt.
3Speak to him and say: 'This is what the Sovereign LORD says: " 'I am against you, Pharaoh king of Egypt, you great monster lying among your streams. You say, "The Nile is mine; I made it for myself."
4But I will put hooks in your jaws2 and make the fish of your streams stick to your scales. I will pull you out from among your streams, with all the fish sticking to your scales.
5I will leave you in the desert, you and all the fish of your streams. You will fall on the open field and not be gathered or picked up. I will give you as food to the beasts of the earth and the birds of the air.
6Then all who live in Egypt will know that I am the LORD . " 'You have been a staff of reed for the house of Israel.
7When they grasped you with their hands, you splintered and you tore open their shoulders; when they leaned on you, you broke and their backs were wrenched3.
8" 'Therefore this is what the Sovereign LORD says: I will bring a sword against you and kill your men and their animals.
9Egypt will become a desolate4 wasteland. Then they will know that I am the LORD . " 'Because you said, "The Nile is mine; I made it,"
10therefore I am against you and against your streams, and I will make the land of Egypt a ruin and a desolate waste from Migdol to Aswan, as far as the border of Cush.
11No foot of man or animal will pass through it; no one will live there for forty years.
12I will make the land of Egypt desolate among devastated5 lands, and her cities will lie desolate forty years among ruined cities. And I will disperse6 the Egyptians among the nations and scatter7 them through the countries.
13" 'Yet this is what the Sovereign LORD says: At the end of forty years I will gather the Egyptians from the nations where they were scattered8.
14I will bring them back from captivity9 and return them to Upper Egypt, the land of their ancestry10. There they will be a lowly kingdom.
15It will be the lowliest of kingdoms and will never again exalt11 itself above the other nations. I will make it so weak that it will never again rule over the nations.
16Egypt will no longer be a source of confidence for the people of Israel but will be a reminder12 of their sin in turning to her for help. Then they will know that I am the Sovereign LORD .' "
17In the twenty-seventh year, in the first month on the first day, the word of the LORD came to me:
18"Son of man, Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon drove his army in a hard campaign against Tyre; every head was rubbed bare and every shoulder made raw. Yet he and his army got no reward from the campaign he led against Tyre.
19Therefore this is what the Sovereign LORD says: I am going to give Egypt to Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, and he will carry off its wealth. He will loot and plunder13 the land as pay for his army.
20I have given him Egypt as a reward for his efforts because he and his army did it for me, declares the Sovereign LORD .
21"On that day I will make a horn grow for the house of Israel, and I will open your mouth among them. Then they will know that I am the LORD ."


1 prophesy 00Czr     
  • He dares to prophesy what will happen in the future.他敢预言未来将发生什么事。
  • I prophesy that he'll be back in the old job.我预言他将重操旧业。
2 jaws cq9zZq     
  • The antelope could not escape the crocodile's gaping jaws. 那只羚羊无法从鱷鱼张开的大口中逃脱。
  • The scored jaws of a vise help it bite the work. 台钳上有刻痕的虎钳牙帮助它紧咬住工件。
3 wrenched c171af0af094a9c29fad8d3390564401     
v.(猛力地)扭( wrench的过去式和过去分词 );扭伤;使感到痛苦;使悲痛
  • The bag was wrenched from her grasp. 那只包从她紧握的手里被夺了出来。
  • He wrenched the book from her hands. 他从她的手中把书拧抢了过来。 来自《简明英汉词典》
4 desolate vmizO     
  • The city was burned into a desolate waste.那座城市被烧成一片废墟。
  • We all felt absolutely desolate when she left.她走后,我们都觉得万分孤寂。
5 devastated eb3801a3063ef8b9664b1b4d1f6aaada     
v.彻底破坏( devastate的过去式和过去分词);摧毁;毁灭;在感情上(精神上、财务上等)压垮adj.毁坏的;极为震惊的
  • The bomb devastated much of the old part of the city. 这颗炸弹炸毁了旧城的一大片地方。
  • His family is absolutely devastated. 他的一家感到极为震惊。
6 disperse ulxzL     
  • The cattle were swinging their tails to disperse the flies.那些牛甩动着尾巴驱赶苍蝇。
  • The children disperse for the holidays.孩子们放假了。
7 scatter uDwzt     
  • You pile everything up and scatter things around.你把东西乱堆乱放。
  • Small villages scatter at the foot of the mountain.村庄零零落落地散布在山脚下。
8 scattered 7jgzKF     
  • Gathering up his scattered papers,he pushed them into his case.他把散乱的文件收拾起来,塞进文件夹里。
9 captivity qrJzv     
  • A zoo is a place where live animals are kept in captivity for the public to see.动物园是圈养动物以供公众观看的场所。
  • He was held in captivity for three years.他被囚禁叁年。
10 ancestry BNvzf     
  • Their ancestry settled the land in 1856.他们的祖辈1856年在这块土地上定居下来。
  • He is an American of French ancestry.他是法国血统的美国人。
11 exalt 4iGzV     
  • She thanked the President to exalt her.她感谢总统提拔她。
  • His work exalts all those virtues that we,as Americans,are taught to hold dear.他的作品颂扬了所有那些身为美国人应该珍视的美德。
12 reminder WkzzTb     
  • I have had another reminder from the library.我又收到图书馆的催还单。
  • It always took a final reminder to get her to pay her share of the rent.总是得发给她一份最后催缴通知,她才付应该交的房租。
13 plunder q2IzO     
  • The thieves hid their plunder in the cave.贼把赃物藏在山洞里。
  • Trade should not serve as a means of economic plunder.贸易不应当成为经济掠夺的手段。
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