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  • 愉悦口语:第302期 诱惑英文怎么说 讲解文本: temptation 诱惑,引诱,诱人的事物 I can't resist the temptation of chocolates. 我无法抵挡巧克力的诱惑。 The cake on the table was a strong temptation to the little boy. 桌上的蛋糕对那个小男孩来说是巨
  • 愉悦口语:第303期 追求英文怎么说 讲解文本: be after 寻找,寻求,追求 I know what you are after. 我知道你在追求什么。 The dog was after the rabbit like a shot. 那只狗飞快地追赶兔子。 疯狂练习吧!
  • 愉悦口语:第304期 板着脸英文怎么说 讲解文本: straight face 板着脸,不动声色,一本正经的样子 It was difficult to keep a straight face when I heard his joke. 听完他的笑话,很难板着脸不笑。 My father never laughs. What he gives us is always a straight
  • 愉悦口语:第305期 发泄英文怎么说 讲解文本: vent 表达,发泄(感情、愤怒等); (感情的)发泄,出口 She called her best friend to vent her frustration. 她给最要好的朋友打电话发泄自己的沮丧。 give vent to 发泄,吐露 You really need
  • 愉悦口语:第306期 好高骛远英文怎么说 讲解文本: bite off more than one can chew 好高骛远,不切实际,贪多嚼不烂,心有余而力不足,不自量力 Do your best. Do whatever you can but don't bite off more than you can chew. 尽最大努力,做你能做得到的事
  • 愉悦口语:第307期 泼冷水英文怎么说 讲解文本: throw cold water 泼冷水,打击信心 Everybody thought my idea was great, but the boss threw cold water on it. 大家都认为我的主意很好,就是我们的老板给我泼冷水。 You should not throw cold water on him. He
  • 愉悦口语:第308期 家务活英文怎么说 讲解文本: chore 家庭杂务,日常的零星琐事,讨厌的或累人的工作 My husband and I both go out to work so we share the chores. 我和丈夫都出去工作,所以我们家务活分摊。 She often helps her mother do the chore
  • 愉悦口语:第309期 机智英文怎么说 讲解文本: on the ball 机灵,聪明能干,机智 The new clerk is really on the ball. Everyone likes him 新来的职员真能干,大家都喜欢他。 You can trust Jack. He has a lot on the ball. 你可以相信他,他很有一套。 疯
  • 愉悦口语:第310期 惹麻烦还能这样说 讲解文本: hot water 热水,严重的麻烦,困境 Joe is really in hot water now. His girlfriend just found out he's seeing another woman.Joe 现在可是难办了。因为他的女朋友最近发现他另外还有一个女朋友。 I got a
  • 愉悦口语:第311期 说闲话英文怎么说 讲解文本: gossip about 八卦,说的闲话,说长道短 Who's been gossiping about me? 谁一直在说我的闲话? Don't gossip about your co-workers. It's not nice. 别太聊同事的八卦。这样不好。 疯狂练习吧!
  • 愉悦口语:第312期 过瘾英文怎么说 讲解文本: have a ball 尽情狂欢,玩得非常开心,玩的过瘾 How about going with me, Bill? We'll have a ball. 跟我一起去怎么样,比尔?我们会玩的很开心。 The party will be great. Everybody is going to have a ball.
  • 愉悦口语:第313期 直率英文怎么说 讲解文本: make no bones about 直率,毫不犹豫,直言不讳 I think you should make no bones about your idea. 我觉得你有想法就应该直率的说出来。 I make no bones about it. I want the promotion. 我可以直言不讳的说,
  • 愉悦口语(MP3+文本):第314期 挤时间英文怎么说 讲解文本: make no bones about 直率,毫不犹豫,直言不讳 I think you should make no bones about your idea. 我觉得你有想法就应该直率的说出来。 I make no bones about it. I want the promotion. 我可以直言不讳的说,
  • 愉悦口语:第315期 老手英文怎么说 讲解文本: old hand 经验老到的人,老手 He's an old hand at this game. 这个游戏他是老手了。 If you have any problems about this, ask Mary. She's an old hand. 如果你有任何问题,可向Mary请教,她是老手。 疯狂练
  • 愉悦口语:第316期 苛刻英文怎么说 讲解文本: demanding 苛刻的,要求高的 Teaching is a very demanding job. 教学工作是个要求很高的工作。 Our boss is very demanding but we still like him. 我们老板要求很高,但我们还是很喜欢他。 疯狂练习吧!