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英闻天下——185 David Cameron Pledges EU Referendum if Re-elected

时间:2013-03-05 05:36来源:互联网 提供网友:jpstudy   字体: [ ]

   In his long-awaited speech planned for months, David Cameron says Britain will seek repatriation1 of powers, such as criminal justice, environment and social and employment legislation, from the European Union as the single market is set to embrace reforms after the Eurozone crisis.

  But if a new settlement is not accepted by Britons, Cameron promises a referendum after 2015 on whether the country should continue to stay in the EU.
  "It will be an in-out referendum. Legislation will be drafted before the next election. And if a Conservative Government is elected we will introduce the enabling legislation immediately and pass it by the end of that year. And we will complete this negotiation2 and hold this referendum within the first half of the next parliament. It is time for the British people to have their say. It is time for us to settle this question about Britain and Europe."
  But experts believe the pledge itself could cause problems.
  George Magnus is Senior Economic Adviser3 to UBS Investment Bank.
  "If the government steers4 the United Kingdom towards a referendum, and people decide they want to quit, then of course the government has to leave, and that could be very disruptive for the British economy. It could be disruptive for inward investment. It could be disruptive for inflation in the United Kingdom, for the pound sterling5. Economically and socially I think it would be really quite a problem."
  Cameron has insisted it's not in Britain's interest to leave the European Union. He also warned that leaving the EU would be a "one-way ticket, not a return". But he's been facing growing pressure from within the Tory party to stage a referendum on the issue.
  "I think the government is wrong to be having this debate. I think it's very much about the internal politics of the Conservative Party. And I hope we'll forget about it quite quickly."
  The opposition6 Labour Party has said that Cameron's move demonontrates weak leadership. Labour leader Ed Miliband reacted by ruling out a similar referendum if Labour wins the next general election.
  In Europe, Cameron's speech has triggered mixed reactions, with positive responses from Sweden and the Netherlands, and warnings from Germany and France.
  For CRI, I'm Tu Yun reporting from London.


1 repatriation efc8b0769e13d125d7e05d6422dd8e59     
  • The Volrep programme is the preferred means of repatriation. 政府认为自愿遣返计划的遣返方法较为可取。 来自互联网
  • Arrange the cargo claiming and maritime affairs,crews repatriation,medical treatment,traveling so on. (六)洽办货物理赔,船舶海事处理,办理船员遣返,就医,旅游等。 来自互联网
2 negotiation FGWxc     
  • They closed the deal in sugar after a week of negotiation.经过一星期的谈判,他们的食糖生意成交了。
  • The negotiation dragged on until July.谈判一直拖到7月份。
3 adviser HznziU     
  • They employed me as an adviser.他们聘请我当顾问。
  • Our department has engaged a foreign teacher as phonetic adviser.我们系已经聘请了一位外籍老师作为语音顾问。
4 steers e3d6e83a30b6de2d194d59dbbdf51e12     
n.阉公牛,肉用公牛( steer的名词复数 )v.驾驶( steer的第三人称单数 );操纵;控制;引导
  • This car steers easily. 这部车子易于驾驶。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Good fodder fleshed the steers up. 优质饲料使菜牛长肉。 来自辞典例句
5 sterling yG8z6     
  • Could you tell me the current rate for sterling, please?能否请您告诉我现行英国货币的兑换率?
  • Sterling has recently been strong,which will help to abate inflationary pressures.英国货币最近非常坚挺,这有助于减轻通胀压力。
6 opposition eIUxU     
  • The party leader is facing opposition in his own backyard.该党领袖在自己的党內遇到了反对。
  • The police tried to break down the prisoner's opposition.警察设法制住了那个囚犯的反抗。
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