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英语访谈对话 448 Getting Lost

时间:2013-07-17 05:55来源:互联网 提供网友:mapleleaf   字体: [ ]

   Todd: So, Greg, do you have any stories about being lost, since you have all this good advice?

  Greg: Ah, well, let me think. Ah, there was one time I got lost in the mountains of the Golden Triangle in Thailand. The Golden Triangle as you might know is famous for a lot of drug trafficking, and it's also a tourist spot in some areas. Some areas are very safe and some areas are very dangerous actually, and my friend and I, we were hiking by ourselves in the mountains and we got lost, and we actually wondered across the border from Thailand into Myanmar. And we came across this village; very. very poor village, very of hill tribes2 people, and some of the people there were really unfriendly, they just started throwing rocks at my friends and I (oh, man) and shouting things. We couldn't talk, so we just backed away, went back quickly up the hill and we were wondering, we didn't know where to go, and luckily I could see in the distance, there was one tree that stood out because the hill had been burned, but there was one tree that didn't get burned and I remembered that tree when we were coming over, so that was my landmark3 which helped me to return, and I headed straight for that tree and then I saw the route, and I've been lost before. I love going into mountains, actually my friends and I got a little bit lost when we were hiking in some little forest in England last summer, but no, I make it a habit when I'm going through trails, and I'm not sure where to go, I put rocks, pile rocks on top of each other, or I put sticks to make an arrow in the direction I want to go.
  Todd: Ah, that's pretty good.
  Greg: So I find a pile of rocks and sticks and then I return that way.
  Todd: So, wow, back to the hill tribe1 people: Why do you think that they were mad? Do you think they were really upset with foreigners coming in to their territory, like they were trying to protect their little area?
  Greg: There could be many reasons. Maybe because there used to be a lot of opium4 being grown in that area, maybe they were growing opium and they didn't want anyone to see it. That's one thing. Maybe, just they were worried about foreigners, for some reason, maybe they've been treated badly before by foreigners. (Right!) I have no idea. (Well) It was pretty scary.
  Todd: Yeah, well, better rocks than bullets5.
  Greg: Yeah.


1 tribe XJ2zS     
  • This is a subject tribe.这是个受他人统治的部落。
  • Many of the tribe's customs and rituals are as old as the hills.这部落的许多风俗、仪式都极其古老。
2 tribes f3d6790faa976a2695d01a08f7b2ba64     
n.部落( tribe的名词复数 );(动、植物的)族;(一)帮;大群
  • tribes living in remote areas of the Amazonian rainforest 居住在亚马孙河雨林偏远地区的部落
  • In Africa the snake is still sacred with many tribes. 非洲许多部落仍认为蛇是不可冒犯的。 来自《简明英汉词典》
3 landmark j2DxG     
  • The Russian Revolution represents a landmark in world history.俄国革命是世界历史上的一个里程碑。
  • The tower was once a landmark for ships.这座塔曾是船只的陆标。
4 opium c40zw     
  • That man gave her a dose of opium.那男人给了她一剂鸦片。
  • Opium is classed under the head of narcotic.鸦片是归入麻醉剂一类的东西。
5 bullets lxFzBH     
  • The bodies of the hostages were found riddled with bullets. 在人质的尸体上发现了很多弹孔。
  • The bullets and cannon-balls were flying in all directions. 子弹和炮弹到处乱飞。
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