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  • 【英语语言学习】美国与墨西哥的边境

    SCOTT SIMON, HOST: The NPR News team traveled more than 2400 miles along the Mexican border from the Gulf of Mexico to the Pacific. Their route led through a zone that's under intense surveillance. NPR's Steve Inskeep got a chance to watch those who...

  • 【英语语言学习】我们能共同拥有它吗

    So my moment of truth did not come all at once. In 2010, I had the chance to be considered for promotion from my job as director of policy planning at the U.S. State Department. This was my moment to lean in, to push myself forward for what are reall...

  • 【英语语言学习】让南德克萨斯音乐保持生命力

    SCOTT SIMON, HOST: Conjunto music can be as American as cherry pie - with Mexican and German flavoring: (SOUNDBITE OF MUSIC) FLACO AND MAX: (Singing in foreign language) SIMON: Flaco Jimenez and Max Baca are just about the biggest names in conjunto,...

  • 【英语语言学习】太空中失明后使我懂得的

    What's the scariest thing you've ever done? Or another way to say it is, what's the most dangerous thing that you've ever done? And why did you do it? I know what the most dangerous thing is that I've ever done because NASA does the math. You look ba...

  • 【英语语言学习】关于药物

    RACHEL MARTIN, HOST: With a bit of science, you can turn an illegal high into a legal one. This transformation comes at the molecular level. Some drugs can be altered to make them above board, making them essentially copies of banned drugs. So, how a...

  • 【英语语言学习】我们为什么会笑?

    ACKI LYDEN, HOST: OK. So here's a joke. A man sitting on the veranda with his wife one night when out of the blue he says: I love you. His wife says: Was that you or was that the beer talking? The man says: That was me talking to the beer. Maybe you...

  • 【英语语言学习】来自陌生人的有爱信件

    I was one of the only kids in college who had a reason to go to the P.O. box at the end of the day, and that was mainly because my mother has never believed in email, in Facebook, in texting or cell phones in general. And so while other kids were BBM...

  • 【英语语言学习】玛丽的遗嘱

    This is FRESH AIR. I'm Dave Davies, in for Terry Gross. In the novel The Testament of Mary, Colm Toibin imagines Mary's life and what goes through her mind years after the crucifixion of her son. The Testament of Mary is now out in paperback. The Mar...

  • 【英语语言学习】不同种族间的结亲姻缘

    KAREN GRIGSBY BATES, BYLINE: I'm Karen Grigsby Bates and that, of course, is the theme song to I Love Lucy, one of the most popular shows in the history of television. Its stars, redheaded Lucille Ball and her Cuban-American husband, Desi Arnaz, beca...

  • 【英语语言学习】社交网络现状

    SCOTT SIMON, HOST: You know, as I host this program, I'm on a social media platform - Twitter, as a matter of fact. There is no group that takes that new social media platform more than teenagers, and that's exactly what worries a lot of parents. Dan...

  • 【英语语言学习】音乐可以帮助减轻痛苦

    Hospitals employ many therapeutic methods. In addition to medication, there are interventions like massage therapy and hypnosis. Music therapy is also growing in popularity. Sandra Siedliecki is a Senior Scientist at the Nursing Institute of Clevelan...

  • 【英语语言学习】信息与食物

    I love my food. And I love information. My children usually tell me that one of those passions is a little more apparent than the other. (Laughter) But what I want to do in the next eight minutes or so is to take you through how those passions develo...

  • 【英语语言学习】世界级大毒枭被抓住后

    One of the world's most powerful drug lords has been captured in Mexico. The head of the Sinaloa drug cartel, Joaquin Chapo Guzman, was arrested early Saturday morning. He's known as El Chapo or Shorty and has one of the longest and most profitable c...

  • 【英语语言学习】抵抗对艾滋病人的歧视

    REED VREELAND: I found out I was HIV-positive when I was 7 years old. I was told by my dad. He actually took me out to a really, very scenic location. I remember a picnic bench and a lot of grass around. RACHEL MARTIN, HOST: The scene stood in sharp...

  • 【英语语言学习】谎言的未来

    Let me tell you, it has been a fantastic month for deception. And I'm not even talking about the American presidential race. (Laughter) We have a high-profile journalist caught for plagiarism, a young superstar writer whose book involves so many made...
