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相关教程: 自然百科2009年
  • 英语听力:自然百科 吴哥古迹

    Step into the largest religious complex on earth, the temples of Angkor. Started as a mausoleum for a 12th-century Khmer king, it was expanded into a representation of the celestial world. The proportions here are astounding. The so-called the city o...

  • 英语听力:自然百科 体验魅力东非

    Hi, I am Paddy Kim. Today, were heading to East Africa, famous for sights like the Serengeti Plain, but theres a whole lot more of this place than just safaris(野生动物园) and savanna(大草原). It is also home to mountain jungles, fiery vo...

  • 英语听力:自然百科 克拉科夫

    Unlike most Polish cities, Krakow's architecture escaped the ravages of World War II. Gothic churches exalt the heavens; angels still dance over Baroque doorways. But these ancient monuments are threatened. High on a hill, Wawel Castle(瓦维尔城堡...

  • 英语听力:自然百科 泰晤士河

    The River Thames runs over 200 miles through the British countryside and on to the city of London. Each day, thousands of visitors enjoy the pleasures of just being on the river. But as little as 40 years ago, this body of water had become one of Eur...

  • 英语听力:自然百科 圣保罗大教堂

    Where once only salt miners traveled, today, tourists trek(艰苦跋涉), through tunnels hundreds of feet deep into the caverns(大洞穴) of Zipaquir Mountain in Colombia. Their destination: a Catholic cathedral carved from the mineral deposits of...

  • 英语听力:自然百科 永恒的钻石(二)

    The secret of the diamond lies in the carbon bond. Carbon is one of the most plentiful substances known to science. We find carbon in plants, animals and our bodies. Carbon everywhere. And yet diamonds are some of the rarest, most beautiful of all su...

  • 英语听力:自然百科 永恒的钻石(一)

    This accident of nature holds an unrivaled place in society. Large diamonds are so rare and so prized (that) they have become the emblem of the elite. In the elegant halls of Christie's Galleries in New York City, an auction of fabulous jewels is abo...

  • 英语听力:自然百科 佛罗伦萨艺术

    The workshops are hidden throughout the narrow streets of Oltrarno. Artisans ply trades learned not in schools but through apprenticeships and years of experience. Silversmith Donato Zaccaro has been creating silver furnishings and tableware for over...

  • 英语听力:自然百科 印度岛屿日渐消失

    This partially submerged palm tree is a stark(鲜明的) reminder that climate change is bringing real changes to the world's landscape. The vanishing Indian island of Ghoramara is part of Sundarbans, the world's largest delta, which straddles(横跨...

  • 英语听力:自然百科 达芬奇的自画像?

    Experts have revealed what they believe is a previously unknown portrait of Leonado da Vinci. It shows Da Vinci as a middle-aged man with piercing eyes and long flowing hair. The painting was found in December by a medieval historian, studying in the...

  • 英语听力:自然百科 探秘玛雅金字塔

    While Europe lingered in the Dark Ages, the splendor of the Maya world was reaching its zenith. Their temples soared hundreds of feet into the heavens. They developed a system of hieroglyphic writing. Works of art and sculpture displayed the Maya's i...

  • 英语听力:自然百科 墨西哥的巫师镇

    In the coastal Mexican city of Catemaco, indigenous traditions have mixed with Catholicism to create a unique brand of spirituality that sometimes puts spells ahead of crucifixes. People patronize brujos, or witches, like Julia Garcia to remedy physi...

  • 英语听力:自然百科 考古揭秘佛罗里达州

    The cool waters of Wakulla Springs makes it a popular place to beat Florida's heat. Tourists lounge on the May beach, while the locals prefer the opposite bank. Despite the cold-blooded company, people have visited these historic springs for years. B...

  • 英语听力:自然百科 玻利维亚金字塔

    Transcript by myconsent One thousand years before Columbus, there were pyramid builders, warriors -- the architects of an empire in South America. The Tiwanaku(蒂瓦纳科人) lived in a valley of Lake Titicaca(的的喀喀湖) for 1,500 hundred...

  • 英语听力:自然百科 马丘比丘

    The ancient city of Machu Picchu attracts visitors from all over the world. The most famous archaeological site in Peru, this Inca ruin floats among the clouds, 2,000 feet above the Urubamba River that runs below, and 7,700 feet above sea level. Hist...
