   当前位置:首页>英语网刊>2008年英语网刊(上)> 英语周刊第60期
在线英语听力室 (2008-03-16)  字体: [ ]  
本 期 目 录 :

1.英语听力-经典教程 最新精选
3.美文欣赏-One Finger 一个手指
4.想笑就笑-心目中的英雄Personal Hero
6.英文歌曲-Hold me 拥抱我
9.英文演讲-President Bush Meets with His Majesty King Abdullah of Jordan


英语听力-经典教程 最新精选















  Boozing into the night might inhibit coherent speech, but a Japanese company bets it will make workers communicate better. And it's even willing to pay for it.

  Japan General Estate Co said Tuesday it is planning to dole out thousands of dollars a month for its employees to go on the town in a bid to help communication.

  Japanese companies routinely offer generous expense accounts to entertain clients, but the real estate company is going a step further by subsidising workers' drinking sessions with one another.

  The company plans to offer managers who supervise 20 or more people up to 300,000 yen (3,000 dollars) a month to take them out. Managers with fewer than 20 workers will get 200,000 yen, a company statement said.

  After-hours drinking is encouraged in Japanese corporate culture as a way to break the ice in work environments that can be uptight and formal.

  But critics say the pressure to drink is one of the reasons why Japan's population is declining as men in particular spend little time at home.

  Japan General Estate said the drinking benefits could alternatively be used for wedding or funeral expenses.

  The company is known for its unorthodox work policies, such as paying 100,000 yen in benefits every month to employees who do not smoke.










美文欣赏-One Finger 一个手指

  "Mom, you should put some of your things away. Baby proof this house," stated our oldest son Mark as he lumbered up the stairs followed by his wife, Kim, and fifteen-month-old Hannah.

  Visiting for the Thanksgiving holiday, he finished unloading the luggage and took it to the guestroom downstairs. After driving all day from Salt Lake to Ft. Collins, his temper showed. "That one finger rule may work with the twins, but it'll never work with Hannah, " he insisted.

  When my three granddaughters were born four months apart and the twins moved into our house at eight months, my close friend offered me her secret to entertaining grandchildren with few mishaps. "Teach them the 'one finger rule'." All of her five grandchildren learned it at a young age. The success of the method surprised me.

  I picked up my granddaughter and said, "Well, Mark, you just watch." I hugged her and walked all around the great room.

  "Hannah, you may touch anything in this room you want. But, you can only use one finger." I demonstrated the technique by touching my forefinger to the African sculpture on the mantle. Hannah followed my example. "Good girl. Now what else would you like to touch?"

  She stretched her finger toward another object on the mantle. I allowed her to touch everything in sight, plants, glass objects, TV, VCR, lamps, speakers, candles and artificial flowers. If she started to grab, I gently reminded her to use one finger. She always obeyed. But, Hannah, an only child, possessed a more adventur ous personality. Her father predicted it would prevent her from accepting the"one finger"rule.

  During their four-day stay, we aided Hannah in remembering"one finger"rule. She learned quickly. I only put away the things that might prove to be a danger to a child. Otherwise, we watched her closely and nothing appeared to suffer any damage. Besides, "things"can be replaced.

  A few fingerprints on glass doors, windows and tables remained after Hannah and her family returned home. I couldn't bring myself to clean them for days. Each one reminded me of some wonderful experience with Hannah.

  Months later, my husband and I drove to Salt Lake; I watched Mark and Kim continue to practice the one finger rule. But I refrained from saying, "I told you so." Yet, I smiled inwardly each time they prodded Hannah to touch with "one finger. " Mark, a salesman, always gave a packet of gifts to his potential clients. The night before we returned home, Mark sat on the floor stuffing gifts into their packets. Hannah helped.

  Then she picked up one gift, held it in her hand as if it were a fragile bird, and walked toward me. At my knee, her beautiful blue eyes looked into mine. She stretched her prize to me and said, "One finger, Nana!"


想笑就笑-心目中的英雄Personal Hero

  Our granddaughter's second-grade class was asked to write about their personal heroes. Her father was flattered to find out that she had chosen him. "Why did you pick me?" he asked.

  "Because I couldn't spell Arnold Schwarzenegger," she said.


  "因为我不会拼阿诺得.施瓦辛格(Arnold Schwarzenegger),"她说。



            A Rose from Homer's Grave

                     By Hans Christian Andersen

  All the songs of the east speak of the love of the nightingale for the rose in the silent starlight night. The winged songster serenades the fragrant flowers.

Not far from Smyrna, where the merchant drives his loaded camels, proudly arching their long necks as they journey beneath the lofty pines over holy ground, I saw a hedge of roses. The turtle-dove flew among the branches of the tall trees, and as the sunbeams fell upon her wings, they glistened as if they were mother-of-pearl. On the rose-bush grew a flower, more beautiful than them all, and to her the nightingale sung of his woes; but the rose remained silent, not even a dewdrop lay like a tear of sympathy on her leaves. At last she bowed her head over a heap of stones, and said, "Here rests the greatest singer in the world; over his tomb will I spread my fragrance, and on it I will let my leaves fall when the storm scatters them. He who sung of Troy became earth, and from that earth I have sprung. I, a rose from the grave of Homer, am too lofty to bloom for a nightingale." Then the nightingale sung himself to death. A camel-driver came by, with his loaded camels and his black slaves; his little son found the dead bird, and buried the lovely songster in the grave of the great Homer, while the rose trembled in the wind.

The evening came, and the rose wrapped her leaves more closely round her, and dreamed: and this was her dream.

  It was a fair sunshiny day; a crowd of strangers drew near who had undertaken a pilgrimage to the grave of Homer. Among the strangers was a minstrel from the north, the home of the clouds and the brilliant lights of the aurora borealis. He plucked the rose and placed it in a book, and carried it away into a distant part of the world, his fatherland. The rose faded with grief, and lay between the leaves of the book, which he opened in his own home, saying, "Here is a rose from the grave of Homer."

  Then the flower awoke from her dream, and trembled in the wind. A drop of dew fell from the leaves upon the singer's grave. The sun rose, and the flower bloomed more beautiful than ever. The day was hot, and she was still in her own warm Asia. Then footsteps approached, strangers, such as the rose had seen in her dream, came by, and among them was a poet from the north; he plucked the rose, pressed a kiss upon her fresh mouth, and carried her away to the home of the clouds and the northern lights. Like a mummy, the flower now rests in his "Iliad," and, as in her dream, she hears him say, as he opens the book, "Here is a rose from the grave of Homer."


I. Translation for Reference(参考译文)


(注:荷马(Homer)是公元前1000年希腊的一个伟大诗人。他的两部驰名的 史诗《依里亚特》(Illiad)《奥德赛》(Odyssey)描写希腊人远征特洛伊城(Troy)的故事。此城在小亚细亚的西北部。)

  东方所有的歌曲都歌诵着夜莺对玫瑰花的爱情。在星星闪耀着的静夜里,这只有翼的歌手就为他芬芳的花儿唱一支情歌。离士麦那(注:士麦那(Smyrna)是土耳其西部的一个海口。)不远,在一株高 大的梧桐树下,商人赶着一群驮着东西的骆驼。这群牲口骄傲地昂起它们的长脖子,笨重地在这神圣的土地上行进。我看到开满了花的玫瑰树所组成的篱笆。野鸽子在高大的树枝间飞翔。当太阳射到它们身上的时候,它们的翅膀发着光,像珍珠一样。玫瑰树篱笆上有一朵花,一朵所有的鲜花中最美丽的花。夜莺对它唱出他的爱情的悲愁 。但是这朵玫瑰一句话也不讲,它的叶子上连一颗作为同情的眼泪的露珠都没有。它只是面 对着几块大石头垂下枝子。"这儿躺着世界上一个最伟大的歌手!"玫瑰花说。"我在他的墓上散发出香气;当暴 风雨袭来的时候,我的花瓣落到它身上,这位《依里亚特》的歌唱者变成了这块土地中的尘土,我从这尘土中发芽和生长!我是荷马墓上长出的一朵玫瑰。我是太神圣了,我不能为一个平凡的夜莺开出花来。"


  赶骆驼的商人带着驮着东西的牲口和黑奴走来了。他的小儿子看到了这只死鸟。他把这 只小小的歌手埋到伟大的荷马的墓里。那朵玫瑰花在风中发着抖。黄昏到来了。玫瑰花紧紧 地收敛起它的花瓣,做了一个梦。它梦见一个美丽的、阳光普照的日子。一群异国人--佛兰克人--来参拜荷马的坟墓 。在这些异国人之中有一位歌手;他来自北国,来自云块和北极光的故乡(注:指丹麦、挪威和瑞典。)。他摘下这朵玫瑰,把它夹在一本书里,然后把它带到世界的另一部分--他 的辽远的祖国里来。这朵玫瑰在悲哀中萎谢了,静静地躺在这本小书里。他在家里把这本书打开,说:"这是从荷马的墓上摘下的一朵玫瑰。"这就是这朵花做的一个梦。她惊醒起来,在风中发抖。于是一颗露珠从她的花瓣上滚到 这位歌手的墓上去。太阳升起来了,天气渐渐温暖起来,玫瑰花开得比以前还要美丽。她是 生长在温暖的亚洲。这时有脚步声音响起来了。玫瑰花在梦里所见到的那群佛兰克人来了; 在这些异国人中有一位北国的诗人:他摘下这朵玫瑰,在它新鲜的嘴唇上吻了一下,然后把它带到云块和北极光的故乡去。这朵花的躯体像木乃伊一样,现在躺在他的《依里亚特》里面它像在做梦一样,听到他打开这本书,说:"这是荷马墓上的一朵玫瑰。"

  (1842年)这是一首散文诗,收集在《诗人的集市》里。这大概也是安徒生在旅行中根据自己的见 闻有所感而写成的。文中的"一位北国诗人"可能就是他本人。那朵玫瑰有它坎坷的遭遇,诗人的一生中有时也有类似的经验。因此也只有他最能理解和钟爱这朵玫瑰花。


II. Exercise Choose the correct answer to the following questions.

1. What does all the songs of the east speak of?

A.The king of the people.

B.The love of the nightingale for the rose.


D.The rose.

2. To whom did the nightingale sing of his woes?

A.The merchant.

B.The turtle-dove.

C.The camels.

D.The rose.

3. What did happen to the nightingale?

A.He sung himself to death.

B.He got ill.

C.He flew to the east.

D.He stayed with the rose.

4. What was the weather like in the rose's dream?

A.A rainy day.

B.A cloudy day.

C.A fair sunshiny day.

D.A overcast day.

5. What did really happen to the rose?

A.The dream came true.

B.Nothing happened to her.

C.She died on Homer's grave.

D.None of the answers above is correct.


III. New Words and Expressions 生词和词组

1. serenade v. 为(某人)唱或奏小夜曲

2. fragrant a. 芬香的

3. sunbeam n. 阳光

4. minstrel n. 吟游诗人

5. aurora n. 极光

6. grief n. 悲痛


Key to Exercise(练习答案)

1.B 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.A


英文歌曲-Hold me 拥抱我

Hold me        Savage Garden

Hey if we can't find a way out of these problems

Then maybe we don't need this

Standing face to face

Enemies at war we build defenses

And secret hiding places

*I might need you to hold me tonight

I might need you to say it's alright

I might need you to make the first stand

Because tonight I'm finding it's hard to be your man


More than angry words I hate this silence

It's getting so loud

Well I want to scream

But bitterness has silenced these emotions

It's getting hard to breathe

So tell me

Isn't happiness worth more than a gold diamond ring?

I'm willing to do anything

To calm the storm in my heart

I've never been the praying kind

But lately I've been down upon my knees

Not looking for a miracle

Just a reason to believe (*)

Do you remember not long ago?

When we used to live for the nighttime

Cherish each moment

Now we don't live we exist

We just run through our lives

So alone

That's why you've got to hold me

Hey if we can't find a way out of these problems

Then maybe we don't need this

Standing face to face

Enemies at war we build defenses

And secret hiding places (*)


拥抱我        野人花园合唱团





































垂枝北非雪松阿尔泰老鹳草 Geranium affine

矮扁柏  Chamaecyparis obtusa cv.Nana Kosteri

矮柳 Salix herbacea

矮山姜 Alpinia pumila

矮生美 洲花柏 Chamaecyparis lawlsoniana cv.Minima

安德喜林芋 Philodendron andreanum

八角金盘 Fatsia japonica

八角莲 Disporum leschenaultianum

八仙花  Hydrangea macrophylla

巴西铁树 Dracaena fragrans

白 雪委陵菜 Potentilla nitidavar. alba

白边铁树 Dracaena deremensis

白粉藤 Cissus repens

白蝴蝶 Syngonium podophyllum cv white butterfly

白花败酱 Patrima villosa

白花碎米荠 Cardamine leucantha

白花网纹草 Fitionia verschaffeliii

白花油麻藤 Mucuna birdwoodiana

白花紫露草 Tradescatia fluminensis

白屈菜 Chelidoniummajus

白山金腰子 Chrysosplenium baitoshamicum

白山蓼 Poly-gonum laxmanii

白山龙朋 Gentiana jamesii

白山毛茛 Ranunculus japonica var.monticola

白睡莲 Nymphaea alba

白头风毛菊 Saussurea triangulata var. alpina

白头翁 Pulsatilla chinensis

白头翁一种 Pulsatillavernalis

白香石竹 Dianthus arenarins

白雪花 Plumbag zeylanica

白颜树 Gironniera subaequalis

白珠树一种 Gaultherianum mularioides

百里香 Thymus mongolicus

百里香 Thymus?rzewalskii

百两金 Ardisia crispa

斑瓣虎耳草 Saxlfra#?a takedana

斑点虎耳草 Saxifraga punetata

斑花捉构兰 Cyperipedium guttatum

斑纹竹芋 Calaihea zebrina

斑叶堇菜 Viola variegata

斑叶竹芋 Calathea warscewiczzi

板兰 Baphicacacanthus cusia

板兰 Baphicacanthus cusia

瓣蕊唐松草 Thalictrumpetaloideum

苞叶杜鹃 Rhododendron redowskianum

报春花 Primula malacoides

报春叶杜鹃 Rhododendron primuliflorum

报春一种 Primula modesta

豹纹竹芋 Maranta bicolor

北京虎耳草 Saxifraga sibirica var.pekinensis

北拉拉藤 Galium boleale

北马先蒿 Pedicularis mdshurica

北毛茛 anunculus borealis

贝拉球兰 Hoya bella

本氏点地梅 Androsace bungeana

笔龙胆 Gentiana zellingeri

蓖齿苏铁 Cycas peciinata

扁担藤 tetrastigma planicaule。

扁蕾 Gentianopsis barbata

变叶木 Codiacum variegatum

滨藜叶枸杞恂 Lycium halimifolium

波士顿蕨 Nephrolepis exaltata var. Bostoniensis

波氏牡丹 Paeonia potaninii

波缘冬青 Ilex crenata var.mariesii

伯氏瑞香 Daphne xburkwoodii

彩叶凤梨 Neoreglia carolinae

草胡椒 Pepromia pellucida

草珊瑚 Sarcandra glabra

草芍药 Paeonia obovata。

草原老鹳草 Geranium pratense

茶条槭 Acer ginnala

长白虎耳草 Saxifraga laciniata

长白棘豆 Oxytropis anertii

长白老鹳草 Geranium paishanesis var.alpinum

长白耧斗菜 Aquilegia japonica

长白米努草 Minuartia macrocarpa var.Koreana

长白婆婆纳 Veronica stelleri

长白千里光 Senecio phoeanthus

长白岩菖蒲 Tofieldia nutans

长柄合果芋 Syngonzum podophyllum

长梗葱 Alliumneriniflorum

长花野锦香 Blasius longiflorus

长叶婆婆纳 Veronica longifolia

长叶千年木 Cordyline stricta

长圆叶柳 Salixoblongifolia

常春藤类 Hedera spp.

巢蕨 Neot topteris nidus

橙黄飞蓬 Erigeron aurantiacus。

齿翼鬃吾 Ligularia deltoides

臭茉莉 Clerodendron frangrans

川赤芍 Paeoni aveiichii

垂果南芥 Arabis pendula

垂花青兰 Dracocephalum nutans

垂盆草 Sedum sarmentosum

垂叶榕 Ficus benjamina

垂枝北非雪松 Cedrus atlanticacv.Pendula

垂枝构骨冬青 Ilexaquifolium cv.Pendula

垂枝桦 Betula pendula cv. Tristis

垂枝柳叶梨 Pyrus salicihlia cv. Pendula

垂枝落羽松 Taxodium distichum cv.Pendula

垂枝欧洲山毛惨 Fagus sylvatica cv. Aureapendula

垂枝欧洲山毛榉 Fagussylvaticacv.pendula

垂枝桑 Morus alba cv Pendula

垂枝山楂 Crataegus nionogyna cv. Pendula

垂枝狭叶白蜡 Fraxinus angustifolia cv. Pendula

垂枝榆 Ulmus carpinihlia cv.Pcendula

春黄菊 Anthemis tinctoria

春兰 Cymbidium goeringii

刺花丹一种 Acantholimon echinus

刺庭荠 Alyssum spinosum

翠菊 Callistephus chinensis

翠雀 Delphinium grandiflorum

大白花地榆 Sanguisorba sitchensis

大花黄牡丹 Paeonia lutea cv. Ludlowii

大花蓝盆花 Scabiosa superba

大漂属 Pistia

大岩桐 Sinningia speciosa

大叶井口边草 Pteris cretica

大叶仙茅 Curculigo capitulata

大叶竹芋 Calathea ornata

单花孽吾 Ligularia jamesii

倒根蓼 Polygo-num bistorta

道格拉斯福录考 Phlox douglasiix subulata

稻花一种 Pimelea prostrata

德氏翠雀  Delphinium delavaui

灯心草蚤缀 Arenaria juncea

地锦槭 Acer mono

地中海刺芹 Eryngium bourgatii

点地梅 Androsace umbellata

点地梅种 Androsaca lanuginosa

吊金钱 Ceropegia woodii

吊兰 Chlorophyium capense

吊竹梅 Zebrina pendula

钓钟柳 Penstemon campanulatus var.pulchellus

蝶花荚迷 Viburnum hanceanum

豆瓣绿 Peperomiate trophylla

杜茎山 Maesa japonica

杜鹃属 Rhododendron spp.

杜松 Juniperusrigida

短茎马先蒿 Pedicularis artslaeri

短穗鱼尾葵 Caryota mitis

短叶虎尾兰 Sansevieria hahnii

对叶虎耳草 Saxifraga appositifolia

多花可爱花 Eranthemum polynanthum

多花殉子 Cotoneas florum

多腺柳 Salix poliadenia

多枝婆婆纳 Veronica javanica

二色红背桂 Excoecaria bicolor

返顾马先蒿 Pedicularis spicata

飞蓬 Erigeron multiradiatus

飞蓬一种 Erigeron mucronatus

非洲紫罗兰 Saintpauliaionantha

翡累椒草 Peperomia magnoliaefolia

粉花绣球藤 Clema-tis montana cv.Rubens

粉叶山柳藤 Clematoclethera integrzfolia

凤梨 Ananas comosus

佛甲草 Sedum lineare

浮萍 Lemnaminor

浮萍属 Lemna

附地菜 Trigonotis peduncularis

富贵竹 Dracaena sanderiana

伽篮菜 Kalanchoelaciniata

盖冠藤 Pileostegia viburnoides

盖冠藤 pileostegia viburnoides

高山长白景天 Rhodiola sachalinensis f.alpina

高山风毛菊 Saussurea alpina

高山黄芪 Astrasalus alpinus

高山瞿麦 Dianthus superbus var.speciosus

高山卷耳 Cerastium furcatum

高山龙胆 Gentianaalgida

高山龙胆 Gentiana alpina

高山南荠 Arabis coronata

高山山萝花 Melampyrumroseum var.alpinu

高山石竹 Dianthus chinensis var.morii

高山委陵菜 Potentila gerida

高山乌头 Aconitum monath-um

高山野豌豆 Vicia venosa var.alpina

高山一枝黄花 Solidago virgaaurea ssp.leiocarp

高山罂粟 Papaverpseudoradicatum

高山紫莞 Aster alpinum

狗枣猕猴桃 Actinidia kolomicta

构叶 Phrynium placentarium

辜吾 Ligulariasibirica

瓜子金 Dischidia chinensis

光荣石竹 Dianthus cv.Gloriosa

光叶海桐 Piitosporum glabraium

广东万年青 Aglaonema modestum

广东万年青 Aglaonema modestum

广西绣球 Hydrangea kwangsiensis

广叶虎尾兰 Sansevieria thyrsiflora

广州蛇根草 Ophirrhiza cantoniensis

龟背竹 Monstera deliciosa

桂花 Osmanthus fragrans

桂形欧洲鹅耳枥 Carpinus betulus cv. Columnaris

桂叶虎尾兰 Sansevieria cylindrica

孩儿拳头 Grevia biloba var.parviflora

海滨桧 Juniperus conferta

海芋 Alo-casia macrorrhlza

海芋 Alocasia macrorrhiza

海芋 Alocasia macrorrhiza

含笑 Mzchelia figo

含羞草 Mimosa pudica

旱麦瓶草 Silene jeninensis

旱伞草 Cyperus alternifolius

河朔尧花 Wikstroemia chamaedaphne

黑点叶全丝桃 Hypericumperforatum

黑蔓 Trzpterygium regerii

横茎席 Calophyllum membramaceum

红背桂 Excoecaria cochinchinensis

红背蛇根草 Ophiorriza succirubra

红花五味子 Schisandra sphnanthera

红槭 Acer rubescens

红纹马先蒿 Pedicunaris striata

红叶青皮槭 Acer cappadocicum cv. Rubrum

红紫珠 Callicarpa rubella

猴头杜鹃 Rhododendronsimiarum

厚壳桂 Cinnamomum chinensis

厚皮香 Ternstroemia gymnanthera

厚叶冬青 Ilextutcher

厚叶素馨 Jasminum pentaneurum

虎耳草 Saxifraga stolonifera

虎舌红 Ardisia mammillata

虎尾兰 Sansevieria trifasciata

互叶金腰 Chrysosplenium alternifolium?

花锚 Halenia corni

花叶白蜡 Fraxinus pennsyl vanica cv. Variegata

花叶灯台树 Cornus controversa cv.Bariegata

花叶复叶碱 Acer negundo cv. Variegatum

花叶苦枥 Quercurs cerries cv.Variegata

花叶龙血树 Dracaena fragrans cv. Massangeana

花叶万年青 nieffea picta

花叶荀麻 Pileacadierei

花叶英国枥 Quercus rober cv. Variegata

花叶芋 Caladium bicolor

花叶竹芋 Calaihea leOpardina

花烛 Anthuriuln andraeanum

华北景天 Sedum tatarinowii?

华北蓝盆花 Scabiosa tschiliensis

华北耧斗菜 Aquile- giayabeana

华南胡椒 Piper austrosi-nensis

槐叶萍属 Salivinia

黄蝉 allemada neviifolia〕

黄果厚壳桂 Cinnamomum coninna

黄花 Hemerocallis miner

黄花荚迷 Viburnum lutes-cens

黄堇 Corydalis pallida

黄脉爵床 Aphe1andra squarrosa

黄牡丹 Paeonialutea

黄藤 Daemonorops margaritae

黄豚金银花 Lonicera japonica cv.Aureo-reticulata

黄叶复叶槭 Acer negundo cv. Auratum

黄叶红枥 Quercus rubra cv.Aureaata

黄叶加拿大按骨木 Sambucus canadensiscv Aurea

黄叶美国木豆树 Catalpa bignonioides cv.Aurea

黄叶欧洲紫杉 Taxus baccat cv. Aurea等。

黄叶青皮槭 Acer cappadocicum cv.Aureum

黄叶山梅花 Philadelphus coronarius cv.Aureus

黄叶水 Ligustrum ovalifoliun cv.Aureum

灰绿北非 雪松 Cedrus ailaniica cv. Glauca

灰绿北美云杉 Picea pungens cv. Glauca

灰绿垂枝北美云杉 Picea pungens cv.Glauca Pendula

灰毛罂粟 Papaver canescens

灰殉子 Cotoneastera cutifolius

火鹤花 Arisaema scherzerianum

火绒草 Leontopodium leontopodoides

鸡绒芝 Asparagus plumosa var?nanus

鸡血藤多种 Millettia spp

鸡爪槭 Acer palmatum

姬凤梨 Cryptanthus acaulij

鲫鱼胆 MaesaPerlarius

假报春 Cortusa matihiola

假抱春 Cortusa matthiolii var.pekinensis

假杜鹃 Barleria cristata

假苹婆 Sterculia lanceolata

假水龙胆 Gentiana pseudoaquatica

假雪委陵菜 Potentillaniveavar.camstschatica

尖叶齐果荠 Parrya beketovi

剑叶朱蕉 Cordyline australis

角蒿 Incarvillea sinensis

绞股蓝 Gynostemma pentaphylla等 。

金边虎尾兰 Sansevieria trifasciatacv.Laurentii

金黄美洲花柏 Chamaecyparis lawsoniana cv.Golden King

金黄叶构骨冬青 Ilex aquifolium cv. Golden Queen

金黄叶樟子松 Pinus sylvestris cv.Aurea

金老梅 Dasiphorafruticosa

金莲花 Trollius chinensis

金莲花 芍药 Paeonia trollioides

金露梅 Dasiphora fruticosa

金雀花 Cytisus xkewensis

金丝蝴蝶 Hypericum ascyron

金粟兰 Chloranthus spicatus

金粟兰 Chloranthus spicatus

金腺荚迷 Viburnum chunii

金叶花柏 Chamaecyparis pisifera cv. Aures

筋头竹 Rhapis excelsa

九里香 Murraya paniculata

拘骨 Ilex cornuta

桔梗 Platycodon grandiflorum

聚花风铃草 Campanula glomerata

卷耳 Cerastium arvense。

君子兰 Clivia miniata

孔雀木 Dizygotheca elegantissima

孔雀竹芋 Calathea makOyana

宽叶山柳菊 Hieracium coreanum

宽叶仙女木 Dryas octopetala var.asiatica

阔叶猕猴桃 Actinidia latiifolia

阔叶沿阶草 Ophiopogon platyphyllum

拉蒙达花 Ramonda myconia

拉普柳 Salix lapponica

蜡菊 Helichrysum ledifolia

蜡菊一种 Helichrysum acuminatum

蓝刺头 Echinops laizfolius

蓝花葱 Allium caelureum

蓝花棘豆 Oxytropis coerulea

榄树 Canarium album 

狼尾花 Lysimachia barystachya

老鹳草一种 Geranium cinereum var.subcaulescens

类叶升麻 Actaea asiica

累方花 Jasminum0ffzcinale

冷水花 Pilea notata

裂叶 秋海棠 Begonia caciniata

铃兰 Convallaria maialis

菱叶白粉藤 Cissus rhombifolia

琉维草一种 Lewsia cotyledon

柳兰 Chamaenerion angustifolium

柳杉 Cryptomeria japonica cv.Fasciata

龙胆 Gentia-nax Stevenagensis cv.FrankBarker

龙胆一种 Gentiana septemfida

龙吐珠 Clerodendron thomsonea

龙须藤 Bauhinia champloni

龙血树 Dracaenadroco

龙牙草 Agrimonia pilosa

龙眼 Dimocarpslongan

耧斗菜 Aquilegia viridiflora

露兜 Pandanus austrosinensis

鹿角蕨 Platycerium bifurcatum

绿萝 Scindapsus aureus

卵叶椒草 Peperomiaobtuszfolia

轮叶马先蒿 Pedicularis?erticilldta

罗伞树 Ardisia quinquegona

裸茎金腰子 Chrysasplenium nudicaule

络石 Trachelospermum jasminoides

马尾铁树 Dracaena marginata

麦冬 Liriopespicta

麦冬类 Liriope spp.

满江红属 Azolla

毛虎耳草 Saxifraga tirculus

毛蕊老鹳草 Geranium eriostemum

毛山菊 Dendran themum zawadskii var.alpinum

毛杨桃 Actinidia lanata

毛毡杜鹃 Rhododendron confertissimum

梅花草 Parnassiapalustris var. multiseta

梅花草 Parnassia palustris

米饭花 Vaccinimsprengelii

米口袋 Gueldenstaedtia verna

米兰 Aglaia odorata

米努草一种 Minuartia rupestris

米努草一种 Minuartia stellata

绵毛柳 Salix lanata

莫罗氏苔 Carex morrowii cv.Variegata

牡丹 Peaonia suffruticosa

木鳖 Momordica cochinchinensis

木通 Akebia quinata

南极白粉藤 Cissus antarctica

南五昧子 Kadsura longipedunculata

南洋杉 Araucaria heterophylla?

南夭竺 Nandina domestica

牛扁 Aconitum ochranthum

牛皮杜鹃 Rhododendron chrysanthum

牛矢果 Osmanthus matsumuranus

女娄 Clematisapizfolia

欧白头翁 Pulsatilla vulgaris

欧李 Prunus humilis

欧洲栗 Casianea sativa

蓬子菜 Galium verum

蟛蜞菊 Wedelia chinensis

婆婆纳 Veronica sara-banda

匍枝委陵菜 Potentilla fragrioides

朴树 Celtissinensis

七瓣莲 Trientaliseuropaea

麒麟尾 Epipremnum pinnata

麒麟尾 Epipremnum pinnatunz

麒麟尾 Epipremum pinnatum〕

千里光 Senecio scandens

千年健 Homalomena occuIta

琴叶榕 Ficus lyrata

琴叶喜林芋 Philodendron panduraeforme

青皮碱 Acer cappadocium

青窄槭 Acer davidii

丘陵老鹳草 Geranium collinum

秋海棠类 Bgonia spp.

球兰 Hoya carnosa

球兰 Hoyacarnosa

球兰 Hoya carnosa

拳参 Polygonum bistatum

染料木一种 Genista horrida

染料木一种 Genista pulchella

染料木一种 Genista sylvestrisvar.pungens

染料木一种 Genista aspalathoides

日本茵芋 Skimmia japonica 。

茸茸椰子 Howeia forsterana

软叶刺葵 Phoenix rebelenii

三药槟榔 Areca triandra

三羽叉蕨 Tectaria subtriphylla

伞形 飞蓬 Eriogonum umbellatum

散尾葵 Chrysalidocarpus lutescens 

沙参 Adenophora elata

山白菊 Aster ageratoides

山糙苏 Phiomis areophila

山茶 Camella japonica

山葱 Allium senescens

山地金莲花 Trollius japonicus

山姜 Alpinia chinensis

山姜 Alpinia chinensis

山篓 Piper hencei

山蟛蜞菊 Wedelia wallichii

山野豌豆 Vicia amoena

山银花 Lonicera confusa

杉叶藻 Hippurisvulgaris

珊瑚凤梨 Aechmea fasciata

扇形阴地蕨 Botrychium lunaria

深红挪威槭 Acer platanoides cv.Crimson King

深裂花烛 Anthurium variabille

深山黄董 Corydalis pallida

肾藤 Nephrolepis auriculata

肾叶高山寥 Oxyri adigyna

升麻 Cimicifuga dahurica

圣诞耳藤 Polysti-cum acrostichoides

蓍草 Achillea sibirica

蓍草 Achillea sibirica

石菖蒲 Acorus granzineus

石生恳钩 子 Rubussaxatilis

石竹一 种 Dianthus haematocalyx

使君子 Quisqualis indica

疏花槭 Acer laxiflrum

双花堇菜 Viola biflora

双脊荠 Dilophia fontana

水鳖属 Hydrocharia

水冬哥 Saurauia tristyla

水苦卖 VerOnica undulata

水石梓 Sarcosperma laurinum

水苏 Stachys citrina

水塔花 Billbergiapyramidalis

水仙 Narcissus tazetta var.chinensis

四季海棠 Begonia senzperflorens

松毛翠 Phyllodoce caerulea

苏铁 Cycas revoluta

穗花马先蒿 Pedicularis resupinata

塔形柏木 Cupressus glabra cv.Pyramidalis

塔形桧柏 Juniperus chinensis cv. Pvramidalis

塔形欧洲七叶树 Aesculus hippocastanum cv. Pyramidalis

塔形铅笔柏 Juniperus virginiana cv.Pyramidiformis

塔形西洋接骨木 Sambucus nigra cv.Pyramidalis

塔形银白杨 Populus alba cv.Pyramidalis

塔形银械 Acer saccharinum cv.Pvramidalis

塔形云杉 Piceaabiescv. Pyrarnidalis

糖芥 Erysimum auratiacum

藤绣球 Hydrangea petiolaris

天池碎米荠 Cardamine resrdifolia var. morii

天门冬 Asparagus sprengeri

天山党参 Codonopsis clematidea

天山海罂粟 Glaucium elegans

天山羽衣草 Alchemilla tianschanica

条纹白粉藤 Cissus striata

铁角藤 Asplenium bulbiferum

铁线蕨 Adiantum capillusveneris

葶历一种 Draba brunifolia

佟叶 Phrynium capitatum

桐状槭 Acer platanoides

头石竹 Dianthus barbatus var. asiatica

透 茎冷水花 Pilea pumila

透茎冷水花 Pilea mongolica

透明草 Pilea muscosa

土三七 Sedum uizoon

歪头菜 Vicla unijuga

弯雌蕊杜鹃 Rhododendron campylogynum

弯朔杜 鹃 Rhododendronhenryi

网纹草 Fittonia arundinacea

威氏杜鹃 Rhododendron williams-ianum

桅子花 Gardenia jasminoides

维代金老梅 Potentilla fruticosa var. vilmoriniana

文竹 Aspara splumosa

无髭毛建草 Dracocephalum imberba

蜈蚣藤 Pothos repens

西北殉子 Cotoneaster zabelii

西伯利亚柏 juniperus sibirica

西藏芍药 Paeoniastermiana

溪荪 Iris nertschinskiana。

喜马拉雅报春 Primula denticulata var.alata

喜马拉雅金老梅 Potentillafruticosa var.rigida

细叶婆婆纳 Veronica linariifolia

细紫叶朱蕉 Cordyline terminalisvar.bella

虾脊兰类 Calanthe spp.

狭叶黄芪 Astragalis angustifolius

狭叶南烛 Lyoniao valihlia var.lanceolata

狭叶水塔花 Billbergia nutans

狭叶沿阶草 Ophiopogon stenophyllum

霞草  Gypsophila oldhamiana

夏佛塔雪轮 Silene schafta

仙客来 水仙 Narcissus cyclamineus

仙女木 Dryasoct opetala

香柏 Thujaoccidentalis cv.Rheingold

香茶菜属 Plectran-thus spp。

香港崖角藤 Rhaphidophora hongkongensis

香青兰 Dracocephalum moldavica

香树紫莞 Olearia odorata

橡皮树 Ficus elastica

小瓣女娄菜 Melandrium apelalum

小贝母 Fritillaria meleagris

小丛红景天 Rhodiola dumulosa

小花草玉梅 Anemone rioularis var.floreminore

小黄紫堇 Corydalis raddeana

小龙胆 Gentiana squarrosa

小木通 Clematisarmondii cv.Snowdrift

小山菊 Dendranthema oreastrum

小叶杜鹃 Rhododendron parvifolium

小叶榕 Ficus microcarpa

小叶喜林芋 Philodendron scandens

小叶恂子 Cotoneaster microphyllus

缬草 Valeriana officinalis

心叶球花 Globularia cordifolia

心叶喜林芋 Philodendron oxvcardium

新疆远志 Polyga1a hybrida

星点木 Dracaena godseffzana

星毛鸭脚木 Scheffleraminutistellata

猩红果恂子 Cotoneaster conspicus

绣线菊一种 Spiraea decumbens

袖珍椰子 Chamaedorea elegans

薛荔 Ficus pumila

血皮械 Acer griseum

薰衣草水苏 Stachys lavandulifolia

鸭脚木 Schefflera actinphylla

鸭拓草 Commeline communis

鸭跃草 Commelzna communis

鸭趾草 Commelina communis

胭脂花 Primula maximowizii

岩蕨 Woodsia ilvensis

岩蔷薇 istus laurifolia

岩青兰 Dracoceph-alum rupestre

偃松 Pinus pumila

艳凤梨 Ananas comosusvar. variegata

堰松 pinus pumila

燕尾棕 Pinanga discolor

羊蹄甲 Bauhinia purpurea

杨桐 Adinandra milletii

洋剪秋萝 Lvchnis viscaria

野海棠 Bredia fordii

野黄菊 nendranthema indicum

野锦香 Blasius cochinchinensis

野罂粟 Papaver nudicaule ssp.rubroaurantiaum var. chinensis

叶马先蒿 Pedicularis cheilanthifolia

夜合 Magnolia coco

一叶兰 Aspidlsiraelatior

一枝黄花 Solidago virgo-aurea

异叶败酱 Patrinia het-erophylla

异叶爬山虎 Parthenocissus heterrrphylla

翼茎香青 Anaphalis pterocaulon

银边吊兰 Chlorophyium capense var.marginata

银莲花 Anemone cathayensis

银露梅 Dasiphora davurica

银叶椒草 Peperomia hederzfolia

瑛珞柏  Junipe-rus communis

硬毛南芥 Arabis hirsuta

鱼尾葵 Caryota ochlandra

娱蚣藤 Pothos repens

雨久花属 Potenderia

玉景天 Sedum morganianum

玉簪 Hosta plantaginea

圆叶柳 Salix rotundifolia

圆叶鹿蹄草 Pylora rotundolia

越桔 Vaccinium vitisidaea

云南红景天 Rhodiola yunnansis

蚤缀 Arenaria juncea

展枝沙参 Adenophora divaricata

掌叶榕小苗 Ficus hirta

珍珠 虎耳草 Saxifraga cernua

祯桐 Cleirdendron japonicum

直立紫杉 Taxus baccata cv.Staridishii

中国马先蒿 Pedicunaris chinensis

中国绣球 Hydrangea chinensis

中华石松 Lycopodium chinense

中欧山松 Pinus mugo

轴搁 Licuala ?ortunei

皱纹竹芋 Maranta leuconeura

皱叶椒草 Peperomia caperata

朱蕉 Cordyline futicosa

朱砂根 Ardisia crenata

珠芽景天 Sedumviviparum

珠芽蓼 Polygonum viviparum

竹芋 Maranta arundinacea

柱形红花槭 Acer rubrum cv.Columnare

柱形美洲花柏 Chamaecyparis lawsoniana cv. Columnaris

柱形无梗花砾 Quercus petraea cv. Columnaris

准葛尔金莲花 Trollius dschungaricus

紫背竹芋 Calathea insignis

紫鹅绒 Gynura aurantacea

紫花耧斗菜 Aquilegia viridiflora f.atropurpurea

紫花碎米荠 Cardamine tangutorum

紫花野菊 Dendranthema zawadskii ssp.latifolium

紫金牛 Ardisiajaponica

紫堇 Corydalis bungeana

紫牡丹 Paeonia delavayi

紫青葛 crzssus discolor

紫莞 Aster tataricus

紫叶黄栌 Cotinus coggygria cv. Royal purple

紫叶欧洲山毛筷 Fagus sylvatica cv. Atropurpurea

紫叶英国枥 Quercus rober cv. Purpurea

紫叶榛 Corylus maximacv.Purpurea

紫叶朱蕉 Cordyline terminalis

棕竹 Rhapis excelsa。

钻地风 Schizophragma integrifolium

钻天杨 Populus nigra cv. Italica





言入黄花川, 每逐青溪水。

随山将万转, 趣途无百里。

声喧乱石中, 色静深松里。

漾漾泛菱荇, 澄澄映葭苇。

我心素已闲, 清川澹如此。

请留盘石上, 垂钓将已矣。



Wang Wei

I have sailed the River of Yellow Flowers,

Borne by the channel of a green stream,

Rounding ten thousand turns through the mountains

On a journey of less than thirty miles….

Rapids hum over heaped rocks;

But where light grows dim in the thick pines,

The surface of an inlet sways with nut-horns

And weeds are lush along the banks.

…Down in my heart I have always been as pure

As this limpid water is….

Oh, to remain on a broad flat rock

And to cast a fishing-line forever!


英文演讲-President Bush Meets with His Majesty King Abdullah of Jordan

March 4, 2008

PRESIDENT BUSH: His Majesty and I will take a couple of questions after opening statements.

Your Majesty, I value your friendship and I value your leadership. And I appreciate you coming back. America has got no stronger friend in the Middle East than Jordan. And we appreciate the -- we appreciate your firmness when it comes to dealing with terror and extremism. We appreciate the heart when it comes to people -- your heart when it comes to people who suffer.

We spent a lot of time talking about the Middle Eastern peace process. A couple of points I want to reiterate. One is that the United States is engaged and will remain engaged in helping convince the Prime Minister of Israel and President Abbas that now is the time to formulate a vision of what a state will look like.

And secondly, I assured His Majesty this is a major focus of my administration and that I would like to see that vision, the process that we have started in Annapolis, finished prior to my departure from the presidency. In other words, there is a -- people say, well, you always set -- you're hesitant to set timetables. But there happens to be a timetable as far as I'm concerned, and that is, I'm leaving office. And Secretary Rice is in the region today and she's -- she is making our views known, that we expect these leaders to step up and make hard decisions. And I told His Majesty I'm optimistic -- still as optimistic as I was after Annapolis.

And so we welcome you, sir, and thank you for your passion.

KING ABDULLAH: Thank you very much, Mr. President. It is obviously a great honor to be back here and to be with you. We tremendously appreciate the warm relationship and the great friendship between our two countries.

But as His Excellency the President just stated, we are very, very pleased with the continued commitment that the President has to solve the longest, most outstanding issue in the Middle East -- the Israeli-Palestinian process. And the words and discussions that we've had this morning will have, I think, a very great response back in our part of the world when I will go back and report to many of my colleagues the President's commitment to bringing a bright future to Israelis and Palestinians and to the whole area.

And we look forward to continuing to work with you, Mr. President, and many of us in the area, to finally achieve a peace that will set the Middle East in the right direction.

PRESIDENT BUSH: Thank you. A couple of questions apiece. Ben.

Q Mr. President --

Q Mr. President --

Q -- as you have promised -- sorry.

Q Thank you, Mr. President. Are you -- what are your thoughts about the fact that President Abbas has not resumed peace talks? Are you disappointed? And very quickly, sir, you said you're still as optimistic as you were after Annapolis -- what gives you that optimism?

PRESIDENT BUSH: I'm optimistic because I am absolutely convinced that Prime Minister Olmert and President Abbas understand that this is now a key moment in achieving peace. Both leaders are committed to a democracy -- two democracies living side by side in peace. Both leaders understand that there has to be a vision of what that state will look like. Both leaders fully understand that there has to -- you know, have to work out agreements on borders and right of return, and other issues.

Both leaders understand that a vision that respects people and promotes freedom stands in stark contrast to the extremists, who are willing to murder people to stop the advance of democracy and to, you know, dash the ambitions of the Palestinians.

I'm optimistic that they understand that. I understand the difficulties, but I also believe both leaders have -- when it -- ultimately will have the courage necessary to reach an agreement. And my job as the President, and my administration's responsibilities, are to help them understand what is possible, and to keep them moving on a process. And so I'm optimistic; I am.

Q Are you disappointed about the lack of resumption in peace talks?

THE PRESIDENT: This is a process that, you know, always has two steps forward and one step back. We just got to make sure that it's only one step back. Condi is out there in the region -- and sometimes, you know, there's matters going behind the scenes that aren't apparent in the public arena. And so yes, I'm optimistic. And we'll continue to work hard to help achieve the vision.

Step one is to convince the leaders it's necessary, and to help them define a vision so that a state can come into being after conditions are met. But a lot of Palestinians are probably -- are saying, we've heard this kind of rhetoric before -- show us what a state looks like. And I said a state has got to be continuous -- a contiguous territory; it can't look like Swiss cheese. You know, the Palestinians have got to understand that this is an option available for them, and it will stand in stark contrast to the vision of Hamas, which has been nothing more than violence and deprivation.

You want to call on somebody?

Q Mr. President, as you mentioned, you know, as you approach the end of your term in office, you mentioned that you still feel that establishing the Palestinian state is still achievable. What is the exact vision that you have, you know, with this short time left?

THE PRESIDENT: Sure, I appreciate it. First of all, 10 months is a long time. May seem short to you, but it's -- there's plenty of time to get a deal done.

Secondly, I have visited with the leaders, you know, on a one-on-one basis quite frequently, and I understand that it's -- this is a difficult subject. But I also feel very comfortable with the commitment they have made to try to work out subjects that have been difficult for other leaders to work out in the past.

The role of the United States -- we can't impose peace. We can help leaders come to agreement and come to the table and make hard decisions. We can help facilitate the bridging of gaps, if there are gaps. And that's exactly what our diplomacy is in the process of doing.

And by the way, there is -- and one of the reasons why His Majesty is so important in this process, as the other leaders in the Middle East, including my close friend, King Abdallah of Saudi Arabia and President Mubarak of Egypt, is that both these leaders are going to need the support of the Arab world in order to make tough decisions. But first it's up to them. And so I'm optimistic that they can conclude tough negotiations. And we'll try to facilitate that.


Q Yes, sir. Every indication out of the OPEC meeting of ministers in Vienna is that they will be holding output steady. What is your reaction to that, sir, in light of your recent visit to the Middle East in which you appealed for an increase in output?

THE PRESIDENT: I think it's a mistake to have your biggest customer's economy slow down, or your biggest customers' economies slowing down as a result of high energy prices. It's not the only result -- our economy is slowing down. I mean, obviously we've got a housing issue and some credit issues. But no question, the high price of gasoline has hurt economic growth here in the United States. And if I were a member of OPEC, I'd be concerned about high energy prices causing people to buy less energy over time.

And the other thing high energy prices of course does, which is stimulate alternative fuels, which we're doing a lot here in America. We're spending a lot of money on biofuels and ethanols and new ways to make ethanol. My advice to OPEC -- of course they haven't listened to it -- but my advice to OPEC is to understand the consequences of high energy prices, because I do, and I understand this is affecting our American citizens. It's making it harder for people to be able to drive, and it's making it tough for families to save.

And so not only is it -- high energy prices having an effect on -- a macro effect on our economy, it's affecting a lot of our families, which troubles me, as well. And by the way, the higher energy prices stay, the more likely it is countries will quickly diversify. And that's part of our strategy.

You want to call on somebody? One more?

Q Thank you, Mr. President. Apart from the Palestinian issue, did you also discuss Lebanon and Iraq, and whether there's a common position between you and Jordan regarding the crisis in Lebanon and the situation in Iraq?

PRESIDENT BUSH: Thank you. We did. His Majesty -- and he, of course can answer, as well -- but His Majesty made it very clear to me that stability in Iraq is important for Jordan. He also pointed out something which I knew, but I wasn't exactly sure how it was affecting his country, that there are roughly three-quarters of a million Iraqi citizens who have moved to Jordan. And we talked about a common strategy about how to make sure that those citizens ended up hopefully going home to Iraq as the security situation improved, but also, while they're in Jordan, not create terrible issues for the government.

And of course we talked about Lebanon. We strongly -- I strongly support Prime Minister Siniora and the March 14th coalition. I strongly condemn Syrian interference in the Lebanese political process. It is -- I am extremely disappointed that the Syrian leader continues to make it hard for the Siniora government to succeed, and I really don't appreciate the fact that they've made it hard for this government to elect a President. We had diplomatic success in the past, when the U.N. Security Council passed a resolution seeing to it that Syria left this young democracy, to be able to grow on its own -- and now here they are once again interfering inside the politics of this country.

And so, yes, we discussed the subject.

KING ABDULLAH: And all I can add to that, on the issue of Lebanon is how we discussed the role of Arab countries, and how we can be effective in supporting the process in Lebanon, so that as quickly as possible a government is formed which will enable them to take (inaudible).

PRESIDENT BUSH: Thank you all very much. We've got to go have lunch with our wives.

END 12:00 P.M. EST



8. A Shy Little Kitten (1)

The little boy grew red at the sight of the cute girl. 那个男孩子见到可爱的女孩而满脸通红。

She is afraid he'll think her a pig. 她怕他会像对猪般的厌恶她。

Don't be shy, dear. 亲爱的,你别害羞嘛。

I'm ashamed. I couldn't tell you my love. 我真的不好意思,爱你在心口难开呀。

They feel uneasy. 他们因不安而没法镇定下来。

Behave yourself, or I'll shot. 乖乖听命,不然我就开枪。

The audience laughs. 观众在大笑。

He is embarrassed because he made a mistake. 他因为弄错而显得很窘。

She blushes for him. 听了他的话,她羞红了脸。

You should see my wife in a bikini... She's a knockout. 你应该看看我太太穿比基尼的样子,致命眩晕。


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