
每天三分钟学英语 第566期:您好,请为您的Airbnb房东撰写一份评价

时间:2019-10-16 07:28:16





We had a great stay at Sal's place. Sal keeps the apartment super clean and it has everything you need. 我们在Sal家住得很愉快。 Sal把公寓保持的超级干净,并且东西一应俱全。

have a great stay at... 在……入住很愉快

We had a great stay at a little hotel next to the beach. It was so relaxing. 我们在海滩边上的一家小酒店入住的很愉快。非常的放松。

I had a great stay at Mike's place. He has an extra bedroom. 我在Mike家住得很愉快。他有一间多的卧室。


Sal keeps the apartment super clean and it has everything you need. Sal把公寓保持的超级干净,并且东西一应俱全。

keep...super clean 把……保持的超级干净

They keep the beach super clean at the resort1. There's no trash anywhere. 他们把度假村的沙滩保持得超级干净。没有哪里有垃圾。

I like to keep my place super clean because I'm an Airbnb host. 我喜欢把我家保持的很干净,因为我是一个爱彼迎房东。

It's located in the heart of the city and is close to a subway station and a bus stop. There are also plenty of restaurants, bars, and shops nearby. 公寓位置在市中心,距离地铁站和公交车站都很近。 附近还有很多的餐厅、酒吧和商店。


be located in... 位于……

The place I rented is located on the east side of town. 我租的这个房子在城市的东边。

The hotel we're staying at is located 10 minutes from the airport. 我们住的酒店位于离机场10分钟的地方。

the heart of... 在……的中心

We rented cabins2 in the heart of the forest. We were surrounded by nature. 我们在森林的中心租了木屋。我们被大自然环绕着。

We're staying in the heart of the island. We're exactly in the middle of it. 我们住在岛中央。岛正中央的位置。

close to... 距离……很近

We need to find a place close to Jen's apartment. It'll be more convenient for everyone. 我们需要找一个离Jen家近一点的地方。这样大家都比较方便。

The hotel is close to a big shopping mall. We can buy souvenirs there. 这家酒店离一个大型购物中心很近。 我们可以在那里买纪念品。

nearby 附近的 adv.

There's a barbecue joint3 nearby. You want to check it out tonight? 附近有一家烧烤店。你今晚想去试试吗?

Is there an ATM nearby? I need to take out some cash. 附近有ATM吗?我需要取点现金。



1 resort yWrxe     
  • He couldn't have passed the exam without resort to cheating.他要不是靠作弊是通不过这次考试的。
  • Beidaihe is noted for its summer resort.北戴河以避暑胜地而著称。
2 cabins 3abc5c0fac0a72262393c2e439cc42e0     
n.小木屋( cabin的名词复数 );(飞机上的)驾驶舱;客舱;(轮船上工作或生活的)隔间
  • The cabins are in the bowels of the ship. 舱房设在船腹内。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Hsin-mei and Hung-chien formally thanked Ku and Li for the cabins. 辛楣和鸿渐为舱位的事,向郑重道谢。 来自汉英文学 - 围城
3 joint m3lx4     
  • I had a bad fall,which put my shoulder out of joint.我重重地摔了一跤,肩膀脫臼了。
  • We wrote a letter in joint names.我们联名写了封信。

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