
[00:02.44]第13单元  慈善
[00:04.88]Lesson 49  1 Read and act
[00:08.75]第49课  1 阅读与表演
[00:12.62]Samuel,you don't look so well.Are you feeling all right?
[00:19.77]Not really,I have a bad headache.
[00:24.74]You've been working too hard helping to stop the flood.
[00:30.62]But there is so much to do,and the water keeps coming!
[00:36.26]I think we need to take you to hospital.
[00:40.62]No,I'll be all right.
[00:43.65]Well,at least go home and get some rest,OK?
[00:51.54]3  Read and act
[00:53.81]3  阅读与表演
[00:56.08]Hey Ron,can you help me collect things for a charity?
[01:02.15]Sure.What do you need?
[01:06.12]We need food,clothes,tents and lots of help.
[01:12.65]Where are you sending these things?
[01:16.59]To Inner Mongolia.
[01:20.07]There are floods in the southern part of the region.
[01:25.11]Where do we get these things?
[01:28.76]We need to ask people in our neighbourhood.
[01:33.20]Many people have extra clothes and food that they are willing to give.
[01:38.98]OK.Let's get started!
[01:42.82]Lesson 50  2 Read  MOTHER TERESA
[01:49.35]第50课  2 阅读  特里萨嬷嬷
[01:55.88]"Charity begins at home" is an English saying.
[02:01.23]It means that we should be kind and give a lot to our relatives
[02:07.48]and to people near us.
[02:10.85]But it doesn't mean that charity should "end at home".
[02:16.41]Charity took one famous lady far away from her home.
[02:22.58]Mother Teresa spent most of her life in Calcutta,India.
[02:28.53]She was born in Yugoslavia in 1910.
[02:33.99]When she was 18 years old she decided to become a nun.
[02:40.76]Soon afterwards,she was sent to India.
[02:45.80]At first,she worked in a school in Calcutta.
[02:51.15]Most of the students were from rich families,
[02:56.01]and Mother Teresa's life was rather comfortable.
[03:00.98]After 20 years,
[03:04.14]she felt that God wanted her to leave the school and help poor people.
[03:10.98]First she opened a small school that was free.
[03:16.62]Some of her old students came to help her at her new school.
[03:22.58]In 1950 she started the Missionaries of Charity that was made up of nuns.
[03:30.34]At that time,Calcutta was a very poor city,as it still is today.
[03:38.38]Many people went there from the country,hoping to find work.
[03:44.44]They often had nowhere to stay,
[03:48.41]so they had to live on the streets or under bridges.
[03:54.37]In Calcutta's hot and humid climate,it was easy for them to get sick.
[04:01.53]Hospitals in Calcutta couldn't treat the large number of sick people

[04:08.19]Besides,they would not take in patients who were dying.
[04:13.94]It was these poor and sick people that Mother Teresa decided to help.
[04:21.02]In 1952, she opened the first Home for the Dying.
[04:27.96]Some people didn't like it
[04:31.52]because they were afraid of having dying people in their neighbourhood.
[04:37.39]They also thought the nuns were trying to get them to change their religion.
[04:43.14]But slowly the people changed their minds.
[04:47.69]They began to see all the good that Mother Teresa and her nuns were doing.
[04:53.83]Later, Mother Teresa became very famous,
[04:58.58]and received a lot of money from people who wanted to support her work.
[05:04.74]In 1979 she won the Nobel Peace Prize.
[05:10.80]More people have begun to do charity work since then.
[05:15.85]Now there are Homes for the Dying in many different countries.
[05:21.49]Mother Teresa died in 1997,
[05:26.45]but she is still remembered all over the world for what she did for the poor.
[05:32.83]She is also remembered for her words of wisdom.
[05:37.68]She once said,"Do not only give others your care,but also your love."
[05:45.23]Lesson 51  Read and act1
[05:51.31]第51课  阅读与表演
[05:57.38]A:Excuse me.Would you like to sponsor us?
[06:02.55]B:Sponsor you?What do you mean?
[06:06.99]A:Well, our class is running a race next weekend.
[06:12.77]We are asking people to give us money after we've done it.
[06:18.98]B:I see. But what are you going to do with the money you get?
[06:25.54]Are you going to spend it on something for your school?
[06:29.98]A:No. We're going to give the money to charity.
[06:35.15]B:What kind of charity?
[06:38.32]A:"The Missionaries of Charity".
[06:42.39]B:What do they do?
[06:45.32]They look after people who are poor and sick in different parts of the world.
[06:52.16]2 Read
[06:54.08]2 阅读
[06:56.00]Read the short passage below,and then say which paragraph
[07:02.24]1.asks for help and support
[07:07.99]2.tells us about a charity activity
[07:14.16]3.describes a problem
[07:20.63]Last month,a flood destroyed the village of Xiaocheng in Guangxi Province.
[07:28.18]Many people are now sick because they don't have clean drinking water.
[07:34.37]Also,their hospital was destroyed so they had to travel to the next city.
[07:42.24]The journey was very difficult,and usually took five or six hours.
[07:49.79]Next Saturday,we students of No.5 Middle School are going to hold a concert.

[07:57.65]We will sing, dance and play music.The concert will start at 4p.m.
[08:05.51]Each ticket will cost 20 yuan,
[08:09.67]and all the money will go to the people in Xiaocheng.
[08:14.71]They will use the money to help repair their hospital.
[08:19.70]Please come and enjoy our concert!Bring your family and friends!
[08:28.16]If you would like to give more money to help the people in Xiaocheng,please do!
[08:34.93]They will be thankful for your help.
[08:38.69]5 Read
[08:43.13]Sometimes the word charity has the meaning of love.
[08:48.69]Read this poem about love.
[08:52.64]If I understand all mysteries and know all things,
[08:58.51]but don't have love,then I am nothing.
[09:03.48]And though I give all I have to feed the poor,
[09:08.83]but don't have love,then I have nothing.
[09:13.98]Love endures all.Love Is kind.Love Isn't Jealous.Love Isn't proud.
[09:29.55]Love doesn't want Its own way.Love doesn't get angry easily.
[09:38.93]Love doesn't think bad thoughts.
[09:43.18]Love doesn't enjoy bad things,but enjoys the truth.Love never falls.
[09:55.02]Words And Expressions 13
[10:04.58]charity              stomachache          backache             give out
[10:09.52]n.慈善;慈善集团      n.胃痛               n.背痛               分发
[10:14.45]extra                willing              Calcutta             Yugoslavia
[10:19.47]adj.额外的;另外的    adj.愿意的;乐意的    n.加尔各答(印度)     n.南斯拉夫
[10:24.48]nun                  afterwards           missinary            nowhere
[10:29.51]n.修女;尼姑          adv.以后;后来        n.传教士             adv.到处都没有
[10:34.54]humid                climate              besides              dying
[10:39.67]adj.潮湿的           n.气候               adv.此外prep.除…之外adj.要死的;临终的
[10:44.81]chang one's mind     support              wisdom               sponsor
[10:50.38]改变主意             n.& n.支持;支撑      n.智慧               v.发动;主协;资助
[10:55.96]chalk                lamp                 advertise
[10:59.93]n.粉笔               n.油灯;灯            v.为…做广告

[11:03.90]endure               jealous
[11:06.83]v.忍耐;忍受          adj.嫉妒的;羡慕的
