The Two Cocks(在线收听

    Two cocks once fought to decide who should be the king of the farmyard.After a long,hard struggle one cock could fight no more.He crept into the darkest corner of the hen house to hide his shame.The winner flew onto the top of the farmhouse,crowing and flap- ping his wings to let the world know was the new king.“Look at me,look at me,”he crowed.“I am the king of the farm-yard.”
    Just then an eagle flew by.Swooping down,he seized the cock in his talons and carried him off.The cock who was hiding in the hen house heard the crows of triumph turn to cries of despair.He peered out to see what was happening.All at once he began to feel better.He fluffed up his battered feathers,straightened his drooping comb and strutted out into the yard again.“I am the king of the farmyard now,”he crowed happily-just as if he had been the winner all along.Prid6 comes before a fall.Exercises:
    ①Two cocks once fought to decide who should be the king of the farmyard.② The winner was very proud of his victory.③ The loser turned out to be the winner at last.④ We can learn that pride comes before a fall.
