A Tiger in Tow(在线收听

    A tiger caught a fox on the hunt for animals to devour.“You can't be so bold as to eat me.”said the fox.“I am sent by the heavenly god to rule over the animal kingdom.If you eat me you will be disobeying a heavenly mandate.Do you think I am lying?Let me go first and you follow behind.We'll see whether any animal is so brave as not to flee when they see me.”
    The tiger agreed to the plan and accordingly went with the fox.All the animals who saw them fled.The tiger who was under the impression that they were afraid of the fox,was unaware that he himself was the real cause of their flight.Exercises:
    ①A tiger caught a fox on the way to hunt.②The fox was clever that he persuaded the tiger not to eat him.③All the animals who saw them fled because they were afraid of the fox.④The tiger believed in what the fox had said after that.
