
Clean-up is continuing on the Gulf of Mexico including this controlled burn of the oil on the water. Meanwhile ice crystals have formed in the oil containment box placed over the leak, forcing officials to move it away.

Conservative leaders in the UK have been meeting the Liberal Democratic Party in hopes of forming some sort of coalition government. No party won the now right majority in the election and that has left the country's government in limbo.

Dozens of people were hurt this morning when a stead island ferry crashed into a peer. None of the injuries is said to be serious. It is the same ferry that was involved in a deadly 2003 crash.

This is not your typical view in the mid-east. The dozens of Palestinian women took part in a female's sports event. All the women wore head scarves and track suits as they sprinted and jumped. Organizers say it's all part of an effort to encourage women to take part in sports.
