
1. Attorney General Eric Holder says three men taken into custody in the Times Square bombing attempt apparently provided money to the suspect. In the meantime, during a trip to New York, President Barack Obama thanked the city police officers who responded to the May 1st attempt.

2. Trying to convince Americans his regime is worth fighting and dying for, Afghanistan's President Hamid Karzai paid a visit to Arlington National Cemetery Thursday to show his respect for US soldiers killed in the war in his country.

3. Massive concrete-and-steel box didn't do the trick. So BP is taking a much smaller approach to the Gulf oil spill. Officials say crews will try to thread a six-inch-wide tube into a jagged pipe on the seafloor to suck oil to the surface before it seeps into the water.

4. Police say a woman, whose disappearance sparked a massive search in the canyons northeast of Los Angeles, has been found alive and well about 275 miles away. Authorities say it doesn't appear any crime was committed.
