英伦广角 2010-03-29 英国须向美国“说不”(在线收听

It was a phrase coined by Churchill more than 60 years ago: Britain and Americans’ special relationship was forged in shared sacrifice. But report by MP says the term is now out-dated, inaccurate, and needs to go.

"We need to,not be sentimental about this relationship,we need to work on the basis of our national interest and take a clear-headed, unsentimental approach towards the United States. Sometimes there will be differences."

It was the Second World War and its aftermath that cemented the transatlantic alliance.


By then, of course, the love affair was acted strongest. The statue in London of America's wartime President Franklin Roosevelt was unveiled in 1948,it was paid for entirely from donations ,a hundred and sixty thousand grateful Brits each gave 5 schillings ,covering the entire cost in just 6 days.

In the 80's Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan brought the special relationship to the fore again.

"Welcome the Prime Minister from our strongest friend, and closest ally as a dorm meant of Benjamin Gate."

But the cross party Foreign Affairs Committee says it was Tony Blair supported for George Bush over the Iraq War that shaped many people's view of today's special relationship, the perception right or wrong that Britain was Washington's poodle.

"Today we are renewing our special relationship for new times."


Barack Obama's more pragmatic approach to foreign policy has also altered the alliance the report says .And Britain should do the same. Any deference to Washington should end and UK should learn to say No and put up our own national interest first.

The report says the UK must be realistic about its influence on US policy. Language, culture and history still bind us, our relationship remains close, if perhaps no longer special.

Simon Newton Sky News Central London.
