
[00:02.55]第三单元 五大湖
[00:05.09]Lesson 9  1 Read and act
[00:08.18]第九单元  读和表演
[00:11.26]Hey Kevin, where did you say you were born?
[00:15.80]I was born in Michigan, USA.
[00:20.17]There are a lot of lakes up there,aren't there?
[00:24.61]Yeah, I lived on Lake Superior.
[00:28.55]Have you ever swum it?
[00:31.58]No.It's one of the Great Lakes.
[00:35.63]It's so big that when you sail on it,you can't see the land.
[00:41.69]It's like being on an ocean.Well, do you swim?
[00:48.17]Yes,I like to swim.Why?
[00:53.03]We need another member for our swimming team.
[00:57.57]How well do you swim?
[01:00.84]I can swim far though I'm not very fast.
[01:06.09]When I lived in Michigan,I swam as far as 2 kilometres at one time.
[01:12.96]You can swim in the 800-metre race.
[01:17.92]Then you don't have to be so fast.
[01:21.76]Maybe I will come and swim on your team.When do you practise?
[01:28.42]We start tomorrow after school.I'll see you then,OK?
[01:37.12]Lesson 10  2 Read and act  THE GREAT LAKES
[01:42.70]第十课 读和表演  五大湖
[01:48.28]The Great Lakes are the lagest bodies of fresh water in the world.
[01:54.23]They are between the US and Canada.
[01:58.88]There are five lakes:Superior,Michigan,Huron,Erie and Ontario.
[02:07.92]When the earth was still in the Ice Age,
[02:12.28]there was a glacier that covered the land in this area.
[02:17.01]Then when the earth started to warm up,
[02:21.24]the glacier melted and formed the Great Lakes.
[02:26.21]Ever since then,people have lived beside the Lakes,hunting,fishing,
[02:34.46]washing clothes,ice-skating and doing many other things.
[02:41.44]When Canada and America started building factories along the shores of the Lakes,
[02:48.20]they became polluted.
[02:51.44]The factories would put their waste into the Lakes.
[02:56.30]Pretty soon the Lakes ecosystem was not right any more.
[03:01.94]When fish and plants began to die,
[03:06.10]a group of people and scientists knew something had to be done.
[03:12.03]They asked the government for a special program to help them clean up the Lakes
[03:18.56]and make them healthy again.
[03:22.21]These people set up a lab called the Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory.
[03:29.19]After they had studied the Lakes ecosystem,
[03:33.63]they found that the pollution was killing the Lakes.
[03:38.38]They still study the ecosystem of the Great Lakes today.
[03:43.84]They have found out how the Lakes influence the weather in the world

[03:49.59]and how different ecological events,
[03:53.64]like warm waters in the seas,influence the Great Lakes.
[03:59.52]If the Great Lakes dried up,the whole world would feel it.
[04:05.37]Many areas would become deserts
[04:09.21]and many animals would lose their homes and maybe die out.
[04:14.96]People who live around the Great Lakes have learnt
[04:19.42]that it is very important to keep the ecosystem of the Great Lakes healthy
[04:26.08]Lesson 12  3 Read and write
[04:31.56]第十二课   读和写
[04:37.03]Give the passage a title and write an ending to it.
[04:42.78]Phillip,Cecily and I were going to the cinema.
[04:48.24]We wanted to watch a scary film.
[04:52.49]I told them that I would meet them at the cinema at 7:30.
[04:58.16]I arrived late,so they had already gone in and found their seats.
[05:05.01]The film had started when I walked in.I couldn't find them right away.
[05:11.95]The picture had many dark parts.
[05:16.32]I waited and waited until finally a bright scene came on.
[05:23.16]Then I thought I saw my friends sitting in the front.
[05:28.72]I walked carefully down to the front and sat beside them.
[05:34.50]I hadn't had dinner because I was already late.
[05:39.46]My friends had bought a large bag of popcorn.
[05:44.50]I reached over and grabbed some.
[05:48.47]Cecily said,"Hey,what are you doing?"
[05:52.13]It didn't exactly sound like her,but then she was eating some popcorn.
[05:58.19]I said, "I'm hungry.I didn't have any dinner.
[06:03.76]"Then I grabbed some more.Cecily then gave the popcorn to Phillip
[06:10.70]Just then a terrible scene appeared in the film and we all screamed.
[06:17.65]I grabbed Cecily and she grabbed Phillip.The popcorn spilled all over us.
[06:22.62]They both turned to me and said angrily,
[06:30.06]"What are you doing?"I couldn't understand why my friends were so angry.
[06:38.21]I turned to them and looked at both of them closely.I suddenly found ..
[06:46.67]Words And Expressions 3
[06:55.53]Michigan             Superior             melt                 attention
[07:00.30]n.密歇根(湖)         n.长者,高手,上级     v.融化;熔解          n.注意
[07:05.06]pay attention to     ecosystem            fresh                Huron
[07:11.09]对……注意(留意)     n.生态系统           adj.新鲜的;清新的    n.休伦(湖)(北美洲)

[07:17.11]Erie                 Ontario              area                 hunt
[07:21.82]n.伊利(湖)(北美洲)   n.安大略(湖)(北美洲) n.地区;区域          v.打猎;猎取(鸟,兽等)
[07:26.54]shore                pretty               pretty soon          government
[07:31.83]n.(海,河,湖的)岸     adv.相当             很快                 n.政府
[07:37.12]research             influnce             ecological           die out
[07:42.85]n.研究;调查          v.& n.影响;感化      adj.生态学的         灭绝;逐渐消失
[07:48.58]come over            scary                scene                popcorn
[07:53.81]从远处来             adj.可怕的;吓人的    n.场面;场景          n.爆米花
[07:59.03]scream               fear                 heat
[08:03.06]n.& v.尖叫           v.& n.恐惧;害怕      v.& n.加热;热
