
1. We are hoping to get word on Sunday on just how well the latest effort to stop the oil leaking on the Gulf of Mexico is going. Crews began forcing mud and debris into the well a few days ago. However underwater images show oil is still coming out. BP says it has another plan if this one doesn’t work.

2. Police say the men who attacked two mosques of a religious minority in Pakistan's east belong to the Pakistani Taliban. The attacks Friday killed 93 people.

3. Leaders of South Korea, China and Japan have started a  three-nation summit, amid tensions over the sinking of a warship blamed on Pyongyang. China has signaled they could soon join the US and its allies in blaming North Korea in the sinking of the South Korean warship.

4. Actor Dennis Hopper has died. He was best known for the 1969 hit “Easy Rider”, as well as his roles in “Blue Velvet” and “Apocalypse Now”. He was 94 years old.

