
1. BP's again trying to contain the Gulf oil spill. The company declared failure in its latest attempt to plug the gusher. BP's next step will involve using a remote controlled undersea robots to saw off part of the broken pipe that leads from the well and cap it with a funnel-like device.

2. The commander of NATO and US forces in Afghanistan said there is clear evidence that some Taliban fighters have trained in Iran. American General Stanely McCrystal told the reporters that Iran has generally assisted the Afghan government in fighting the insurgent group.

3. Thousands of motorcycles roared through Washington. Rolling Thunder organizers say they are paying respect to fallen troops, and remembering prisoners of war and those missing in action.

4. Eri Yoshida has become the first woman to pitch professionally in the US in decades.  She pitched a scoreless first inning in her debut for the Chico Outlaws. She is also the first woman to play professionally in two countries, the US and her native Japan.
