
The UN security council's calling for impartial investigation of Israel's deadly commando raid on ships taking humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip. The statement condomned the acts that have resulted in the loss of at least 9 lives. President Barack Obama is voicing deeply regret over the Internet.

Al-Qaeda is confirming the death of its number three official Mustafa al-Yazid. A US official in Washington says word of the death was spreading in extremists' circles. The official says the death will be a major blow to Al-Qaeda. al-Yazid was described as the terrorists' groups top commander in Afghanistan.

It's day 43 of the Gulf oil spill and still no ending sight to the flow crude into the Gulf. Today, President Obama will hold his first meeting with co-chairmen of the Independent Commission investigationg the disaster. The commission is looking into the cause as well as the safety of offshore drilling.

The army psychiatrist accused of gunning down 30 people at Fort Hood is set to make his first military courtroom appearance today. Major Nidal Hasan is not expected to speak during his hearing. Instead, military prosecutors and defence attorneys are expected to discuss case preparations.

