
1. President Barack Obama is in Louisiana / where he's getting a fresh look at the damage being caused by the Gulf oil spill. It's his third visit to the region since the April explosion at the Deepwater Horizon drilling platform.

2. Meantime, children are playing with tar balls at Pensacola Beach in Florida. The oil continues to gush out after a cap was placed over the leak. BP is working on adjustments as well as shooting chemical dispersants at the oil.

3. Dutch murder suspect Joran van der Sloot is on the way to Peru. Authorities there are likely to charge him with the killing of a 21-year-old woman found dead in a Lima hotel room. Chilean police say that van der Sloot insists he's innocent.

4. And McDonald’s is recalling 12 million Shrek-themed drinking glasses because the pigment in paint on the glasses contains cadmium. That’s the same toxic metal that’s turned up in children’s jewelry. The 16-ounce glasses were being sold for about two dollars each as part of a promotional campaign for the movie “Shrek Forever After.”

