
1. President Barack Obama is welcoming new tougher UN Security Council sanctions against Iran over its nuclear program, saying it sends an unmistakable message, but his Iranian counterpart says the new penalties are worthless, comparing them to annoying flies.

2. As the work continues to stop the flow of oil into the Gulf of Mexico, the AP took an exclusive look at just what it's like underwater nearly seven weeks end, and looking below the surface is as bad, if not worse, as seeing what's on top of the water.

3. NATO says militants have shot down a helicopter in Afghanistan, killing four US troops. The Taliban is claiming responsibility. At least 17 US service members have been killed in the past four days.

4. The judge handling Lindsay Lohan's case has doubled her bail to 200,000 dollars. That's because Lohan's alcohol monitoring bracelet reported a possible violation. The actress's attorney says the device indicated the presence of a small amount of alcohol on Sunday night, the same night she attended the MTV Movie Awards.
