
1. There has been more sound and fury than substance in today's congressional hearing into BP. The chairman of the oil giant apologized for the spill in the Gulf, but didn’t answer many questions. And instead, he didn’t have the answers with him.

2. Democrats are steamed over words of Republican Joe Barton. The Texan is accusing the White House of shaking down BP to create a twenty-billion dollar slush fund. Democrats say the money BP is putting aside is hardly a slush fund and will all go to Gulf recovery.

3. The death toll has risen to 25 in the French Riviera, following flash floods that hit earlier in the week. Cleanup is continuing now. But there’s more bad weather in the forecast.

4. And the Pac-10 is now up to 12 teams. The University of Utah is joining the College Football Conference. The Utah has been in Mountain West and was looking for better exposure.

