学个词Learn a Word 第437期 Grumpy(在线收听

今天我们要学的词是grumpy。 Grumpy, 是坏脾气的,生气的。A grumpy old man, 就是坏脾气的老头。"He didn't get much sleep last night and is feeling a bit grumpy this morning," 他昨天晚上没怎么睡,早上起来情绪很差。你知道吗,"Women who don't get a good night's sleep are more likely to be grumpy than men," 女人晚上睡不好,比男人更容易烦躁。

航空公司的年度质量调查显示,去年顾客投诉的数量大幅度上升了60%。 票价上涨、班机晚点、行李丢失。"All of these problems are making travelers grumpy," 所有这些问题都让乘客感到气愤。好的,今天我们学习的词是grumpy...

