学个词Learn a Word 第485期 Abort(在线收听

今天我们要学的词是abort。 Abort, 是中途放弃,停止的意思。 "The commander decided to abort the mission due to the intelligence leak," 由于情报泄露,指挥官临时决定取消这次行动。 "The flight was aborted because of the snowstorm," 由于暴风雪天气,航班临时取消。 "An Australian drug trial was aborted after a number of jurors admitted spending up to half of the time playing Sudoku puzzles," 澳大利亚一起贩毒案件的审理被法官取消,因为好几位陪审员都承认,案件审理过程中一半时间都在玩Sudoku数独游戏。好的,今天我们学习的词是abort...

