学个词Learn a Word 第594期 Drag(在线收听

今天我们要学的词是drag。 Drag, 作为名词,有累赘的意思。 "He did not want to be a drag on his children," 他不愿意成为孩子们的负担。 "He has always been a drag on the group," 他总是给集体拖后腿。

在美国总统大选中败选的麦凯恩参议员接受晚间脱口秀的采访。 "McCain said that he couldn't be happier with Governor Sarah Palin despite polls suggesting she was a drag on the Republican ticket," 麦凯恩表示,副总统候选人萨拉.佩林的表现让他满意得不能再满意了,尽管民意调查显示,佩林给麦凯恩的竞选拉了后腿。好,今天我们学习的词是drag...

