AP 2010-07-05(在线收听

1. The Senate has wasted no time in confirming President Barack Obama's new choice to be commander of the Afghanistan war. By a vote of 99 to nothing, senators confirmed General David Patraeus. He'll succeed General Stanley McChrystal.


2. Hurricane Alex is bearing down on the coast, threatening to drench an area of south Texas. The storm is expected to strengthen possibly into a Category 2 hurricane by the time it comes ashore. Three oil rigs and more than two dozen platforms have been evacuated, but Alex is projected to stay far away from BP's ruptured well and the oil spill zone.


3. Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan can breathe a sign of relief. Vermont Senator Patrick Leahy is predicting she'll be confirmed, and there's no disagreement on that from minority Republicans.


4. And there's a new canine craze sweeping China. Pet owners are clipping and dyeing their dogs' coats to make them look like other animals. They're all getting their do's done at this spa in Beijing, catering to wealthy owners
