AP 2010-08-06(在线收听

1. As BP crews get ready to test a plan to plug the top of its busted oil well, a company spokesman says engineers are still trying to figure out exactly how to use a pair of relief wells they're constructing. The wells were once seen as the only surefire way to kill the Gulf oil leak.


2. President Barack Obama says the Iraq war is nearing an end as promised and on schedule. US combat troops are set to be out of the country by the end of this month, and all American troops are to be gone by the end of next year.


3. Another political headache may be on the horizon for congressional Democrats. A House panel has charged California Congresswoman Maxine Waters with ethics violations. Waters is to face a trial in fall if she doesn’t negotiate a settlement.


4. Lindsay Lohan is out of jail, but she’s not exactly a free woman. After spending two weeks behind bars, the actress is set to begin a three-month stint in rehab.
