AP 2010-08-23(在线收听

1. Goodbye Iraq. The final American combat brigade headed over the Kuwait border on the way to the US. President Obama pledged to end combat by August 31st. The departure beats its deadline by nearly two weeks. Fifty thousand troops will remain in non-combat roles until the end of 2011.


2. A national egg recall has grown to more than 380 million eggs. Salmonella outbreak sickened hundreds leading to the recall. It affects food distributors and wholesalers across 17 states. Health officials recommend throwing out eggs if you have any doubts.


3. President Obama says he doesn't regret weighing in on the controversy over plans for a mosque and community center near ground zero in New York. The president says he believes Muslims have a right to build the mosque. A recent poll shows 63% of New Yorkers oppose the project, only 27% support it.


4. And a new feature from Facebook that has privacy advocates bristling. The social networking site just unveiled Facebook Places, a service that lets users broadcast their location to friends. The service won't track you at a specific place unless you check in. Your location is disclosed to everyone who's checked in there unless you turn that setting off.
