英语是这样练成的 7(在线收听

Teacher Li's special contribution 5

30 essential sentences for every international Chinese

Kim's note:

The following 30 sentences will cover a huge number of situations. Forget about it. Can you use chopsticks? Do you like China? The most effective sentences are sentences that faster communication and build sense friendship. You are an international Chinese. You owe it to yourself and to your country. To master the following sentences. If you want to show your international skill and communicate in English, the sentences are the perfect place to begin.

1.It's really a pleasure to meet you.

2.I hope you are enjoying your stay here.

3.What do you think of China so far?

4.Could you use a little help?

5.If I can do anything for you, please let me know.

6.Here is my business card. You can contact me anytime.

7.Where is your hometown?

8.What is your hometown famous for?

9.I'm from Guangzhou. It's a very interesting and exciting city.

10.I'm from a small town. It is very beautiful, and the people are very friendly.

11.You should come and visit me sometime.

12.What kind of work do you do?

13.Dose your job have a lot of pressure?

14.I really enjoy my work.

15.I hope you can understand my English.

16.Would you like to try some Chinese tea?

17.Let's have dinner together.

18.I'd like to introduce you to some local food.

19.Is there anything that you don't like to eat?

20.Why don't you let me order for us?

21.Do you have any favorite Chinese foods?

22.Let's have a toast to our friendship! Let's have a toast to our health! Let's have a toast to our cooperation. Cheers!

23.Thanks for everything. You've really been a big help.

24.I really enjoy getting to know people from different places.

25.I hope we can get to know each other better.

26.Are you getting used to things here?

27.I guess China is very different from your country.

28.Do you want to take a break for a while?

29.China is changing extremely fast.

30.Great talking with you. Keep in touch.

Go For Happiness

Happiness doesn't come from successfully completing simple or man-day tasks. It comes from completing a task that demands your best efforts. When you pour your heart and soul into something, and you accomplish that something, the after glow of satisfaction, you feel happiness. It is the thrill of all your efforts and hard work. Each and everyone of us needs to accomplish, achieve, and triumph to be happy. Our human spirit requires it. Remember that happiness thrives in activity and accomplishment. Go for it!
