英语专业晨读美文-人物篇 13 Hepburn Forever(在线收听

[00:01.98]Hepburn Forever
[00:04.92]Hepburn, the Daughter
[00:08.91]She told us how she felt pangs of emptiness
[00:11.48]at the sight of other children in their fathers' arms,
[00:14.38]how she wished he were there so she could be like the others.
[00:18.02]As a child, she couldn't let go of that profound
[00:21.27]and natural desire. This is also why,
[00:24.36]after her divorces to both my father
[00:27.11]and my brother Luca's father,
[00:29.01]she did all she could to ensure
[00:30.81]that we continued to enjoy a complete relationship with both.
[00:34.16]That was my mother's world: feelings and emotions.
[00:38.37]Yet her feelings and emotions were never quite peaceful.
[00:41.52]Someone once wrote that feelings cause us to act,
[00:45.69]whereas emotions cause us to react.
[00:48.63]Well, she has feelings for all of us,
[00:51.76]yet she was never able to let go her emotions or
[00:54.81]find peace with herself. She was truly scared on some level.
[00:59.30]The abandonment of her father was a wound
[01:02.67]that never truly healed. She never really trusted
[01:05.81]that love would stay.
[01:07.50]Hepburn, the Wife
[01:09.55]Although too young to remember my parents together,
[01:12.11]I was told of romantic evenings,
[01:14.62]of candle light and soft music.
[01:16.87]Anyway, no one is to blame. There is only sadness
[01:21.30]when two souls cannot merge. The snarling void
[01:24.42]left by her father's absence bore an equal share
[01:27.78]of the responsibility in the failure of both her marriages.
[01:31.27]My mother loved her husbands completely,
[01:33.96]and she hung on to the marriage for as long as she could.
[01:37.51]What she didn't do was to speak up and be heard
[01:40.78]when she needed to, and she didn't put up healthy boundaries.
[01:44.56]Exhausted by an authoritarian mother,
[01:47.17]she wished for a world where caring and love came freely,
[01:50.58]but she had chosen two men who had to learn to cope with
[01:54.19]their feelings on their own.
[01:55.95]Hepburn, the Mother
[01:57.88]I remember school days, cramming for exams for
[02:00.52]which she probably fretted more than I did.
[02:03.06]She would test me before bed and again in the morning,
[02:06.47]waking up with the sort of sleepy head only adults enjoy.
[02:10.37]I remember her elation at good grades,
[02:13.18]her support and positiveness for the “not so good ones.”
[02:16.72]I remember sleepovers on weekends,
[02:19.24]when we would chat with the lights out.
[02:21.46]We would talk about feelings and plans
[02:23.96]and people and things, but in that way
[02:26.53]that is specific to that darkness,
[02:28.51]like two souls suspended.
[02:30.34]I close my eyes and remember, through the nose,
[02:33.90]her scent: powdery, elegant, safe, strong,
[02:38.27]the scent of unconditional love.
[02:40.72]I look down and see her delicate hands,
[02:43.78]their skin so thin I can faintly see their veins,
[02:47.06]her nails round, soft, and clear.
[02:50.15]They caressed me, they walked me to school,
[02:53.36]and I held on to them when I was scared.
[02:56.26]Oh, how I miss them!
[02:57.76]Hepburn's Dream
[02:59.39]My mother's dream was always to be a prima ballerina.
[03:02.70]No matter how hard she had trained her most important
[03:07.06]and formative years had passed
[03:08.70]and could not be recaptured.
[03:10.50]The war had been tough on her,
[03:12.41]and poor nutrition had impaired
[03:14.92]some of her muscular growth and development.
[03:17.18]Besides, she was too tall for any male dancer of the era.
[03:21.60]My mother simply couldn't compete with the other dancers
[03:24.62]who had received proper training as well as
[03:27.60]proper sustenance during the war years.
[03:30.02] The war had stolen her dream.
[03:32.04]She remembered going back to her room that day
[03:35.07]and “just wanting to die.”
[03:37.25]The dream that had kept her hope alive
[03:39.78]all those years had just vanished.
[03:42.14]Hepburn, the Actress
[03:43.96]My mother's acting career was a second choice,
[03:46.67]a default choice. But the rules were the same as in ballet:
[03:50.99]hard work, discipline and professionalism.
[03:54.50]“Less is more” was at the core
[03:56.58]of my mother's basic “look” philosophy.
[03:59.18]Style is a word we often use,
[04:01.80]for a multitude of purposes.
[04:03.91]In the case of my mother it was the extension
[04:07.44]of an inner beauty reinforced by a life of discipline,
[04:11.10]respect for the other, and hope in humanity.
[04:14.14]She didn't go with the trends,
[04:16.37]didn't reinvent herself every season.
[04:18.57]She loved fashion but kept it as a tool
[04:21.89] to compliment her look.
[04:23.34]When she appeared, her clothes didn't scream out,
[04:26.64]“Look at me!” but, “This is me...no better than you.”
[04:30.56]And she truly believed in that.
[04:32.98]She didn't see herself as anything special or unusual,
[04:36.66]which is why she worked so hard
[04:38.53]and was always pleasant and professional.
[04:41.27]Her style was only an extension of who she was,
[04:44.47]the person we all admired, because down deep we knew
[04:48.28]that what we saw was not just clever packaging
[04:50.74]but an honest and 100 percent genuine human being.
