听名著练听力之简爱篇 第67期(在线收听

No friends or family went with Mr. Rochester and I to the church. I had not told my Reed cousins about my wedding, because I knew they would not care. However, I had written to my uncle, John Eyre, In Madeira. Mr. Rochester was in such a hurry that I had only a few minutes to put on my wedding dress!

"Jane, you look beautiful!" he said. "But you can only have ten minutes for breakfast!" We went quickly to the church, Mr. Rochester's stong hand holding mine. [-----1-----]. He did not speak. I wondered why he did not look happy.

The priest was waiting for us in the church. There was no one else there, except for two men who stood by the door. Mr. Rochester did not seem to notice them, but I did. The wedding began, and soon I heard the priest ask a common question. "Is there any reason why these two people should not be married?"
Suddenly, I heard a voice say clearly,
"There is a reason. These people cannot be married."

[-----2-----], and said nothing. Mr. Rochester did not turn around, but only said, "continue with the wedding." The priest shook his head. "No, sir. I must let this man speak." The man came forward and said, calmly and quietly,
"They cannot be married, because Edward Rochester already has a wife."

[-----3-----]. Mr. Rochester's face was like stone
