


A: Working for four hours at a stretch really makes me tired. Why can’t we have a break like many other companies? We need at least a tea break.

B: Our boss is dead nuts on work. Keeping on working and making money is what he has in his mind. Nothing else.

A: But we workers need a rest.

B:Actually in some other companies they also have the exercise to the radio broadcast. We need relaxation once in a while and only in this way can we work efficiently.

A: Yes, it is.

【注】at a stretch 连续的;dead nuts 工作狂






actually ad. 实际上,事实上

例:He seems to be doing nothing, but actually he is just biding his time.
他看上去无所事事, 其实却在等待良机。

This tree looks high and strong but actually its trunk is hollow.
这棵树看起来又高又壮, 实际上树干是空的。

拓展:actual a. 实际的
